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Dimond Geezer

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Everything posted by Dimond Geezer

  1. I have no problem with that, in fact I’m always on the lookout after such tragedies for a half decent ‘sick joke’, but there is a time and place for everything. This thread started respectfully, with posters remembering where they were at the time etc. and quickly degenerated into a slanging match between various parties, and childish comments.
  2. Agree 100%, not sure about KD though, nothing against the bloke, I just don't remember him needing to do much.
  3. That documentry was astonishing and compulsive viewing. It really bought home the reality and enormity of those terrible events. As someone else alluded to, you wonder how many of those people you saw on your screen last night survived. I didn't watch from the start but turned on about 45 minutes in, and the thing that struck me was the eerie silence on the NY streets, no sirens, no cars, no people. I also saw the film, United 93 (I think) the night before showing the story of the plane that didn't reach it's target, that was equally fascinating yet horrific (albeit a dramatisation), but it did bring home the terror the passengers & crew faced in those final few minutes/hours when they realised they were going to die, especially when they rushed the ****pit. I think posters should keep a lid on their particular feelings towards the rights or wrongs of the wars that have followed these events, (and fatuous comments regarding other posters comments), it should be remembered that many many people lost their lives, and a debate on the aftermath should be kept for another thread.
  4. I've been listening to Wave 105 & they had someone phone in and say that they met Papa in West Quay, he took Mum & child for a meal, a kick about in Hoglands Park & bought the nipper some footy stuff, apparently they are going out for a meal next week. Top bloke or hot mum?
  5. HAs he signed yet?
  6. Definitely Bitterne Park, right from infants to comprehensive schools. I used to play against him when we were kids, either down Riverside Park, or the school sports field. He was about 4 years younger than me and my mates and he used to run rings around us. His parents used to live (and still do I think) in Oaktree Road, his father ran a removal business and later went on to be a cabbie.
  7. You lucky boy - enjoy :smt049
  8. I think we can avoid relegation with the team we've got. The players/manager need time to gel, and I would expect us to finish mid-table. Then next year get promotion, (With a stronger squad though), not as runners-up though, or through the play-offs, but as champions. That way at least we can say we've won something
  9. Undertaken my duty - 30% now. It would be higher but I can only vote once. I'll try again on Tuesday when I can move around computers at work.
  10. Dimond Geezer


    I agree 100%. Saw them at Knebworth in '96, one of the worst gigs I've seen.
  11. 'Tis true, I worked in Archers Rd from 1987. He would always say hello. I never saw him go anywhere other than Co-op though. Off topic I know - sorry.
  12. That was my take on it also. However one of those wasn't necessarily the ball boys fault, it hit the advertising hording and rolled past the linesman, when he could have put his foot out to stop it. Thats not a bad thing though, I often thing the refs don't play on long enough to see id any real advantage develops. The ref was very poor though, but I guess are third tier now, with 3rd tier refs.
  13. I’ve never got involved in mud slinging on here before, as I find it churlish, but 19C you are a complete nob. You obviously have no respect for a person that was responsible for entertaining thousands of people, a person that many on here hold in the highest regard, (despite what may, or may not have happened in recent months,) and a person that almost single handedly kept this once great club of ours in the premiership on several occasions. You call yourself a Saints fan? I for one am looking forward to reading his book, as it is about something I am interested in, after I have read it, I will be better placed to judge if it is lightweight, or an interesting read, unlike yourself who is obviously so bitter & twisted that you have pre-judged the words & opinions of one of the greatest servants this club has had.
  14. Look what I found on Pancakes link http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fight%20club Haven't been called that for a while.
  15. Thanks for that, I must get more clued up & down wiv da kidz, innit blood
  16. I'm opening myself up to riducle here, but what is Rule 1. I can't find it anywhere in forum rules. :confused:
  17. My mate was/is pretty clued up about this sort of thing as well, did the research & went in with his eyes open. Didn't stop it ****ing him up though! It sound to me that you've made your mind up and are looking to others for confirmation that this is a 'good' thing. A bit like the teenager justifying his first cigarette by saying "It's just a menthol fag, it's not like the real thing"
  18. Got a mate whose been into body building in a big way, started doing gear when he was about 25, by the time he was 35 he'd had 2 heart attacks & a mild stroke. The moral - keep well clear.
  19. He would have been if he’d stuck around. He was sentenced in ’64 to 30 years therefore he would have been released in ’94 (probably earlier with parole, good behaviour etc). As it was he has served 15 months initially an a further 8 years since his return, roughly 10 year in the big house. He had his liberty during his sentence, most crims get their liberty at the end of their sentence
  20. I'm surprised at that. I occasionally park here when I take a disabled friend, and have always bought tickets from the ticket office on a game-by-game basis. We last did it for the Ajax game.
  21. If you can walk as far as the Chapel Arms, you can pre-book a parking space from the club for either the carpark behind the pub, or for Basepoint just past the Chapel, it was £6.50 last season.
  22. I've used this one many times. Also try Wimbledon or Mordon haven't been there for a few years but I recall that the car parks were cheap and the tube is about a 5 minute walk at both. Enjoy you day out, I'm taking the kids to the O2 on Friday, staying over night and going into the smoke on Saturday (missing the game - bad planning:mad:). You can park at the O2 on a Saturday for £3 all day, well you could last year, I hope it hasn't changed.
  23. Went last year. Your ticket is valid 'till the end of the season, so if there are attractions you can't visit you can go back later in the year to finish them off.
  24. Newky Brown or Newquay Steam Bitter (£1.50 a bottle I think), for the same reason, you wouldn't have much more than half a pint left in a glass by the time you'd fought your way back to your perch. They used to brew their own beer, called Frog Or Frogger, I seem to remember it was pretty rough stuff, somewhere in my loft is the T-shirt they produced with the tag line ‘one pint of frog and you’ll never frigate’. I think one pint was enough for anyone. This got me & Mrs Geezer (also ex-frog) thinking last night and we’ve come up with this little lot: Leaving On A Jet Plane (f*** Knows when I'll be back again), American Pie, Homeward Bound, Sweet Home Alabama, Ziggy Stardust, Do-Wah-Diddy, Wish you were here, Bye Bye Love, Meet Me On The Corner, Cecilia, Caroline, Mrs Robinson, Olivers Army, Wild Thing,(you make my ring sting.....you make everything sticky...come on baby sit on my face, and wiggle), And loads of Beatles: I Wanna Hold your hand, Hey Jude followed by Show Me The Way To Go home (sung at lightning pace), Yellow Submarine (We all w**k in a tub of margarine, a tub of margarine), Back In The USSR, I Wanna Hold your Hand, I saw her Standing There, Can't buy Me Love, Ob-la-di Ob-la-da (and in the evenings he's a singer with Duran Duran). Loads of blured memories here.
  25. Many happy memories of drunken Friday nights in the Frog. We had ‘our’ table and there was always a group of ‘old gits’ (40 year olds) stood under the stairs. I remember when it was bitterly cold outside & so hot & sweaty inside there would be a mist in the stairwell going down to the gents. Spilt blood & lost teeth in there – not because of any trouble, my dentures flew out whilst singing my little heart out one night & I cut an artery in my finger whilst flicking the nipple off a Grolsh bottle top, it pumped blood up the wall and across the bar. Memorable songs: The Boxer – Simon & Garfunkle, Billericay Dickey – Ian Dury?, Daydream Believer – Monkeys, Cover Me – Springsteen., She’s 16 (she’s Jail bait & She’s mine)– Ringo Starr, Starman - Bowie I often catch myself singing alternative lyrics to songs when the come on the radio, It can be embarrassing sometimes. When to Frog originally closed (1992 ish) Derek played at a number of other places, Jesters in Bevios Valley, The Hedgehog & Hogs Head (Stile) in Burgess Rd, but best of all was a pub called the Gaol House in Poopey – that was an interesting night out. We’ve been talking for some time about paying the old place a visit, the intention was to be one of the old gits under the stairs, I guess it wont be happening now.
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