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Dimond Geezer

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Everything posted by Dimond Geezer

  1. 30 years old - Christ I do feel old. I was in the last year of junior school when this came out. I'd never heard of PF till then.
  2. There's a great picture of 5 ageing axemen on here, I can't attach photos, but follow the link & click on 'Classic Rock' in the '04' section. http://www.brianmay.com/whatsnew.html What a band that would be, a bit short of drums, keys & bass, but one hell of a jam session. Why is Jeff Beck trying too look like Ronnie Wood?
  3. No. Rob, Alan & Helen's Dad. Moved to Kent in the early 80's (I think) when his job with (the then) TVS moved to Maidstone.
  4. My mates father used to work for Southern TV, and he arranged for a few of us to tour the studios, we went on the set of Houseparty. I remember being really disappointed, because it was all plasterboard & timber. I think I was expecting a propper house (well I only about 10 years old). I have to admit I was on Saturday Banana, again thanks to my mates Dad. I was in the audience, and I believe I was shown on tv several times. I've never seen my moment of fame, as this was pre-video days. I remember this, I think it was on about 5pm ish, for some reason I really enjoyed it. They filmed a car chase sequence to this in Harcourt Rd/Whitworth Crescent, coincidently this was just around the corner from where my mate (see above) lived. I went and watched the filming, and remember the Director getting well p*ssed off with one of the locals because her dog kept barking during takes, he 'politely' asked her to move away from the area. It took a whole days filming to make a car chase sequence that lasted about 20 seconds. Thanks, you've answered my question before I'd asked it. As I was catching up on this thread, reading the earlier posts about TV, a pink caravan & the name Harris sprang to mind. You've filled in the gaps.
  5. So many of us were damaged by Sing Something Simple, if Childline hed been around then, Ester would have been busy. On Sundays I would listen to the start of the Top 40 in my room :smt020, with a Sing-something-simple break at tea-time as I went downstairs and had to put up with the dirge that is/was radio rodent, who for some reason took the Radio 2 feed on Sundays. As soon as I'd staffled tea it was back to the Top 40, usually whilst soaking in the bath, (by which time the olds had moved from SSS on the radio to Songs of Praise on the tele ](*,)) then the highlight - Annie Nightingale - top show, to which I would finish my homework, and a bit of Peely if homework overran.
  6. Can I suggest you address you enquiry to a Consultant Structural Engineer, they will be of more use. I am happy to design a base for you, my company charge me out at between £80-£95 per hour. I will be happy to do this for you for £70 per hour (cash only). However I will suggest that you use concrete rather than cement on its own (no charge). D Geezer Bsc Hons C.Eng MIStructE
  7. I don't think anyone has mentioned Jeff Beck yet - he's a mean axe wielder, but my vote goes for the genius than made, and still plays his old fireplace: Dr Brian May. Technically awsome, a gifted writer, and the stuff he was doing in the 70's on his guitar, took other bands years to replicate on synths, and to top it all a thoroughly decent chap. :supz:
  8. That's sad news, quite a character, but what was the skipping thing all about?. RIP Dave S
  9. I agree he is a tactless *****, but in this instance the press (Sun Hmmm....) are making a mountain out of a mole-hill, and trying to play the racist card because Mr Patel (who it appears wasn't at all bothered) is an Indian gentleman. Would this have been a story if it had been a room full of Smiths, Jonses etc. I think not.
  10. Yes they will. My old man bought his just before the MKDons game. He's only been to a handful of games before & now at the ripe old age of 70 he's bought his first season ticket - bloody glory boy
  11. You can add one more to the total. My Old Man bought his first ever season ticket yesterday. He's just turned 70 & has only been to SM a handfull of times before, I think Mum wanted some time to herself on Saturdays. I'm not sure is this is a good thing, he's sat next to me!
  12. I'm fessing up too. I also admit to lusting about Kim Wilde, and or course (once) stunning Debbie Harry :smt054
  13. Wave 105 have been running a charity auction all morning, a signed Saints shirt went for £350, :smt038 however, the skate one went for only £200. :smt081 Hopefully it went to a saints fan for bonfire night.
  14. Someone earlier mentioned the bouncers at the Rank. Does anyone remeber the McCarthy brothers, I think there were about 5 or 6 of them working on various doors around the city in the late 80s/early 90s. A couple of them were boxers, one even fought for the British (I think) title at the guildhall. The bout was abandoned when his opponents mum climbed into the ring and Mc refused to fight on.
  15. Bests had chippies every where, I think the one in Bitterne Rd, next to the car sales place was also Bests. There was also one near Cobden Bridge, it was either the one on the eastern (Triangle) side, now called Charlies (although Charlie moved on about 8 years ago ), or it was on the western side, opposite the Conservative Club, now a Indian takaway. Whilst on the subject of chippies - BATTER SCRAPS - the original artery cloggers, but absolute manna from heaven. :smt060
  16. I'd also forgotten about Huckleberrys, It was next to the Bargate where Burger King is now, as mentioned, this buiding also housed Wimpey.
  17. Yep, I did that... Did that one too. The kids jump off woodmill now, not as high, or dangerous, but if I catch my kids doing it they'll be grounded for a month!! :mad: Ta, I was trying to remember the name of this place when I mentiuon Gill Brothers er.. boutique in an earlier post. He certainly did, I used to bump into him during crawls around Winchester in the circa 1990 Had a rep as a bit of a cattle market. Incidently I met the current Mrs Geezer in there.
  18. This thread has got me thinging about some of the great keepers I've had the pleasure of watching over the years, Shilts, Ray Clements, Joe Corrigan, Phil Parkes, Paul Cooper, Nev Southall, Jim Leighton, Gary Bailey, Flowers, Budgie Burridge, Niemi to name but a few. I loved listening to Shilts baracking his defence constantly during a match, never giving them a moments peace. It was a tactic I used when playing, however it only really served to p!ss off my defence (I use the terms 'playing' and 'defence' in the loosest possible forms). Something else he would do is during quiet moments of a match was to run the width of the penalty area, and bend to touch the line, before running back the other way, he would often run 4 or 5 width at a time, sometimes I'm sure he ran further than MLT . This was something else I would do, but I was usually knackered after 1-and-a half widths . I've gone all whimsical & dewy eyed now so it's time to go and dig out all my old goalie gloves.
  19. Should be Schmeichel, but I've done my duty and voted for Niemi. As for the greatest ever, I never saw Banks play (apart from the Pele save) so I can't comment on him, so for me it has to be Shilts. As a young goalie myself, he was my hero, how chuffed was I when he turned up at Saints. :smt038
  20. I spoke to the font of all knowledge (at least in our house) and she thinks the record shop I'm remembering was called Underground Records. She also thinks Subway records was in Bargate St, in the parade of shops between the Bargate & Portland Terrace, cunningly next to the subway.
  21. Dead right we are! The Coffee shop was by the zebra crossing next to the cenotaph. When going into town I used to get off the bus there rather than further down just so I could savour the aroma. Was Subways the record shop by the Bargate, down the stairs and round the back of the other shops? I too bought sweet from there. I would spend the money my Mum gave for my school milk. I did this for months until one of my mates thanked me for the sweets in front of my Mum….. rumbled. :mad: I use to buy Football Crazy puff things, 2.5p per packet I think (new money). I guess you hail from Bitterne Park. Do you remember the american swing in Riverside Park. It was basically a glorified plank that 6 or 7 kids would sit astride, and swing backwards and forwards. The bigger kids would stand on the ends and generate more power. The problem with this was that over the years the mechanism wore out and the kids sat on the bench were in danger of clattering into the steel frame. Sadly it was removed, not sure why – oh happy days. Gill Brothers also had a shop at the end of Macnaughten Rd, by Bitterne Station I think that was outside the old R J Mitchel museum, on the site occupied by the BBC.
  22. The Church was the Above Bar United Reformed Church, I think it's still there. I can't remember, and the google maps car didn't go past it so I cant have a look. Here's another one: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3286/2989440204_2408892586.jpg You can see The Classic cinema in this one. Mind you this photo is a bit before my time, that could be my Mum & Dad crossing the road.
  23. I've just found this picture of the old Odeon where Virgin now stands. http://www.mawgrim.co.uk/projection/southampton.jpg (It's a slow day at work)
  24. It was called 'The Classic'. You walked down a narrow passageway, to the auditorium at the back.
  25. I came third in the fancy-dress competion run by Unc. Tone in conjunction with Sothampton Carnival, sometime in the late 70s. I was royally p!ssed-off because the winner & runner-up got to ride in this small open-top bus and I had to walk the whole bloody route! :mad:
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