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Dimond Geezer

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Everything posted by Dimond Geezer

  1. Some serious thought will have to go into this. I have to buy 3 tickets and not only do I have the price rise to contend with, but my eldest will be over 17 this time around. On top of that, there are 5 of us who go together & only 1 will now be under 17, that means we won't be able to sit in the family section together, so that will also incur extra cost. Ho Hum.....
  2. I made Gazzaniga MOTM today. That's not an endorsement of his goalkeeping abilities, more a reflection on how poor the rest of the team were.
  3. What speaks volumes is you've highlighted your little 'joke', just in case anyone has missed it, although I think most were just ignoring it's churlishness. I feel embarrassed that I've even reacted to your pettiness.
  4. Terrible news, he must be devastated right now, not only for the injury itself, but coming when it has with the WC around the corner. I hope he can come back from this.
  5. Certainly do, I spent many a Friday night in there, singing my little heart out & getting very sweaty, before either snaking my way up the The Escape club, of coping off with some young student or other for a knee-trembler under Central Bridge.
  6. I've never had a pet of my own, but my son lost his hamster when he was about 11, it wasn't the loss of the pet that got to me, but my son's reaction. We discovered Hammy had coped it before school & nipper was fine all day. When I got home from work I dug a grave & we had a little funeral service, just me, him & a rigid hamster (in a box), I asked if he wanted to fill the hole, after one or two trowel fulls he asked if I could finish it. He went & sat on the garden bench, when I looked round he was quietly sobbing to himself - that really cut me up, I had to do the stiff upper lip thing for his sake, but inside I was in turmoil.
  7. That holds really poignant memories, I vividly remember that day. I was at my grandfathers watching it happen live on tv. Grandad had just told us he had cancer & didn't have long to live :-(
  8. Thank god Beardsley didn't score from that corner, with the celebrations that would have caused, it would have been a lot more than 96 dead. RiP 96
  9. That doesn't surprise me, I know a bloke, who goes to the footy with Lambert's & Lallana's banker, I don't know him particularly well, but have no reason to doubt him. These two were in a corporate box at the Palace game, with the likes of Luke Shaw's father & one or two others & was told the only firm enquiry Saint received during the transfer window was by Arsenal about Chambers. All the Lambert/Shaw/Lallana speculation was purely paper talk.
  10. Interesting stuff. it's all a bit crazy in central europe. I think we've had a pretty easy ride.
  11. A proper old school leftie who went into politics to try to change things, rather than as a means to a cushy life & a nice fat pension. It's a pity there aren't many of his ilk left, we are now left with the wet lettuce career politicians on New Labour. RiP Tony Benn & thanks for trying.
  12. Although my politics are generally left of centre, he was not my cup of tea. He did his best for his employers (members) & probably has got a lot more for them than they deserved, for that he has to be admired. He is probably the last of his ilk, there are very few left that will stand up for the rights of the working man. He leaves a partner & four kids, I would assume some of which are relatively young, my condolences to them all. RiP
  13. I saw one of the shirt wearing phew! recently in Southampton General Hospital. I assumed he was either on his way the the psychiatric department, or wanted it surgically removed.
  14. She's the only reason I watch it.
  15. I sort of agree in principal, but a cyclist doesn't have a speedo & based on my experience of cycling over that bridge, you can get a lot faster than 20mph on a bike. You can almost guarantee that in any collision the motorist will be cited as speeding. I'm glad I no longer live in Sholing and have no need to cycle (or even drive) over the bridge anymore.
  16. Congratulations. Thoroughly deserved. I just hope he doesn't get injured/ill before the match.
  17. Friday night was for getting very p!ssed so the Frog & Frigate, or sometimes a crawl down Bevios Valley, followed by either The Escape club, or Aggies, as these were the only places you could get in wearing Jeans. I think DJ Hammy used to do Aggies sometimes. Saturday night was for getting slightly less p!ssed & trying for a fumble/grope/bj/sh@g (classy ) so start in The Bedfords, The Grapes, or The London, then onto New Yorks, Burbanks, Thursdays, Turpins (where all the aforementioned were available & where I met my future wife ) Love the pic of The Top Rank, I'd forgotten what it looked like.
  18. If Poch had put out a weakened team against Hull, this place would have been on fire on Tuesday night instead of tonight.
  19. Yep well spotted, but Sunderland were no better, both teams were poor.They got a worldy & SRL missed a sitter, the whole scenario would have panned out differently if those two incidents had gone the other way. It was a hypothetical question, of course, but my guess is this place wouldn't have been awash with wrist-slashers having a meltdown.
  20. With the exception of KD & Guly, I don't see many other options we could've used & neither of those two cost us the goal & neither of those two were involved in Lambert missing an open goal from 6 yards. I wonder if those moaning on here about team selection would have had anything to say if that team had won!
  21. Yep, even the curling team have upped their game in this respect.
  22. John Curry & Amy Williams have won gold. Not a huge list of talent, but they did it nonetheless. Personally I prefer to Winter games to the summer version.
  23. Did anyone else hear MLT get a mention last night? It was during the half-pipe, the commentator said something like "watching -whoever- was like a MLT volley".
  24. The Chinooks often fly low over our office & Michelmersh, the whole building shakes & noise is deafening. I assumed (wrongly it seems) they came from Middle Wallop.
  25. If it's a bespoke one you're after you can do a lot worse than these guys: http://www.applewoodjoinery.co.uk/
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