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Dimond Geezer

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Everything posted by Dimond Geezer

  1. Just seen on the beeb, passed away aged 80. Jazz drummer at heart, but did a great job of rock n roll. RIP
  2. If you're talking about the new £1000 seats in the Kingsland, you'll be the first to sully them, the Queen gig was the Itchen stand only.
  3. My son's got one, and he gave up his ST 2 years ago.
  4. I've was double jabbed in May, tested +ve on Monday, my god, Sunday to mid Tuesday was the worst I've ever felt, never had a flu come close to it. Absolutely fine now, apart from a croaky voice, and and slight cough. Over those 3 days I lost 9lbs in weight, so every cloud and all that, needed to lose a stone, so had most of the leg work done for me 👍. To be serious though, I really can't get my head round those anti-vaxer freaks, I dread the outcome if I hadn't been jabbed. I now have to ride out the rest of my self isolation, with fingers crossed.
  5. I see your Marsden & Chaplow, and raise you a Dave Armstrong and chuck in Keith Cassells to make up the numbers 😉
  6. I'm going tomorrow, and printed mine off on Monday, probably worth giving the ticket office a ring.
  7. Fonte and Alderweireld are also there, if van Dyke wasn't injured there could've been 6 past and present centreback in my fantasy team 😄.
  8. I've been able to get a free 7 day trial on sky entertainment, got to remember to cancel it now though.
  9. Very sad news. That is a terribly young age to go at. RiP and condolences to his family.
  10. Any idea if he lived in Bitterne Park? When we first moved to BP, about 20 years ago, the postman would often mistakenly deliver post to us addressed to Wayne Talkes. At the time I thought the name was familiar, but couldn't place it, on the few times we spoke he was always very pleasant and apologetic on the postie's behalf. It wasn't until a bit later, when flicking through one of those fabulous Hagiology books, that I put 2 and 2 together. I've since assumed "my" Wayne Talkes was the ex Saint. My condolences go to the family.
  11. I had this scenario in mind when they refunded me in error. The guy in the ticket office told me that everyone who was a STH at the start of the season wiil remain a STH until the end of the season, and all benefits will remain in place irrespective of refunds paid or not.
  12. I doubt they're included in the favoured 30.
  13. Really saddened by this news, he was with us for such a short time, but he leaves some but great memories. IIRC when he scored in the 8-2 drubbing of Coventry, he got a bigger cheer than either of the two hattricks. Frank was late for training one day, and the club sent a taxi to collect him. My mate's dad was the cabbie, he knocked the door at Frank's digs, several times, as it took FW a while to answer, when he eventually got to the door he was wearing a silk dressing gown with a dragon print on it and very little else. When told he was late, his response was something like "bollocks, not again", he picked up his kit bag and left for training, still wearing just the classic 70s dressing gown. RiP Frank, and thanks for the memories.
  14. Got mine today, even though I didn't want it. My father has no interest renewing next year, he's 80 and is now finding difficulty getting around, so he wanted a refund. I was happy to keep mine. Sent the email making this clear, and received an acknowledgement comfirming the amount of Dad's refund, but they still managed to get it wrong. 🙄
  15. I've found that if you hit the title and go to page 1, you can then tap the page number, where it shows 1 of 2277 (🤣), and type in the page number you want it'll get you to where you want to be. A bit of a work around, but needs must. Sometimes it's good to work hard for life's little pleasures, it gives one a sense of achievement 🍾.
  16. Paul Cooper (if my fading memory holds up).
  17. 1980 versus Vancouver Whitecaps. I've still got the pink programme somewhere. I think Alan Ball and David Harvey played for Whitecaps, and when I last saw the programme I noticed Bruce Grobbelar and Ray Lewington were in the squad. I think I also remember Jimmy Greaves in the Saints team, I don't know how that came about, or if it even happened, but I think he is also in the team list. One thing that definitely happened was the 35 yard shootout that the American league used, to ensure there were no drawn matches. I was in the west stand, on the benches with my Dad and his mate. Dad's mate used to take me to a lot of games after that, still a Saints fan, but living Portsmouth way, sadly now fighting cancer. I don't remember Dad going to another until 2010, when he suddenly announced he was getting a season ticket so he could come along with myself and my sons. He hasn't missed a home match since (covid excepting).
  18. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Patently no one had thought that through. One of the highlights of my Saints supporting 'career'. Those poor girls having to get home wreaking of stale milk.
  19. The '03 final was the first game my son saw saints lose. I'd started taking him to the occasional game, but not enough to qualify for a ticket. Managed to buy a pair of tickets from a telephone tout by answering an ad that turned up on the fax machine at work. I was too young to go to the "76 final, so it had to be done. The tickets were £375 each, and were were sat amongst the Arsenal fans. They were as good as gold, and even tried to console my 6 year old at the end, even though he'd spent most of the match waving his flag in front of them , and poking them with the stick 😄. To this day my mrs still doesn't know how much the tickets were, or that the whole day (including replica shitst etc) came to just over a grand 🥴.
  20. The 200 covid patients mentioned was up to 212 when my wife left work today. She's a manager on the drug replenishment team in the pharmacy, she usually visits wards once or twice a week, randomly supervising her staff. They are now so busy and depleted, due to ilness and shielding, she's having to 'muck in' on the wards. Her ward visits have gone from a couple of times a week to 2 or 3 times a day, fully PPEing each visit. She took 2 weeks worth of fluids to ICU today, that'll last them about 2 days now. She's still having to do her usual work on top of her extra ward visits and arranging meds when wards are re-assigned, wihich is currently happening 2 or 3 times a week. She comes home shattered each day, and she's 'only' support staff, I dread to think what the front line doctor's and nurses are having to deal with. Yet according to some twat on Facebook today SGH is not busy and it's just a sham 🤪.
  21. I think it's luck of the draw, I phoned last week when others were getting refunded over the phone, to be told it would be in my account today. When I checked this morning to find no refund, I again called the TO and got the recorded message someone mentioned earlier. I banged off an email straight away, but just got back an auto response, saying they will endeavour to respond within 2 days. Maybe they just don't like me 🙁.
  22. Sorry, I may have mislead you. Yes they are large adults. My boys are 6'2" and 6'4", the youngest is 20 🤣, it been a tradition since 2003 that they get a saints shirt for Christmas.
  23. Mine are with the new (sporstbet) sponsors logo on.
  24. Ordered a couple for my boys a couple of weeks ago, they arrived today.
  25. I was called yesterday, must be costing saints a fortune in phone calls.
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