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Dimond Geezer

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Everything posted by Dimond Geezer

  1. RIP Rick, such an integral part of The Jam, and vital for the sound of the band. Was a big fan back in the day but never got to see them as I was 14 in 1982 when they split. Always hoped Weller would change his mind, but alas, I I'll never get to see them. Tubestation is my go to karaoke song, and I've already planned for Funeral Pyre when my time comes.
  2. Not good news, BBC reporting he's had a couple of strokes, hopefully they're "only" TIAs, and not full blown strokes. Wish him only the best, and hope he makes a full recovery. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/clykryrddr5o#global-navigation-more-menu
  3. That was my first ever Saints match, 1979 or 80. Still have the pink coloured programme in the loft. Alan Ball also played and David Harvey was in goal for Whitecaps, I think Bruce Groballar (sp?) too. I also remember the 35 yard shootout, so either a draw was contrived, or it was an exhibition thing.
  4. Booked Sunday morning, arrived today. For me, at least, a very smooth experience. Hopefully everyone's postie is speedy as mine.
  5. Loved him as a player, and after last night, love him even more as an ex-player, proper rabble rousing stuff. He was the original "Psycho" long before Stuart Pearce nicked his moniker, as hard as nails with an impressive collection of red cards. He was a classy left back, but overlooked for England because of his discipline issues. I have 2 abiding memories, one is the massive scar down his thigh, the result of surgery to repair a dead leg IIRC, the other is him sprinting the diagonal of the pitch to bail out one his teammates who had got himself involved in some fisticuffs. Fortunately for MD one of our players, maybe Case or Cockerill, stopped him halfway, saving him from another, almost certain, red card.
  6. Don't have my glasses on 🤓. Mccarthy announced.
  7. Limped off, looked like he turned his ankled. Higged Lumley, presumably wishing him luck. Still not back out.
  8. Looks like Baz has injured himself warming up. Time to step up Joe.
  9. My wife just broke the news to me. A proper no-nonsense old school centre-half, who as a manager gave us a couple of semi finals and and a string of memorable players. Had the pleasure of chatting to him one lunch time, as he was about to enter the Mayflower to buy some tickets for a show, he was happy to spend 10 minutes chatting to a starstruck 19 year old, and autographing the back if my cheque book. Which I still have. RiP big man.
  10. Also RiP Frankie Worthington 😞. I cheered louder for his goal, (a tap in IIRC) than any of the others, absolutely loved the guy. I think this was Moran's first hat trick, and DW let him keep the ball, or it might have been the other way round, it was a long time ago. There was also the 5-5 a season or so earlier.
  11. Off the top of my head, I can think of Darren Anderton, Graham Roberts, Nick Holmes, Ted Drake, a few goalies; the Flahavan brothers, Keith Granger and Wayne Shaw 😁, and I think David Puckett is a Sotonian. Slim pickings though.
  12. Yes, we received all 3 of ours now, all by RM
  13. What a voice, what a performer. Simply the best. RiP Acid Queen
  14. Two of the best value player in my opinion are Tim Flowers and Mark Wright. Flowers was bought for 70k and really blossomed 😇 whilst with us, eventually moving on for 2.4 million. Wrighty was a make weight when we bought Keith Cassells (remember him?) so effectively free. Another one who was highly successful for us and garnered a decent fee when he moved on.
  15. Sicknote is about 4 years younger than me, and lived just around the corner (the clue is in my username), I've known him since First school. He would destroy us in jumpers-for-goalposts games in riverside park or in the school field. We have a mutual friend who was his best friend from back then, and still is to this day. He was/is a Spurs fan and was thrilled when DA went there. Last i heard DA was earning £3k a pop for giving corporate/motivational speeches, wiki has him currently living in The States. Another Bitterne Park boy, who was definitely a Saints fan was Leroy Whale, but don't think he made it to the first team, another one you couldn't get the ball off in playground matches.
  16. What a guy! Got to love the bloke. "Beat the Budgie" sounds like something he did in the privacy of a hotel room whilst on away trips 😉
  17. Can't speak for the entire NHS, but I know that SGH is fully open, even for elective surgery. Mrs Geezer had an email today saying only those with child care issues and those that wanted to pay their respects would be considered for time off, if it could be accommodated, so not guaranteed. Mrs G is going in, taking the enhanced wages and a day of lieu.
  18. Loved big Joe when he played for us, always gave 100% and was a master of the dark arts. My favourite memory is when he was chasing down a loose ball, sprinting side by side with the opo player down the touch line next to the East stand at The Dell. He gave a little nudge and the other guy ended up over the low wall and in row A, which, if you remember was below pitch level. Upon realising what had happened JJ looked over to survey the damage. Happy with what he saw he gave a toothless grin and a clenched fist salute to the East Stand 😂
  19. One of our best, really sad to hear this. RiP Spike
  20. Sadly he's stopped digging his hole now. RIP to one of the greats, and seemingly, one of the most genuine and nicest people in the world of British entertainment.
  21. Shocking news. Saw him at The Brook in 2010 (I think). I've never seen anyone hit the drums so hard, or so ferociously, it was truly an experience that sadly I won't see again. One of the best, and will be missed. RiP.
  22. Ah ok, I hadn't realised they'd changed it. It's been a while since my old man used my son's ticket.
  23. The lights shows either a concessionary or full priced ticket, they don't differentiate concession types. Give pops the kid's ticket, that way when the light flashes, the steward will glance up and see an older fella and quite reasonably assume it is a pensioners ticket. The steward won't ask to see the ticket.
  24. What a tragic day for cricket. Marsh was a legend when I was a kid and had aspirations of being a wicky, Warne a legend when my childhood cricket aspirations had long since crumbled. Two greats lost on the same day RiP both, but at 52 Warne was a terrible shock.
  25. How terribly sad, he looked a real prospect and I expected him to go on and forge a fantastic career. I hope he is successful in whichever direction he choses to go. Credit to the club for doing what they could to support him.
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