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  1. What about baking bread - start with a really basic white dough recipe and move up to sourdough. Some people get a heck of a lot of satisfaction from that and it always impresses. My own vice is boardgames. Have a look at "euro games" and "Ameritrash" games. There's a large and growing community out there of geeks who are helpfully gathered around http://www.boardgamegeek.com Be careful though, it is easy to quickly get into buying and collecting a huge amount of games that you are never going to play more than a few times. My current new favourite is called 7 Wonders or if you're into Star Wars, try X Wing or Imperial Assault. Whatever hobby you go for, I hope it fires you up.
  2. Try some of the Eurogame genre - Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, Diamant, Carcassonne, Stone Age are all very good. Oh and have a look at http://www.boardgamegeek.com . There is a whole world of board games and people who play them that does not often get noticed.
  3. Where did you hear this?
  4. C'mon guys. Quick recovery now. Ask yourself, despite everything, would you want to be them?
  5. Is Domesday the new Thursday?
  6. If the fat lady sings, what song will she sing? I'll kick us off with Dylan's "It's all over, baby blue"... its got some great lyrics... "Look out the saints are comin' through And it's all over now, Baby Blue." Any other ideas in case she's taking requests?
  7. Just listen to Scudamore's horrible passive tone. "We were duped" my Arse. Nothing was done to the league other than what you let happen. Show some frikking spine and accept you screwed up at least. If Fulhams allegations are founded, there'll be no passive voice then. They are alleging nothing less than complicity.
  8. Er, is this a new one?
  9. Anyone else get a feeling that things are quickening up behind the scenes? No court date, no Sonko, no kit to sell, no money, no players... Utaka slashed, apparently to £1m... It will be interesting to see which runs out first, time for Pompey or space on page 600 of this thread.
  10. You can Google "legal aid eligibility calculator" to see if you qualify for it.
  11. Good first half Saints. 3-1 anyone?
  12. There is always the passage from Romans 13 8 or thereabouts. Let no debt remain unpaid...
  13. Well played Saints. We're still going to Wembley, by which time Pompey may well be nothing but a memory in more ways than one. And we really do not want to be fighting on three fronts!
  14. More problems surfacing in the Guardian today. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2009/dec/10/portsmouth-debts-premier-league-threat Looks like Portsmouth's inability to pay could be the death knell for Watford as well. The momentum of press coverage against Portsmouth seems to be unstoppable at the minute.
  15. For all of that though, I would expect us to pick up wins against them both. No match is going to be easy but in our current form no match is unwinnable. Personally I'm feeling very confident about every match. Don't know if we'll make the playoffs, but I'm enjoying every match day regardless. Great team, great spirit and great management throughout the club. Hard to believe this is Southampton after a torrid few years.
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