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Everything posted by Wildgoose

  1. Ah thanks. That maybe so I didn't realise that. Curiouser and curiouser then..... :0)
  2. Thanks for posting. Great to hear some more factual stuff. Just one thing bearing in mind the new manager comments and national manager vacancies coming up. I notice Hitzfeld the Swiss Team manager is retiring after the World Cup. I wonder if that might make ......Yakin :0) or.........Gross! :0/ contenders for us?
  3. This! :0)
  4. This is far too sensible to be accepted on here! ;0) For what it's worth, I agree. Good post.
  5. Totally agree. Nothing wrong with cutting costs and moving on players we don't need or are unhappy. That's sound common sense. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong, it probably should have happened earlier! PS I somehow nearly always find myself coming on to say something and you have already summed it up pretty well S-Clarke. I don't think I need to post, we seem to have quite similar views on football and the club.......I nearly commented as much on another post of yours today! Thanks for saving me time and money! lol
  6. ...and how can we be sure no-one will be coming in? Let' wait and see. Whatever happens now, Osvaldo probably has to go, and I've been willing him to be a success.
  7. No way.....not even a chance!
  8. Just picked up on that too! Nice to be able to speculate a bit! :0)
  9. Hope we keep him, great little player! Never let's us down. Great professional, great attitude.
  10. Slightly off topic (sorry) but I just found myself imagining what it might be like to have Astori and Lovren together with Wanyama in front of them! No idea whether we'd be after him or even get him but......here's dreaming!
  11. Pretty much agree with most of this! Some common sense reasoning......
  12. Back to the OP, I think it was a brilliant article and a very enjoyable read! Great to see our club is looking to leave little to chance. It's a great strategy and builds a culture in which everything needs to fit the vision. That's how Barcelona started (waits for laughter). In my opinion what Saints are doing is far better for a club our size than what we have ever done before, or building like West Ham as someone has already mentioned. Exciting to be a Saints fan! Bring it on!!!
  13. People mistaking names and identities seems an easy mistake to make, and not just with people of other nations either. It's easily done, and I'm sure most of us on here (if not all) will have done it in the past at some time and in some context..... That tackle was an ouch moment with El Khalej though hey?!
  14. I reckon so behind the scenes..... Saw this today as well http://www.sportsdirectnews.com/premier-league/29637-southampton-transfer-news-saints-want-icelander.php
  15. I took my wife to see Bristol City v Saints in the old first division on our honeymoon! ;0/ We lost 3-1 and I think Austin Hayes scored the goal. I think I remember Alan Ball and Ivan Golac both playing too.......
  16. Now that made me laugh!
  17. This seems a fair enough thread to me. I wish people could just take it on face value and stop being so rude to others rather than acting as if they own the forum.......it's boring and ruins the experience for others! Feels like someone is putting someone else down whenever I take a look on here! :0(
  18. Apparently there may be some news tomorrow and a possible story in the Sunday People. Alan Nixon reckons Wanyama knows now where he wants to go....
  19. Norwich v West Brom is going to be massive. If they fail to win, I think they could be the ones to go. I wish we had put this to bed against West Ham but it's typical Saints. We should still be okay but it's definitely not absolutely certain yet which it should have been... :0(
  20. Brilliant! Really enjoyed watching it. Thanks for posting
  21. In the Skysports article on this, it is being reported he has confirmed his agent is in negotiations with Saints about extending his contract......that's positive. Sorry if that's been mentioned before but I have only read this last page.
  22. I have an almost totally different perspective on this. I thought we played very well that night, and yes they made errors, but rather than City letting us play well, I would say we forced them into making those errors because of the pressure we put on them. To coin a phrase from Dad's Army, "They don't like it up 'em" Back to the main subject, it does seem strange to me that when we win or play well people (mainly the media, granted) often put it down to the opposition having a bad day rather than us playing well.....and when we lose its because we played badly rather then the opposition playing well......It looks and sounds to me as if we have played quite well in most of the games without getting the results we need. I think , and hope, that will come sooner rather than later. But hey, that's just my opinion and my hope......
  23. Clash of heads apparently......sat down dazed minutes after when the ball was nowhere near him
  24. Best thread on here for ages. :0) Good stuff. Thoughtful, insightful and stimulating. Thanks guys!
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