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Everything posted by HILL HEAD SAINT

  1. no need for name calling.grow up little boy!
  2. what a pointless topic we all know that you are a lowe lovie and now with this thread desperate to drum up any last remanent of support for your hero (the duck hunter supreme)lowe,lets get him out, get our club and support back.and perhaps you could go with him!end of.
  3. the band of four,manji,nick h,nick g,and sundance,named and shamed!
  4. nice to see a lowe luvie chipping in!
  5. very well said.
  6. as you well know i forcast this at the beging of the season and as i have said all along there is only one door to put the blame your hero Rupert Lowe's
  7. thank f*ck some good news then!
  8. you get a life you muppet!lowes place is out of the spotlight and not centre stage!!!!!!!
  9. ahh the two nick's how ive missed you both!
  10. rupert(the duck hunter)lowe sould be nowhere near our beloved club full stop.so pull your head in!
  11. leon crouch sat with the fans at preston could never see rupert do that!
  12. what club? there is not a lot left, if there was rupert would sell it or loan it as the song goes"the day the music died"well when the duckhunter came to our club the song goes"the day southampton football club died"lets face it were a dead duck!
  13. The duck hunter supremes plan is bang on course the few nippers that do shine will be asset stripped to rival clubs in january so he can pay himself a big fat bonus and we will be left hung out to dry!onlyadministration can save us then.
  14. truth hurts eh nickh?
  15. we all want the team to win but nickh is a lowe lovie!
  16. not slagging your beloved rupert are we nick?
  17. you lowe lovie!
  18. Yes mate i can,i expect i will bump into you when the few of us that are left are demonstrating outside the itchen with our " rupert you killed our club banners"and for the lowe lovies like scooby and nickh for god sake go to spec savers and change those rose tinted glasses!
  19. Lowe will be there all the time he can bleed our club dry and then and only then will he ****off!the only thing that might see the back of the smug git is when we go into administration and he does one with his 10p in the pound!
  20. another 500 from me christ this is theraputic!
  21. No problem most saints fans have rolled over and died already,leaving lowe to asset strip and protect his investment,which he will do untill he may get lucky enough to find a buyer before the inevitable administration happens and you can't tell me that lowe isn't pulling poortaloo's strings in picking the side.Lowe puppeteer and profiteer supreme!when will people wake up and smell the coffee lowe's relagated us once and will do so again,it won't be long before we are all outside the itchen with our rupert out banners !at least those of us who are left.
  22. still got those rose tinted glasses on then nick?
  23. at least he didn't nick it!
  24. so it's come to this,naming a bloody gnome!
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