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Winchester Exile

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Everything posted by Winchester Exile

  1. Fair enough. Looks like the prawn sandwich brigade have infiltrated everywhere. However, my point still remains. Newcastle, Liverpool etc are still seen as hotbeds of football and that's because of fan's committment and their fanaticism. Southampton is not and that's because of us and Whitey's whinging because he can't sit in a particular seat and others who don't want to be getting up and down during play just underline this. Like I said, we get the club we deserve.
  2. Sorry Whitey I don't mean to pick on you but your post just highlights where we differ. I don't think of us as customers of Saints in the same way as we are customers of British Gas, Boots or indeed anyone else. With retailers you have a choice and with Saints you don't. Our role is to support - through rain and shine, thick and thin and for life. That's the contract you make when you support a club. Certainly have a moan now and then and let the club know how you feel but at the end of the day just buy a bleeding ticket and go and support them.
  3. I despair of some Saints fans sometimes. I am unashamedly 1970's/80' old school and it used to be that you supported Saints rain or shine through thick and thin - till you die. Now it seems you only support he Saints if you can get your "own" comfy seat and not be bothered by other people standing up or shouting loudly. I'm sure this sort of conversation doesn't go on with the scousers or geordies - but could be wrong. I guess we get the club we as fans deserve and if you're half-hearted in your support you get a half-hearted club. I'm sick of being out passioned (if there is such a term) by Pompey but have to say some of you lot provide the evidence. Get a grip.
  4. Stop being so b****y precious and get your a**e down there. Jesus!
  5. To the tune of Mac Namarra's band Hi name is Ronnie Davies he's the leader of the team He's the greatest centre forward that the world has ever seen You alway can rely on him to score the vital goal And as for Bobby Charlton you can stick him up your hole La la la, la la la la la La la la la la la la la la Used to love that one.
  6. For all he has done for us he is beyond criticism for me. He can do no wrong. He is simply the greatest player ever pull on a Saints shirt. And some of you lot sound like right sanctimonious (look it up) w*****s.
  7. The only thing is, I'm never bowled over by people who start mails or sentences with "Guys". Always reminds me of Neil from the Young Ones.
  8. Why can't Pinnacle sign the agreement with the FL then seek a judicial review of the FL's stance on holding back the license? In this way Pinnacle will not be appealing the original FL decision.
  9. What you do is buy one of those barrel shaped flasks (holds about 2 or 3 pints). You pour in a bottle of vodka (odourless) and top up with orange juice. You sit back enjoying your "orange juice" and then fall flat on your face when you stand up. When I was in Oz, loads of people did this when going to the Sydney CG.
  10. This Fry fella isn't beinmg particularly helpful imo. If a sale is "unlikely" then the other side of that coin is that something else is more likelly. I'd like to know what that is.
  11. True about the £25 or £30 million but the point is that Aviva will have to agree to whatever offer is on the table because they are the major creditor and are first in line with a first charge, at least on the stadium and possibly other assets as well. The stadium will have some value, with or without a football club, so any bidder will have to negotiate with them. "Only have to get Aviva to agree to give them the mortgage" is a bit like saying "only have to get your bank to forgive your overdraft"!
  12. Yes - it's not only possible it's a cert. Think about it, they're not going to say here's £30 million odd and if it all goes t**s up just pay us back what you can. Aviva will be first in line and will have a major say in who's offer is accepted, if any.
  13. Actually think it will quite a special day tomorrow. At times I reckon it will be spine tinglingly, hair on the back of the neck fantastic with the whole ground up for it. Am getting emotional. See you tomorrow.
  14. I know people have views on various points about this but in my opinion the resignations and points deduction (or not!) are side issues because unless the administrators find investors there will be no football club. It's as simple as that.
  15. Um's right I'm afraid. It's all about cash. We are technically insolvent and unable to trade for much longer, notwithstanding administration, so unless investors can be found our future is very bleak. The club/administrator has to find some people with some money or we're f****d which in the current environment isn't going to be easy. There is nothing good about our situation!
  16. I would be more than happy to debate his failure to his face. He ought to know (and often) how let down and demoralised the fans are and how the gloom would start to lift if he resigned and sold his shares.
  17. Yep I live in Jersey and want to let him know (non-violently) what I feel i.e. that he's been a main contributor to the downfall of the club I've loved for 35 years. For me he's worse than Lowe. At least with Lowe you get a wolf in wolf's clothing. With Wilde I'm not sure what you get but it ain't good.
  18. Personally I'd like to show my thoughts about Wilde on Monday but don't want to embarass myself. Thought about booing or hissing him but if I'm on my own then I'm not particulary keen. Thoughts please
  19. I admire your positive attitude but for me your post just highlights how bad things are beacause:- 1) Even your line-up is minus 3 players; 2) We have no depth; 3) WE ARE SECOND FROM BOTTOM AND THEREFORE A MILLION MILES FROM "HAVING A DECENT TEAM". Sorry but there are absolutely no postives around for us at the moment and if the situation both on the pitch and the board room stay the same then the same results will follow. Soemthings got to change .... and soon.
  20. Sorry but don't agree. I think if Lowe is constantly critisized in the national press it will incease the pressure on him to step down as Chairman (his shareholding is a separate issue). So I think Lawrie, Channon and anyone else the press take notice of should be shouting loudly about Lowe's poor management and strategy. Whilst we're in the spotlight, now is the time to shout.
  21. There is no sense of humour when it comes to the skates. Intense rivalry doesn't allow for humour. It's serious and should be in your red and white blood as a Saints fan. One of the reasons the fans have fallen away so quickly since we've been relegated is a lack of passion and attachment to the club and a lack of appreciation of just what it means to support the Saints i.e. loyalty through thick and thin, help one another like brothers (and sisters), intense dislike of all things skate, keeness to travel, sing your head off, etc.
  22. Frankly I can't believe this thread. A supposed Saints fan suggesting ground sharing with the Skates and finding support for this point of view!!!. The world's gone bloody mad. Having in an intense rivalry with that lot is one of the defining characteristics if a Saints fan. Ground sharing with them is anathema to this. It's not the same as Milan as that's the same city and historically acceptable. This idea should never be acceptable to a Saints fan. Ever! It would be like sharing you wife with Hitler or Fred West. Unbelievable!!
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