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Everything posted by Truesaint

  1. Brought me out in a cold sweat just thinking about all thoses threads. Its a bit like the ex wife, dont know how you lived with it at the time, but bloody glad its all finished now!
  2. In the past mainly used the official site. Always viewed here for the gossip though. When we went into admin finally paid up my £5 for on here. Sure im not in the minority on that one! TBH forums can be a tad annoying with all the supposed ITK posted, but for updates like Pichards yesterday its priceless. Never would you get stuff like that off the official site, without all the spin. Mind you times may be changing?
  3. At least we have a bloody great stretch of water between us and portsmuff! Although if i lived in Ryde i must admit i would have to brick up my windows that faced out to sea. Iamgine waking up to the site of that dump everyday.
  4. Im in. A great idea! £10 sent:p
  5. Must admit i wasnt over excited when i heard the news, but had got caught up in the excitement of possibly Strachan! However, in fact believe its a great appointment. I think we all have a lot of reasons to be pleased and excited. FFS barely 2 weeks ago i thought i would never have a club to support. But one at the bottom of div 3, managed by Pardew, Yes i can live with that. Welcome Alan.
  6. Leyton Orient would do for this season. Then anything against Keane or Redkrap and obviously Man Ure and the Skates in years to come.
  7. For the first time in years the future is bright. . . its red and white!
  8. Cant honestly see what hoddle has that everyone gets all excited about. Yes he was good while he was here with us. Has he really set the league alight with anyone else since . . . IMO No! There are other managers i would prefer. And as for his comments in the past about disabled etc, i for one would find it very hard to accept him as manager, in fact i cant stand the bloke! Yes i will support the club whoever gets the job, but please not him!
  9. Love my chimnea. Light it all the time, good at BBQ, burning garden waste and even getting rid of old bills, confidential waste etc. Much more fun than shredding it!
  10. I got halfway through and forgot what i was looking for!
  11. All MLT wanted was to save the club. Thats what he tried to do, as would any of us if we had his contacts. It failed and he was sucked in by a few, as were many of us. Never any need to feel ashamed Matt, you are still a hero!
  12. At last! I think i might be ghey as i have a tear in my eye!
  13. Not rapidly enough for most of us though:(
  14. To be honest i cant take much more of this! To be frank i dont care who saves us anymore or even who plays and who our manager is. I just want my club to be there to support, anything other than this is just too bleak to consider. I suppose the only thing that keeps any of us believing is that we are all so used to believing that things may come good after all the dross we have to put up with over the years. There is part of me that always wants to believe that we will fight back and win a game at 0-2 down, even though we hardly ever do, and even so always manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. maybe just for once fate owes us a good turn.......please!
  15. Thanks Tony. I appreciate the updates from you as im sure do many others. it may be more of the same for us all, but id sooner that,than hear nothing. Thanks again.
  16. Pinacle, Pinacle, Pinacle
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