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Everything posted by Stalypig

  1. The FL also allegedly assured SFC that points deductions would not be applied to the football club if the holding company went into administration after the deadline. Hmmm...
  2. Stalypig

    The Ref

    There was a lot of shirt-pulling, pushing and climbing going on by the Blackpool players that went entirely unpunished. Agree re. not allowing free kicks to be taken quickly and what was going on with Burgess preventing Davis from releasing the ball?
  3. From the Sky coverage it appeared that most of the booing was directed at the officials and the Blackpool players. Some odd decisions and cynical gamesmanship on show. That said, our defence looked shaky, lacked pace and conviction and played a very risky strategy of sitting in a very high line way up the pitch. Caught out on numerous occasions. Something needs to be done there. Going forward we kept possession well for the most part but lacked cutting edge and overcomplicated things too often. Fingers crossed these will come right sooner rather than later.
  4. Right. And yet you know that this did/didn't happen? I'm going to be really mature and waste my last post of the day with the immortal word... BORING!
  5. Let's cunningly sell Jackson's Farm, Staplewood and St. Mary's off for far less than they are worth. We can then rent the stadium back at an exhorbitant rate safe in the knowldege that at least the first team will be alright and our financial wellbeing secured for the next few years. Bargain.
  6. How many players are fielded at a time? 11 on the pitch. 5 on the bench. It is a team game! How will selling 1 player result in inevitable relegation? Any player could get injured, lose form or end up in the dock at any time. It is not adequately replacing players that is the problem. We still have 27 players listed as first teamers on the OS. Jan wants 24 maximum to ensure healthy competition and suitable depth. That means some players will need to go in order to get the squad balance right whilst others will need to be sold in order to bring in funds. Such is life. If Davis, Thomas, Skacel, Euell, Wright-Phillips, John or Surman go then so be it. The wage bill will be dramatically reduced as a result, the books balanced and a little money for transfers brought in. As long as we are able to bring in players with the hunger, desire and potential to fill the gap then we'll be alright. It is a delicate balancing act and unfortunately the club is not entirely in control of its own destiny but is reliant on others, be it the bank or other teams buying or selling players. It's not great but what viable alternative is there? The best must be made of a bad situation. Grin and bear it.
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