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The Viking

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  1. The supermarket analogy is complete crap. If the taxman correctly shuts the current club down, its supporters are not compelled to watch Saints, but are free to set up and own a new club associated with the city(and thereby be the owners she says they want to be). They just have no right to keep the status of the old one. Supporters do not support football companies any more than they do supermarkets, they support the projection of their city or region through a football club and that could still be achieved.
  2. Not sure I can receive PMs and not keen on posting my number, but if happy to post your number on the Forum, I'll call.
  3. Block 36 Junior ticket available for pick up in town sometime after 1pm if anyone interested.
  4. Good decision. Humbly suggest a better use of your time would be to re-read your last 20 or so posts (at least), cringe and then think about putting the spade down, or preferably away.
  5. Ooopps, posting overlap. Thanks for that.
  6. Ah yes, Moore does ring a bell. Any confirmation on MLT?
  7. Can anyone help me out on some research - it seems surprisingly hard to find out from the internet. Who were Saints scorers in the 1992 Zenith Cup Final? Much obliged.
  8. Rueban Agboola the Nigerian international?
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