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mack rill

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Everything posted by mack rill

  1. Don't mind being called a sad Skate for my small contribution, This and the previous Saints web site have given me three years of Internet injoyment....Keep it up Granty, Baj, and who ever ells helps run the site, (onist I'm wearing brown lipstick;))
  2. mack rill


    cables, Chips,and Box,:-\":smt023
  3. I would say, By the amount of peeps that have disappeared off the Lounge, Muppet show, Tis thread should not have been,(Will our pet Skates pay?) But (Have all the pony Boys saddled up and left Town,)
  4. Lets hope that Scoobys mouth wash will cure Ring Lips;)
  5. Well what do you expect!? Thats the Pompey HAKA! (a watered down version of the real deal from NZ):cool:....Wont look right with pretty Boys performing it.
  6. :confused: ****firstly........then it leveled out at 36000..Feet:confused:
  7. He better get his RRRRs back to Geek skool....
  8. ello sailor.....:smt023
  9. Cricket Balls from tesco....and when i manèged to chisel them open they were filled with thick strong Cheddar ham and tomato:smt007
  10. Buzzing! I have already had a meeting with one of your stripy mates to day, Chasing me up and down a lay by near Marwell....His advances were less than Honorable:smt072;)
  11. I expect my suckers to have Tails:D
  12. You tell em Vicky....and we expect Gloating rites:D And, and, and, and,....do we get to stick our ore in on the main board? as we will be shear holders, Fully paid up at that!
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