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mack rill

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Everything posted by mack rill

  1. Just to put all you stripes minds at ease the FA have just confirmed that Sacha money bags is the owner of Teflon FC:D:finga::partyman::smt116:smt116
  2. LOL,,,,,,Hears one for you nickh Boy........If the **** do hit the fan and HR offers to bail you out, Would you be grateful ?:smt058
  3. Oi! feckin tight wadd....we have 15,000 season ticket holders. (puts tongue in bottom lip and goes Mheeeeeeeeeeer):smt025
  4. Its not the 1st time a team from smoke has got away with it:rolleyes: you could put your house on it if it had been Boro, saints, Pompey hoof, and the likes, A Loss of league statues and find would of been the out come.:mad:
  5. Before you saddle up your high horse think of all the weapons of war the British have invented and sold to the rag heads and any other nation who had the wedge to pay for it:rolleyes:
  6. Not only that it looks like Brookings mates in the FA could get shyt on them over the Wet sham deal:rolleyes:
  7. :DIt was Rupees not pounds:roll:
  8. Rumor buzzing around at the moment is.........Capt Lowe will be forced to scuttle the Titanic some time next week:rolleyes: Talk about up the creek without a paddle......Looks like they could loose the Boat!
  9. Hate to put a damper on things but if we had lost 10-0 you would still be up to your necks in the smelly stuff, Just a bad football weekend all round:(
  10. mack rill


    Good one Corp!......im feeling like Sunday never happened;) Welcome back Pes, You only missed the wrist slitting attitude on the main board Saturday night.
  11. mack rill


    Arry was lost for words said we were utter shyt:mad: Still if your going to get your arses kicked it might as well be a BIG Boot.
  12. shot your Bolt!
  13. Take it back to Asda its in the 12 month grantee they just give you a new one off the shelf:rolleyes:
  14. Look on the bright side At least you good at something;) Have noticed Not many posts from Scooby lately
  15. mack rill


    Er i think you mean months,,,,,,HTH;)
  16. mack rill


    And the next installment is in two weeks at 9-30 PM,,,,,,,I bet you fiddlers cant wait:cool:
  17. You got it St Landrew.....thats exactly what he did..If my memory serves me right they were called The solent Stars, i believe they won the national league We could not understand why as it took so long to get us div one only to blow it on a basket ball team.
  18. Nickh,,,my dear boy The fist time i walked through the gates of fratton park was 1970;)...so you could say Ive read the book seen the film and ate the pie, John Deacon srn was at the helm, i to heard the rumor the reason he was our chairman was you told him to feck off (wise desision;))....If you are that interested in our colorful past Try JWs book store he might have just what your looking for:D
  19. very good SL the difference not being the issue the out come is.
  20. Wrong! We were abusing the owners of PFC because they were asset striping any thing of any value every chance they got and if they had got planning permission then we would now most probably be wimpy homes.
  21. Sacha is the man with the pink slip...............................He may use his pocket money off daddy to run it But he owns it:D
  22. I thought you stripes reckoned old Baggy was the worst manager in the known univers,....Now your saying if he fecks off we will be in deep shyt. You all blame arry for the state your in......still in George we trust:smt081
  23. Makes you wonder if paedos is a new thing? When i was a kid funny buggers were never heard of. ether its sensationalism by news and jurnos, Or maybe an illness that went plague proportion 20 odd year ago. Or is it because PC and the net has them coming out of the woodwork?....... When these people are released back into the community they must be monitored But if they are made public, you could end up with the Allaway ave effect allover the country. It just seems a no win situation.
  24. oooh must be well ard.
  25. Pes........Take over Fred's main board only....no ITKs in the Lounge HTH;)
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