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mack rill

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Everything posted by mack rill

  1. And it fair enough to allot of us the blue few as well, Tell me my fine pony fiddling Friends, would you have 5 mill or baggy?,,,,,,,It might not be ideal in its timing but! at least we have the money to pay the ferry man.
  2. It could also be Lowe and Wild could not get the price they wanted for there shares. so are going for broke with a Minne asset strip. Keep expender to the beariest minimum, hope that Jan and the Kidd's can keep you in the Fizzy, And ride it out until better times or a buyer comes along.....If it works RL and MW will of had a real result, If not unlike all the Lowe and Wild slaters on hear they will have lost a lot of there own money.
  3. Be patient Saint Richmond After tonights results are in All the (lets play nicely in the garden children) posters on hear giving you hard times, Will be slagging the team the dutch duo, the Red Barron,,,,,and good old scooby:D Something rotten on the Post Match Thread;)
  4. After there last little outing they will be smarting with a flee in the ear off the Boss!:smt084 Are you Saints any good at playing the sacrificial Lamb!
  5. Southampton....second rate deprived city Fast becoming a business Ghost Town,,,Most firms ether jacking there hand in or moving South east along the coast to much greener pastors, Southampton.....voted one of the most violent places to live Full of straw sucking yokels and more recently a large community of eastern block desirables, Southampton,,,,,,Chav central soon to be renamed Sin City, on account of having the largest under age unand unmarried muvers in the uk. Portsmouth is an island for one reason. Not to keep us in But keep you lot out! HTH;)
  6. :smt043:weedman::smt043
  7. Your DEAD! right Vicky,,,,,lets all get behind Billy Boy Bush and Nuke em!
  8. Nail on the head. If you are high in the league wining your home games there would be ques to get in SMS. As it happens you are not,,,,,,so peeps look for excuses and stay away. It just so happens that the Red Barron is back in the hot seat and will be taking all the flak!.
  9. Surly you are gonna be bent to pull open the star fish?
  10. Put it this way,,,, I came across a little Boy sat crying on a street corner, I asked why are you crying little Boy?. He replayed (Because i want to do what the big boys are doing) I said Move over and sat down and cried with him.
  11. Thank you MB She has gone out to get Birthday cake, And its gona be a bigun:tonqe:\\:D/,,,,,On account of all the candles that will go on it!:-({|=
  12. Its my B-Day to day \\:D/:drinkers: And ER in doors gave me Bruvers in arms, Il soon be off to kick sum arse:smt071:rip:
  13. After using it on my eyes, Do you reckon if i slip it up my Bottle it could may be tighten up any bags or wrinkles that may start forming around my ring?
  14. 6 out 10 ,,,,must of been luck as i would be at the back of the Q when they give out Geek awards,
  15. oh dear,,,,,,,,,looks like some will have to find another way home, What with Mr Plod now having to close the Itching Bridge:smt084 ps i think you spell ichin as in scratch!
  16. OMG! you don't mean ( He who walks on water)......The Teflon Don. If you do then you should be alright, Water of a ducks back:D
  17. Noooooooooooooooooooooo :smt118......Have you Any dirty washing muver dear.
  18. mack rill

    Cheap Eats

    Chop an onion up with that mince Jilly stick it in a pan with a few table spoons of water, low gas stirring until meat is cooked then add some thick gravy and simmer for 4 Min's, Another one Good size jacket spud when cooked cut in half lay a cheese slice on each half and baked beens Hot or cold on top.
  19. ,,,,,IN GEORGE WE TRUST!:smt043:smt043:smt023 Almost as good as the Pompey going down shield:D
  20. Lets get the facts right..........Boro asked if they could speak to gon, as he was not a regular in the 1st 11 he said OK They offered Pompey silly money, And a deal That Gary o said (on TV) was much to good to refuse...HTH;)
  21. It makes you wonder just how bright our heathen brothers from across the wall relay are, Would love to have been a fly on the wall of the sweetie FA When they plumed for gorges George,,,,,,,,(right lads we've just had the best period of results by the national team for the last 20 odd years. Old Jock Burley has just about finished SFC off down on the south coast, Lets mooch on down there offer fingers Lowe a couple of thow Tell old George he has unlimited bar tab if he can restore the national side back to the losing streak we are all use to.
  22. LOL, Lets hope not for your sake A!
  23. Maybe Scooby could answer :grin: Joking a side could it be Lowe has striped most of your playing assets to keep you afloat it would cost about 15 to 20 mill to get rid of Lowe and his leech's. You would still have SMS dept plus the cost of rebuilding the playing side. My very uneducated guess is around 60 mill to bail you out and get you challenging for promotion,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,that could be why your still on the shelf.
  24. Owen is not firing on all cylinders yet having just come back from time out of toons team (injury and the likes)......Now if you had said Agbonlahor you would of had a good argument.
  25. For once we have a manager picking players on the form there in playing for there team, And not on who they are, Defoe and Crouch are scoring goals, Owen is NOT! Or would you rather we go back to the old pals act, Or could it be they play for a team down the road and you are being a narrow minded little W*NKER,
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