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mack rill

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Everything posted by mack rill

  1. site issues, takes all day to post
  2. Mosh! since when have we ever lied to the courts.
  3. in the early seventy's i was one of a few who watched both sides, then things got silly.
  4. wot yer mean like arry bags,
  5. you couldn't make it up, with double that ££ under jacket ball we had nooooo chance, of getting out of this league, H T F we gonna do it now,,, if i get to your ground in a wheelchair will one of you pony boys plant me in the vegetable rack each game
  6. Hold on a minute, you pony boys are harping on that we are one big happy family, (incest is best) so we don't need to keep social distance from our Farther-Brother, Muver-Sister do we?
  7. in this league mosh, half full is a good deal.
  8. No he feckin did not, more like Eisner would of said "Thank fuck we are still in div one, them idiots will still pack the park we pay less in wages, and rake it in."
  9. feckin dumb scumma we haven't had cohesion or tactics for the last 8 years,,,where the feck you been?
  10. well that was exciting even the cardboard cut outs were leaving early.
  11. post of the day,😎
  12. mack rill


    wish id stayed at least 2 meters from the filly on the dockyard wall, then i would not of caught the boat up,🤢
  13. what's happened to the 16 may to today posts???
  14. it wouldn't be the first time,
  15. good game on sky sports main event8o'clock tonight, the demolition derby, bet you feckers are up for that!!!
  16. sigh, boring:blush:
  17. Haven't left, just a bit difficult keeping our heads above water at the mo.
  18. it's 4 with 10 awaiting tests. out of the cup gift from arsenic.or they were on a jolly at the GGs last week.
  19. one paint pot cup is one two many thankyou very much, are sole,
  20. I see the Jolly Roger gang down the road have slid into 3rd in the league for the evening,
  21. three coins in a fountain was the number 1 record. when i was born bet my mum thought she had hit the jackpot,
  22. No need to worry boy!EU not interested in pony stocks:smug:and yes you are right, i do want all joly foreigner fishing boats out of British water.
  23. Jacket out!!!
  24. F**k me prediction thread on the main board sort of suggesting you won't be sh**ing on the villa below. kin-ell derby day might be back on the menu again soon.
  25. Wes why you no listen, The few re-moaners on hear think they know more than the 17 odd million who got off their arses and voted OUT!!! Kleenex must of cut down half of Sherwood Forrest by now to fill their boxes.
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