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mack rill

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Everything posted by mack rill

  1. Nuff of the stuff on ear 2nite 2 feed a duzzen orses:D We will be allrite,,,,,,just ask nick!
  2. No moneys will change hands,,,,,,= No tax to pay simples
  3. DellDays, now that Iran has told Uncle Sam to feckoff out of the gulf with there bigger muver****inboats will this be the signal for you to slip off under the waves?
  4. Yes i do, DSK But! what i cannot work out is they have had a glitch thats lasted for a month( the sort of hiccup most teams get during a promotion chasing season) The stripy bastards are still sitting on top of the pile but there bestist true red fans are turning into Dalek clones,
  5. ops! i see leeches have become (pet of the day) on the whets Board, Shops must be low on Razors,
  6. Anne, don't be fooled into fishin trips:scared:
  7. only second too the result you had when you stole a wad off the jocks for beer bottle Burley, Cardiff will drop away, Boro, or west ham, and your selfs can stop you getting automatic
  8. still not toast,,,,,,,simples:D
  9. Post match should be a giggle.
  10. I see plucky portsmuff managed to scrape a draw at Hooooooooofff, Gotta and it to em, Keeping there eads above water ON THE PITCH, oh! boro 1-o up,
  11. Merry christmas,,,,,,,,,,,,f*ckers,
  12. wot tide gone out son?
  13. nar, stuff the bush, Had enough of brushing my teeth in the morning,
  14. Oi Mush! thats our home your talking about,(
  15. You do realize that by filling the away end today you have helped us survive another month, And theres me thinking that you fiddlers wanted us dead,
  16. The red mist has fallen and you have tard and feathered the escape goat, you have the best attack in this devision and thats wear you threw 2 points away. Appy knew your strengths and set us up for that result The biggest disappointment is that we don't get these Derby's every season, Hope you all arrive home safely,
  17. your not be getting out of it that easy pony boy, get your ass down hear N stop being a pussy.
  18. alehouse theres no H in appy.
  19. Mervo along Laddie boys, Nufink 2 c on ear, A Nicky boy,,,,,Whats coooking,
  20. Mervo a long Lady boys, nufink 2 c ear, Nicky boy, Whats cooking!
  21. Dry your eyes you feckin pussy, its just a glitch:scared: We have been toast a dozen times on-ear, Remember Pfc after the court case This site could of been mistaken for the walling wall in Jerusalem, it will all come out in the wash, just ask Nicki,
  22. Feck nose what will happen next, I come on-ear to find that out:smug: Lets hope the old saying (pay peanuts get monkeys) dos-nee smack us in the chops, Have a feeling Appys come in giving it the (Billy big ********) and the way they played Satdee The players weren't over joyed, should of left it as it was, saved there selfs a bit of some uver Kants money.
  23. FFS! seems we cant afford new manager syndrome ether:uhoh:
  24. Thats the place, Climbed to the cow horns on the mast, Would of sh*t me self trying to swing out on that button. There was a program on sky last year showing Shotly barracks, Crying shame to see the state of the mast and Ganges now.
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