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mack rill

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Everything posted by mack rill

  1. Bull!!!!!!! this citycouncil is that straight the city crest should be blue n yellow with the word Fyffes thruw the middle, It will all boil down to whoever has the thickest manila coloured bag in the back pocket!
  2. just put my phone on aeroplane mode..........I can't find it anywhere!!!!
  3. Old on a min Bazzer the freds about the place not the livestock,
  4. Well all this proves if you are born in scumpton, don't leave, or you will see just how big a shyt hole it really is:lol:
  5. who's p****d on the popcorn!
  6. we are not even getting that! A safty note, and five yard of pikey tarmac, was the clincher in deal:mcinnes:
  7. what safety note??? We only get that and 5mtr of pikey tarmac behind the norff stand if we let scummer Robbo and Tescos Grease us up n sharft us for the car park,
  8. OMG! you don't think the Liebherr lass could drop you back into Lord Lowe's lap,,,,,,,,,Crimbo n berfdee all in one:D
  9. Why have they closed the ichin bridge? sizzling on the main board:D still if boss 2 legs it with boss 1 there could be an instant replacement down sandy banks way......sweeeeeeeeeeeeet
  10. Tesco and scummer Rob have already said we get safety note,and five yards of pikey tarmac behind the norff stand iff! we let them f**k us,
  11. oi,,,, rallys i can andle (web fingerd muver ****in skate c**t) cheeting ****ers, is liverbull,(yep thats mockney) BUT!!! TCWTB now thats a lot below the belt, Merry christmas whitey G Ohio S and you rallyboy yer c**t:D looks like the open top bus is back on again,,,,, just seen your result,,,,better make that two
  12. ffs do gooder alert! all she's asking for is some snow!
  13. merry crimbo,,,,,,,,,scum kaaaannnnts:lol:
  14. Fantastic play in smoke last night brought the house down,
  15. 78% gotta be sumert wrong with the test results:lol:
  16. Nar,,,,,,bigger bar tab:mcinnes:
  17. Micheal Barrymores ears picked up at the news,,Tom Daley has come out as gay, He said"at last some one who takes it up the bottle and can swim!!!".
  18. Thousands have gathered at nelson mandela house. Del boy and rodney have told them to fookoff
  19. Bar staff wanted in Glasgow. Must be able to work on a rotor.
  20. :scared:keep taking the pills mack!!!!!
  21. save your confederate money,,,,,,,,,,the south will rise again:scared:
  22. F***K me ten years younger n i'm a skate:smug:
  23. lol they should knock-em out like a dicky,,,,one size fits all:D
  24. Not as good as the headlines in the back of the snooze, "We owe you" after tha performance, Thats about the tenth time that little chestnut has been rolled out, And i'm not quite sure how many games we have played, for some reason the snooze keep forgeting to print the table, How long will it be before you offer that utter waste of space twittingham the key to scum city,
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