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mack rill

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Everything posted by mack rill

  1. Don't panic anywhere other than fratton will be in the flight path of Brent Geese,
  2. If and that's a big IF, the Yank want's to Bung his Cash at the wall called Fratton Park, it will be up to the 12 Presidents, (the ****heads on the top table) not the f****n idiots acting like the grate unwashed, throwing leaflets around. to agree to the sellout, word as it 2 are not ready to saddle up n ride into the sunset, Put the popcorn away it looks dead in the water,
  3. We ain't f**kin there yet! Your forgetting it's the Scouse c**t who's masterminding this little sortie, un if you had a butchers at the guzz game, you would of seen why,
  4. Yank tyre kicker,
  5. Don't fret my pony fiddling friends, All is not lost, there's still time for the scouse c**t at the helm to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, Nar Nicky boy they don't get it, n iv'e still got all my teeth, n havent worn my knuckles out yet,
  6. cruuuuzzziiinnn!!!!!!!
  7. cruwwwwwwzzzzziiinnn:smug: best of luck tomorrow pony fiddling feckers,
  8. Cook out!!!!!
  9. You sad bast**d:D
  10. played for,,,
  11. fawshore mush!
  12. Can they tell if you've been bothered by a Cod,,,,gets coat,
  13. jump! if your n ugly c**t
  14. ba***rds:x
  15. Kin-ell season a few games old n pony boys all ready grasping at straws,
  16. the silly bas**ds got hacked a month ago and lost all there details, you have to register again to get back on there,:lol:
  17. kin-ell all we get is a rizla packet,
  18. well that's a big step up from the sh*t we have at the mo,our keepers fumble the ball when picking it out of the back of the net,
  19. mack rill


    We do not need this anymore, money best spent else where,
  20. Faw-sure it is, providing the phantom tippler hasn't p***d up the ticket wad, a cuttle of big time Charlies are bound to frow there Hats in,
  21. I wonder if they will spend the money wisely, like improving the academy facilities, or removing the fat from the pipes...? pay's off the bar tab,
  22. You don't have to worry my pony fiddling friends, The phantom tippler has already said(i have faith in cook, he is the right man for the job) Which roughly translated means,(that,s about the 5th time we as an amateur havent got a clue board have royally *****,d up,) The difference this time is we can't afford to get shot of the ussless scouse c**t, Still on the plus side at least we know where we will finish this time next year,,,,,Div 4
  23. but!! we are not as huge as you, Your no1 in that league,
  24. i see there is one league you feckers are top of, who ate all the pies, you fat B*@st**ds,
  25. Not sure but think it was summert to do with lifetimelone,
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