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Mmm Donuts

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Everything posted by Mmm Donuts

  1. Think it's around the 19/20th September, ordered it for my son from Amazon.
  2. Platoon for me, followed closely by We were soldiers.
  3. The fuel costs have made me choose which games we go to this season. As we live in Bedfordshire, me and my son will go on more away days than home games this season.
  4. I'd go with the premiership again. The thing is, how long will the premiership be the top league? Surely the top 'super' clubs will break away and form a Euro or even World series. That will be a completely different brand from the domestic leagues. Will some of the money then leave the premiership? I also wonder how long it will be before major companies will start to own football clubs and actually brand them within their corporate umbrella.
  5. Carry on playing, it is a very good game. The cut scene thing is rubbish and I got hacked off so just kept pressing skip scene. My son watched them all and said I wouldn't be missing much.
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