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Everything posted by JB

  1. Travelex or Crown Currency Exchange also worth a look.
  2. Good fun game at BBQs. Who can get the highest flame out of the chimnea.
  3. 2nd half was better. Who was our 14 year old LB number 5? He was decent, but his blue boots clashed with his white, blonde hair.
  4. FAO Aids_Victim You may or may not have a PM.
  5. Agreed. And that statue still makes me crack up everytime I see it. Is it still alive? It would raise a fortune if auctioned.
  6. JB


    You have to pay £10 cash to get in.
  7. Fair Oak Junior School. Our headmaster came in to the classroom to tell us and everyone cheered. Even the girls.
  8. EY 18 22DEC LHRAUH 2040 #0740 EY 470 23DEC AUHBNE 1020 #0850 EY 455 05JAN SYDAUH 2150 #0540 EY 19 06JAN AUHLHR 0815 1225 You could do this on Etihad via Abu Dhabi. Open jaw into Brisbane out of Sydney for £841.20.
  9. JB

    Who is he?

    I've been told just now who it supposed to be. If it turns out to be true, I wouldn't have guessed it with 2 million guesses.
  10. He's a gay fish.
  11. I don't think it's because they're not bothered by young people smoking on the pitch. It's just not the worse thing that's happened today. If the kids had been injecting heroin into their eyes, or dropping litter, you may have got more of a reaction.
  12. She's definitely been saying get in the Tics too often.
  13. Ronnie Corbett.
  14. The Centric Point is supposed to be a good hostel in a decent location, not seen it myself though. The Rialto Hotel near the Cathedral is a good 3*.
  15. That's a lot of Palestinians on the sofa.
  16. It's possibly the most boring pub in the world, but The Waterfront at Shamrock Quay is fine for kids.
  17. You're having an epidural under general anaesthetic?
  18. I didn't even notice re the all black thing tbh but I did find Patrick's finger snapping a bit too much at times. Yeah man. Lucas is quite fit though, innit.
  19. I remember StSteve's holiday snaps. Good times.
  20. Here is a lovely chant for all of our super violent marchers today. Obviously to the tune of Sloop John B. Rulez is rulez. We're going to fight Wilde. We're going to sink Lowe. We are Southampton. And we're ready to go.
  21. Fingers crossed then. Shall bring the binoculars
  22. Yes, a few times. It's not bad at all. Where are you going?
  23. http://whatismatt.com/one-mans-soap-nightmare/
  24. Perhaps all the water had been switched off too?
  25. I thought TT didn't like old web pages hanging around for too long
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