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Everything posted by RoswellSaint

  1. I guess they spent the whole time watching the game and never uttering a word to the people sat at the same table as them. Maybe casting the odd furtive glance at them, hoping it wouldn't be noticed. UP, the question was just whether you made any casual comments and what reaction you got. I wasn't expecting that they said "funny you should ask, let me give you an update, shame TSF is down as it would be great if you could post all this on there". Trousers may have been hoping for that ...
  2. Mr. Diggers, sir, you risk being labelled another teasing ITKer. IMHO, of course.
  3. Looks like he has logged on and off again.
  4. Neither of you threw out a "so, when you guys buying the club?" comment or "will you be in the directors' box soon?" as small talk?
  5. Now you will start the guessing games as to what their new names are...
  6. OK, Nick, explain, please. Not sure that a whole new team in the second half will make us smile - seems the first half team played pretty well. On the takeover thread you have said "all systems go, IMHO". Connection? Conspiracy?
  7. There must be a conspiracy somewhere around here...
  8. Actually, it was mine. Thanks for trying to take the blame but it is time for me to admit. Its the only way we can all move on.
  9. exactly what I was thinking
  10. Where is our friend Trader? If he is too close to Fulthorpe, there may be an argument between them - Trader wants to spend his fiver on his subscription. Without it, Fulthorpe can't complete the takeover. Wow! This forum could be responsible for another failed takeover.
  11. Paypal lets you enter your credit card details to pay. Worked fine for me.
  12. Just paid. Now I have to explain to the children why they can only eat on alternate days. (Lame attempt at humour before anyone reports me for cruelty) Would be interesting to know if it is a generational thing with those thinking everything should be free.
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