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Everything posted by RoswellSaint

  1. I don't think the the level of political engagement in the USA is although different than in the UK. This year has been different. It would appear the highest turn out in many, many years occurred yesterday. But will it last? Come the next national election in two years will so many people be interested. Obama inspired a lot of that - he got a large section of the community who had not voted before to get out and vote. Rightly or wrongly (and I mean that because of the potential race issue), that inspired many others to vote to try to get their candidate elected. I remember the complaints two and four years ago about a low turnout and lack of interest in the process. What astounds me is the nummber of positions to be voted on. The electronic ballot paper had 11 pages yesterday - president, US senate, the House, state senate, state house, judges (many), school board and on and on. I have to admit that beyond the first three, I really had no clue who any of them were. Shame on me.
  2. Anyone that comes close to running their country is going to have a huge ego that, probably, makes them think they are great. Obama is not great...yet or he may never be. He has an incredibly difficult job ahead of him and needs to work with everyone to pull the economy around and get America out of two wars in a way that is safe for everyone. Saint George is right in one thing. He has the Senate and the House with Democratic majorities - just like the Republicans have had on many occasions. In fact, I think, the whole of Bush's first term. He needs to use that wisely. There are radicals on both sides. As has been reported on here, there are extreme right-wingers that would love to stop Obama, there are left-wingers that say crazy things too. I have high hopes that Obama will lead this country on a good path - that he will restore relations with the world but not be weak in the face of terrorism. It may cost me in higher taxes but, if it does, hopefully not too much. He earnt my vote this time but I voted Republican for Senator in Georgia. Obama has 4 years to prove he is worthy of my vote next time - just as if McCain had won.
  3. Gracious speech by McCain, very impressive one by Obama. How is it received in UK?
  4. Its been an interesting evening watching it all unfold. Almost inevitable throughout the evening but it wasn't a sweep by Obama, McCain took a large number of states but not the ones he needed like Ohio, Florida and Virginia. The Senate has shifted even more towards the Democrats. Good luck, Obama. Some tough problems to deal with. One of the quirks of the system means he doesn't take power until Jan. 20th. Waiting to hear him speak now. Huge crowd in Chicago.
  5. He has been strangely quiet lately!
  6. He is the least popular president ever at the time of an election. Not surprisingly, McCain doesn't want his help. He had a tough enough job as it was. If you believe all the predictions, the Republicans are in for a comprehensive hiding - the Senate could go to as much as 60-40 in favour of Democrats. the House is likely to have a bigger Democrat majority too. I am just back from casting my vote. ESB, I think you would be proud of me.
  7. Good question and I don't know the answer. Wasn't that the case in the UK at one time, as well, though?
  8. BTF, I was only joking about not being allowed to vote if you don't know which day the election is. There are so many suggestions of fraud on both sides that it is hard to know where there might be an element of truth - rigging the machines, registering non-existent people, etc. Can't defend the lack of independent observers.
  9. If you are a convicted felon, you are not allowed to vote. Anyone that doesn't know the election is tomorrow, probably shouldn't be voting!
  10. Still don't think you have to worry.
  11. :confused: Surely you can't stil lbe on about 2000.
  12. Will it be live? Currently listed to be live but the Coventry game got moved around. Given our record on US TV this season, might not be a good thing!
  13. World Champions, no less! In that great American tradition of naming their national (+plus the odd Canadian interloper) champion, World Champion! Watching it last night was one of those great sporting experiences - the atmosphere electric, the Phillie fans hanging on every pitch, the roar when things went their way, the sigh in unison when they didn't.
  14. Its good to read from those at the game that we didn't play badly, that we had the better of the game with the obvious deficiencies. Listening to the game from far away, it didn't sound like a good performance but what can we tell when we can't see it! Looking forward to taking my family to the Plymouth game in a month. Hope we won't be the only ones there! Oh, and that it will be warmer.
  15. at this point, yes! no time for any slips now.
  16. Corner to Saints
  17. Jimmy Case says it was clinical. Lets have some more clinical finishing by Saints
  18. Wow! A goal. McG!
  19. It sounds like one of those games where we have plenty of chances to score and wasted them, they have had a few but will snatch a winner. Oh, I hope not.
  20. Just heard some singing, they have thawed out
  21. I would prefer not to
  22. Sounds like it is a cold night, they are frozen and can't sing.
  23. You are doing a great job as a stand in mod! Are they all at the game and forgot to set up threads?
  24. At least we got through 45 minutes without conceding. Woo-hoo!
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