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Everything posted by PaulGilchrist_76

  1. Not much evidence for that theory based on all the recent cock ups.
  2. Yes, absolutely right though wasn't I?
  3. When I suggested that Gazza wasn't the real deal after seeing him play in the summer I believe you labelled me a 'pillock'. I look forward to reading your apology and those of Bearsy, Appy et al.
  4. January shopping list already includes 1. Goalkeeper. 2. Left back. 3. CB.
  5. Tick Tock - moment of truth approaching..........
  6. A couple more championship players and a young lad on loan. Goodnight Vienna!
  7. No, I'd rather we played like we did today
  8. Adkins said we would sign players before the City game. We didn't. Still, its not as thought the season has started yet, is it?
  9. QPR want Dawson according to the Times. More likely he would wish to remain in London.
  10. If the President now says the fee is not enough, who were we negotiating with originally, the groundsman?
  11. This forum has moderators?
  12. Pot. Kettle. Black.
  13. Quite possibly, but these expectations have been fuelled by none other than Cortese himself. Should we have disbelieved him? I would have to agree with the majority view that our failure to secure a quality CB by now does seem really odd and I can only assume we have had a lot of bad luck. I think it was Pilchards who said that a player was given 5 days to consider his decision to join the club and a further 5 day tour of Southampton. If this is true, this gives the player a long time in which to change his mind! I think it was better in the olden days when a Cloughie or McMenemy would lock a player in the office until he signed up! These days I suppose you would have to lock up the player's agent and advisors as well! In any event, our tranfer policy will ultimately be judged by where we finish in the coming season.
  14. Adkins + Cortese = lots of talk about being ambitious, new stadium, European football etc. Actuality = signing some lower league and SPL players.
  15. No money spent until the new owners are in place? New manager to have his own transfer targets?
  16. I felt that Gazziniga's performance overall was no better than Bart would have done. And yes, it was a bad kick rather than a throw. Thanks for pointing this out Ottery St Mary, you really are most observant. Funny, I didn't have you down as being one of the'groovy gang' on here. Kick or throw, it wasn't the smartest bit of goalkeeping was it? I felt he scrambled around and didn't dominate the box or give confidence to the defence. Yes, clearly the 'groovy gang' don't agree with me on here but we are all entitled to an opinion even if the 'thought police' disapprove of it. Still don't think people deserve abuse on here just for stating what they think. I think Kelvin may have a wobble this season and we are then going to need a reliable number two to step in. I don't think Gazziniga is the one. Sorry. Who was it that said Fonte had a good game 'apart from the goal'? That made me laugh. I will not respond to the abuse from S_Clarke - I cannot understand the mentality of people on here who stoop so low.
  17. Charming! - this is fairly typical of the forum these days - just pointless abuse from the usual suspects.
  18. Judging by the way Gazziniga threw the ball straight to the Ajax forward, he wouldn't appear to be any better than Bart. I am disappointed that we havn't yet bought a safe pair of hands to provide backup for Kelvin. Fonte looked poor again and I cannot understand why we are leaving it so very late to buy a decent defender. Surely this would have been top of the shopping list right from the end of last season. I feel that the side needs more pace, particularly up front but also someone who can run with the ball from midfield.
  19. I would have to go with 'Killer' I suppose.
  20. Anyone think Matthew Upson may be a target?
  21. Make everyone captain to make it fair.
  22. With all due respect, I dont really know why you mention Man U and Man C - they already have squads brim full of premiership quality players so don't need to sign anybody! Are you saying we are in the same position! Equally, no idea why you make reference to championship teams. All I know is that we are already into pre-season traning and our back up goalie is a clown.
  23. It is quite a contrast between the way other clubs (e.g. Reading) can identify their targets and sign players quickly but the Saints continue to dither around. We are assured that people are 'working hard behind the scenes' Goodness knows what the outcome would be if they worked at normal speed or even slowly! This is quite interesting and a number of theories can be expounded. 1. Are the people 'behind the scenes' not very good at arranging transfers? 2. Is there a real problem in attracting players to play for the Saints? 3. Do we not want to buy because we don't really have the transfer budget that the club would lead us to believe they have? (Yes, I know we bought J-Rod thanks) 4. Does Adkins just talk about transfers just to keep his squad motivated. 5. Why do we not 'move on' the dead wood like Harding Barnard, Hammond, Forte et al to make room for the new players? 6. Are Saints just unprofessional and will make last ditch buys from the pool of remaining players for sale just before kick off date or even afterwards! For the record, I am not a panicking wet pussy just a fan who is perplexed. (I will now await the personal attacks from the usual brigade on here - please mind your language - especially you dell days (you naughty girl!)
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