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Minstral Man

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Everything posted by Minstral Man

  1. Escape to the Country
  2. Received my tickets today, Monday, COYR
  3. To vote against RL. Might not be practical but it made me feel better.
  4. Does anybody on this site acutually atend St Mary's?
  5. Just looked up Pinnacle's financal profile, don't hold your breath!
  6. Did Lowe not say in the chairman's statement at the AGM that the Directors would not let the company fail even if it required puting in new money?
  7. In the public domain, I am sorry this is my last post I have to go to the suana after a hard days skiing. I will be back for Saturday however. COYR
  8. Sorry I was out of the country last Friday, please explain
  9. Unfortunately protests etc will have no effect, and boycotts will only bring on administration and I assure you you do not want to go down that route. Regretably the only course of action is to stay with RL for the moment as he does appear to be stabilising the financial situation (bank lending reduced by £2 million in 2 months) all we can do is to support our team. COYR
  10. My reason for buying shares was to vote Lowe out last time, what have you done other than complain?
  11. I have been a supporter for 45 years and now a shareholder, if you think that protesting about the Directors will achieve anything you live in dream land. If you want to change the club put your hand in your pocket and buy out Wilde & Crouch. Perhaps you could also give us a brief on your solution to the current situation.
  12. And the purpose of this demonstration?
  13. And your solution for an alternative? The solution is qute simple put up the cash to buy the club out, are you offering to put your hand in your pocket!
  14. Tosser
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