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Everything posted by Rory

  1. Friday evening: Go for a run after work, pack, chill, watch a film maybe, make a nice meal. Saturday: Travel to Reading, meet the lads, large it. Sunday: Return home, chill.
  2. FC Twat.
  3. Fc ****.
  4. Awesome, awesome choices Deppo. I'm currently listening to Sparta -- Wiretap Scars. As I'm not signed up, I may as well tell you all a little story of "strange music incidents". When I was about 15, I was a huge Beastie Boys obsessive. I'd play pretty much all their albums on rotate every day, including the Sounds of Science collection. Their music would be in my head all day, every day. It was incredible. One day, I was upstairs in my room and 'Shake Your Rump' randomly jumped into my head. For some reason, I ran down stairs and put MTV on. Funnily enough, it was the video for Shake Your Rump running at the exact timing and speed as it was in my head. I listened to them so much that I actually became a Beastie Boys psychic. Incredible.
  5. Rory

    Zohan film

    Punch-Drunk Love is one of my favourite films. May watch it tonight.
  6. That was the most bizarre chant I've ever heard!! Anyway, Bialkowski was not dreadful. If it wasn't for him in the first half, we would have been 3-0 down. What about his point-blank double save? We were terrible first half and were lucky not to go in losing at half-time. Saintrich and I must have been watching a different game because Paul Wotton was awful. Poor touches and terrible passing. I think he let the crowd get to him. Lee Holmes was quick but had no real end product (apart from his goal). The best player for me was McGoldrick.
  7. It's not bad.
  8. Friday -- Came back to Southampton. Had a nice curry with the parents. Went to bed early as shattered. Saturday -- Popped into Tesco for booze. Saw a couple of friends. Popped into Shirley for more booze and stuff from Boots. Met mate in the evening, went to Avondale and then Oceana. Oceana is Francis Ford Crapola. Had pizza and then bed. Sunday -- Went to the pub with Evil Monkey, saw relatives, headed back to Somersetland. 7/10
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