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Capel Saint

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Everything posted by Capel Saint

  1. I'll go for 1-1 but hoping for a 2-1 win to Saints. I guess it all depends if they can get over the extra pressure of winning at home!
  2. Pearson - because I would have gone on the person who already had experience of being in a management set-up in the english football league/Premiership.
  3. Which is why he is nothing more than a pure wind up merchant and nothing else. His posts have no substance except to try to provoke an angered response. The best way is to laugh at his posts or to think he is a very sad individual who has nothing better to do than get real enjoyment of winding people up over an internet forum. It is a shame some people think he is a real fan and actually take his wind up posts seriously.
  4. Good points DP. Let's hope if someone does come in to save the club, they are doing it for the right reasons and will be present for the long term to turn things around.
  5. Surely though, would a prudent investor not wait for the club to go into administration and buy it much cheaper as a going concern rather than try to buy all the shares in the next few months for a larger sum? Just a thought.
  6. My main concern is that if we continue to sell players then we will start to have a severe lack of depth in the squad when players get injured/suspended. I know we need to reduce the wage bill but perhaps if these outgoing players are at least replaced with cheaper alternatives then maybe fans like myself may at least feel a little better.
  7. Quite agree. It was fairly bad timing with SCW appointment as it seemed they were trying to implement these new changes to the whole team where maybe it would have been better to let him use his abilities on the younger players, who at the time, seemed more open to his ideas. This way it wouldn't have stepped on Redcrapps toes with the first team and the more senior players who seemed to pour scorn on these ideas. I thought it was a bold step and I could see there being some advantages in trying to improve players in areas not thought of before such as a more winning attitude. eg How Ferguson has instilled that in his teams at Man Utd. Still, unfortunately we shall now never know if it would have been a success.
  8. The other thing to bear in mind is that pre-season games are fairly open games. It will be interesting to see how this new style of play will overcome teams who pack out their defences looking for a draw. We have had a real problem trying to break teams down who are very tight at the back.
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