the stain
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Everything posted by the stain
Sometimes it masks a deeper query...
Loves you. the stain loves you.
Are you asking? x
Trees Flowers Animals (except cats) Long walks in the country Music Really good books My mum and dad Being asleep Playing bongos Dancing Laughing Snow
Big Star - Third/Sister Lovers At least I will when I get home. Melancholy, bordering on desolate. I'm going to get dosed up on skag, hum tunelessly and wave one arm in time, then soil my bed with tears and urine.
The woman with the perpetually screaming baby in Winchester library this lunchtime. It doesn't know how to ****ing speak yet, you ignorant *****. Shouting 'shut up!' at it will be far less effective than e.g. comforting it, feeding it, taking it home for a nap.
When the bacon's there but it's gone bad and you can't eat it. That one really smarts.
The world and everybody else. Except I love them. But I hate them. Or maybe I just hate myself... :smt022
Rent Loan payment Debt payment
That's the way I understood it at the time. But I remember there being all sorts of talk about him being well-regarded at Spurs, about him only leaving there to get games. Perhaps there was no option for us to take money as settlement.
Not having seen Forecast play myself, can anyone tell me why he's opted to swap being 3rd choice at Spurs for being 3rd choice at Saints? I assumed he was being brought here to play.
To the extent that it would give both fans and players a massive lift, it's very important. In terms of actual points accrued over the course of the season, I'd take another draw.
Blimey. Just tried researching them on the interweb. Turns out there's another, absolutely terrible Steve Lamacq London band with the same name. It's not them I'm listening to...
The Alps - III Never heard of these guys before but bought this one on a whim. It's pulling my krautrock knob.
Also 'Wikipedia'? Why does nobody call this one as a terrible trampling of our glorious linguistic heritage? Are we all just parochial tossers who can't spell?
Because there was an intervening stage. Have a look on Wikipedia (as I should've done before shooting from the hip)
This thread feels like coming home.
Then I stand corrected. Although the '-num' spelling does predate the '-nium' version.
I'll say this for him, he's got a bloody good publicist. The Culture Show, South Bank Show, R4's Front Row... The Guardian 'one album per year' market is pretty much in the bag.
This is a difficult one IMO. Language is a constantly evolving thing and it generally evolves due to usage. Our 'W' used to be a double-vee. There is a lot of pressure from the US for 'English' to change (and let's not forget that they are the majority speakers of the language now), and I think the 19th century push for standardisation/simplification of spelling was misguided and lacked a sense of poetry. But the change in pronunciation of a letter, well it's hardly the end of the world. Aitch, on the other hand, is Aitch. Anyone who says Haitch is a dinlo. Do you say Feff? Sess? Memm? Dinlos.
Also, they invented the word and we took it and changed the spelling.
'kilter' Let he who is without sin etc.
Jim O'Rourke - Despite The Water Supply dronetastic!