the stain
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Everything posted by the stain
I broke my wee once. Went at it dry. Blood everywhere, there was. :smt119
Like St L says, there was always opposition to the Premiership. Just like the way the existence of football pre-Premiership is an inconvenience that the Murdoch press would do anything to write out of history. So the very real and very noisy opposition to the PL and the attendant Sky cash has been disappeared. Now the crazymental state of football finances seems to get talked of as a completely unforseen by-product of Sky's benevolent altruism, rather than the obvious outcome of the pigheaded short-termist greed of a few parties who didn't want to listen.
Have you had a go on The Summer Book, also by Tove Jansson? Lovely family book about mortality. She really was very good. I'm reading Crime and Punishment. It's bloody long.
Yes. Yes yes.
When I was at school, a spammer was a man with a big bald slaphead. It doesn't mean that anymore.
Well I don't think Jan's signed any duffers yet, so I'm optimistic.
Or indeed anything by any of the above artists.
That's it, make it look like you turned me down.
I'm trying to read this on the sly at work, jeff. The manager's just given me a very cold look.
That would be awesome. Awesome. I'll PM you. I'm No Sinner wishes he could have a piece of this candy.
My spies tell me it was Select. Too long ago for me to remember now though. But Vox, ah Vox... They once did a special 'banned record covers' edition. Kept me in pre-internet w4nk fodder for a month. Simpler times...
I was listening to 'The Living Dead' earlier. Years ago there was a really good piano version of that given away on the front of a magazine, but I lost my copy. If anyone can find it on-line anywhere I'll have a homosexual experience with them.
I rubbed his head on the Isle of Wight ferry.
Paxman's scared to get his hands dirty. Porter knows the story is everything.
I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate people talking about her like this. She's a serious journalist.
And last night I watched The Edukators, which is a German film about a group of anti-capitalists who break into houses and rearrange furniture. Really good film this, intelligent and funny. Reminded me a little bit of Withnail & I, in terms of atmosphere (rather than in terms of quotable gags).
Surely this one's about as sung as you can get, being a song and that.
3-1. Saints concede early, but go in 1-1. Then we boss the 2nd half.
Amateur - I think it came out in about '94 or so, but I'd never come across it before. Kind of a comedy thriller, although that doesn't really sum it up at all. Very slow and poised, about a man with amnesia and an ex-nun. Kind of 'about' spiritual redemption, I suppose. Great soundtrack too with Sonic Youth, MBV, Yo La Tengo... Anyhow, it's very good.
He seems to be going a bit prog. Not too sure how I feel about that...
I would pay a young boy to pull me off in a dark alley. Then I'd go home and cry. Then in the morning I'd start a new life as an arch-seducer, stalking wine bars in my diamond strides, they're brilliant facets endlessly refracting my wealthy meat.
Witchcraft. Wicked Witchcraft.
Absolutely. Much better that he says, 'we discussed it and decided Killer should play, I take the blame', rather than, 'Killer insisted on playing when he wasn't ready; he's made a colossal balls up here and is responsible for the defeat'. Have you seen the way Redknapp has blamed everybody but himself for the skates' recent tonkings? That's the manager we used to have... Everyone wants Killer to be back at his best. It's always going to be a tentative, trial and error process to find out if that is a possibility. It's big of JP to take the blame for a decision that falls on the error side. But it's not a 'terrible management decision'. Get some bloody perspective people.
Seems to me it's just a manager doing the decent thing and carrying the can for a shared decision, where some (read: 'Arry) would point the finger at the player. Nothing to get worked up about IMO.
I wasn't offering