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the stain

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Everything posted by the stain

  1. A forum is for discussion. However it's is not for shouting down, as you seem to be doing.
  2. Adkins says something about the ref saying it was for the Puncheon foul, in his SSN interview, but then goes on to dismiss that and talk about Rodriguez.
  3. did you notice how he scratched his nose as he said it? Lying Rickie!
  4. I'd put the Development squad out and send the first team on a holiday somewhere nice, where they can relax and recuperate and not even listen to the result. Then they can come back next week and not have the inevitable mauling affect their confidence.
  5. Adkins deals with the issue very well on SSN.
  6. He went down as if his legs had been swept away from under him - that is not what happens when you fall over. I guess it's too hard for Saints fans to see one of their own cheating. It's easier if it's Suarez or someone.
  7. Am I the only one who saw him fumble their first shot and Yoshida had to kick the ball out of play?
  8. If Saints ended up in the relegation zone (like Villa now are) as a result of the opposition winning a penalty through a dive, I'd be furious.
  9. I agree with you on that. They clearly set out to intimidate the wee chap. Bullying b*stards!
  10. Rodriguez has clearly dived for the penalty in todays game against Villa. Reading the match thread there is a mixed response to this. Some people seem unhappy to have got a goal through cheating, others seem okay with it. If we last the second half and win this game, it could be key to both our and Villa's season. Is it acceptable to have that influenced by a dive? If Rodriguez was a foreign import I reckon he'd get a lot more stick. Personally, I'd prefer to win without the diving and think we would have scored eventually anyway as we were battering them at that point. But we're in dire straits and need the points and there is nothing we can do to change it, so I say, lets just be pleased to be ahead and if we end up winning, lets rejoice that and if we stay up and Villa go down then let us all laugh in their faces.
  11. Clearly a dive, but we deserve a goal so that makes it alright.
  12. He wasnt that professional when he was blasting balls at the women and kids in the family stand a couple of games ago.
  13. oh, case closed. The only thing you have in common with Dune is age. He wasn't married, either lived in a bedsit or with his mum (can't recall which) and didn't have a job.
  14. It's certainly a privilege to read your posts and I am happy to pay for them. Thank you (in amongst all the shouting down and sneering that goes on here, I don't think that is said enough).
  15. Shut up, Dune
  16. Hello Dune, you big racist!
  17. the stain


    KD is not the same person as AB. Boruc has a wealth of top flight experience, he's seen it all and done it all and would be perfect. It would help focus his mind as well so that he gave the best he can. It's a perfect solution to two problems.
  18. the stain


  19. We're the mugs of Europe. People are taking liberties with us.
  20. You two should kiss and make up
  21. He should have his benfits stopped.
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