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the stain

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Everything posted by the stain

  1. So you agree with the policy but want to start a thread moaning about it? Interesting.
  2. You're right, I am confused. You're moaning about not getting handouts although you are now saying you're not financially deserving. You have previously on this board said that you're a Tory, so surely you believe that people should be looking after themselves and not relying on handouts. So, you're moaning about something that you agree with? Is that it?
  3. Hang on - are you in the deserving or not deserving category? it seems to me that you're moaning about not getting financial help bringing up your children and moaning about not getting a free university education. You have a job, your wife has a job, albeit she's on maternity leave, yet you want hand outs? And you, a self confessed Tory. How does that add up? Or is it that you want hand outs, even if you don't need them, but can't see how helping those who genuinely need help is any of your business? I'm very confused as to your stance on the whole thing.
  4. Typical Tory attitude.
  5. I hope He is born on Christmas day.
  6. I like all the Jesus stuff.
  7. He looks like a right bastard.
  8. Who is stalking who? You replied to my comment after just two minutes.....seems like you have tabs on my posts. Anyway, let's not fall out about it, you got something wrong and therefore lost all credibility. No biggie, you don't have to get all aggressive.
  9. I suggest you do you homework before judging people who you think are judging you.
  10. I can vouch for Turkish. He's never got anything wrong. Not even stuff about Guly.
  11. Is that because there are no other bits and you made the lambert thing up because you wanted some attention?
  12. Who's burt? And are you sure this is non urgent? It sound very urgent.
  13. There is all the proof people need.
  14. Take the test on post 234, Barry. Let's see the proof, once and for all.
  15. I leave you to it, sailor.
  16. No, call me Barry Sanchez.
  17. Hang on - what sort of "bandits" are hanging out here?
  18. Hardly bandit country if ***** is filtered.
  19. Can I call you a *****?
  20. St chalet, I don't want to be a tell-tale, but earlier in this thread Turkish was a bit nasty to me after I expressed sympathy towards him. Can you please infract him. Thanks.
  21. The only way of seeing if Barry is Dune is testing whether he can read writing like this: I ma veyr drukn. I am laso on cocaane. I cant seee aynmooe and lov yOutub.
  22. That's nice, isn't it? I think it's a shame you got an infraction because you don't deserve it and all I get is abuse.
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