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Everything posted by Roman

  1. Better check the thread title and OP, Nick.
  2. Would we? Not even one of the three? I don't know the answer to that, let alone how to balance the cost of keeping and playing them against the cost of bringing in the raft of younger squad players like Forecast, Gasmi, Pulis, Smith, Peckhart and Robertson. Or how the worrying cliff-drop in gate receipts factors in to this.
  3. derry, the only thing I know for fairly certain is that the club's current state is somewhat like an iceberg approaching the Equator. Someone has got to slide off soon. Whether it's any of those on the usual Unwanted List, or the entire club, remains to be seen. You could say that action of a kind has already been taken. The terrible decline in gates seems pretty terminal in the club's already parlous state. The arguments about whether the stay-aways are doing it because they hate Lowe, or are just bored, are in this sense pretty irrelevant.
  4. I think you've just breached the copyright of Phil from the land of heat and concrete dust. As for the three coming together, I fear you might as well take pot shots at the Moon. And I don't think that's me being cynical.
  5. What's most worrying about that report is the set of figures at the end of it: Gates halved in five years Season tickets down from 21,000 to 9,000 A fall of 9.8% in gates last year A fall of 25% this year.
  6. It was just a suggestion.
  7. Beat me to it. Such an exciting player.
  8. Another vote for Shilton. Is there a goalkeeper anywhere right now who's close to being as good as he was?
  9. Is this one of those threads that ends when you say 'Mornington Crescent?'
  10. If this is read by people who can arrange these things, I think we need help winning matches, not losing them. (Helpful hint though: you might have to ask the opposing goalkeeper to throw the ball into his own net.)
  11. Well, hence the 'shades in between', if it was designed cleverly enough. But if it's full members only, it would be pretty pointless.
  12. Really? I thought only full members could start them. Sure you're right though. What a funny 'privilege' to remove.
  13. Roman


    Don't think much of Lewis's new car. Is that the best you can do?
  14. Might be more interesting to have a poll on here to figure out the exact proportions of pro to anti Lowes, and shades in between.
  15. Roman

    Guy Askham

    Don't think the idea hasn't crossed my mind - although I'm not sure anyone would believe it.
  16. Yes. I have decided that we are going to win.
  17. Wilde strikes me as a Beta Male trapped and squeezed between two Alphas. (There's a gorilla analogy here too, but I've forgotten the correct naturalist's language for it.) If so, it's time he sold up. Then he can be king of his presumably fast-sinking domain. Bye! (fingers crossed.)
  18. I just got a blue question mark. Don't tease. Is it you?
  19. Wilde has a talent for p!ssing people off, it seems (by way of understatement). Has Michael NO friends left? I can't see any of the ProLo's on this thread - unless they're all late risers.
  20. Strikes me as a teensy bit hypocritical for Wilde to say, at the 'takeover', that he didn't want crouch on the board, and then later that he was angry at Crouch's exclusion of him from the board. Not to mention to distinct whiff of self-serving rubbish.
  21. No, there was a period of at least a few weeks, I think, when no-one knew which way Crouch would jump - into the Wilde camp or stick with Lowe. People at the time couldn't figure out why he was dithering. Now perhaps it's a little clearer.
  22. Can I please nominate this as the oddest feud on the forum?
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