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Everything posted by Roman

  1. Not doubting HIS good intentions, ESB, just think he's using his previous inside track on what was going on at the club in a way that may land him in hot water.
  2. My bet is that LS is no longer at the club. Still should be careful, though, no matter how certain he thinks he is of his information.
  3. My bet is that LS is no longer at the club. Still should be careful, though, no matter how certain he thinks he is of his information.
  4. No carry on. It might just prevent him being renamed Law Suit.
  5. I don't think Long Shot's going to be very happy with you two.
  6. Hang on, one home is a hotel and the other's up for sale? So Wilde is homeless? Is he sleeping rough in the Channon Suite?
  7. Bad hair day?
  8. In which case, can someone please tell Rupert a game lasts ninety mins?
  9. Not necessarily. But I do think it means the end of the Lowe 'revolution', which in itself cost money, and we'll continue to sell or loan out whoever and whenever possible. Lowe is really only answerable now to Mr Mannering at Barclays. Hence the continuing pressure to count every penny in deciding who plays. IMHO.
  10. Not so fast there cowboy! I think even Nick was trying to put the skids under your conclusion. There's the small (and shrinking matter) of attendances leaving a gaping hole in revenues, and results propelling the club towards Hell, aka League 1. All in the context of a ballooning overdraft. I think it's probably safer to draw the OPPOSITE conclusion.
  11. If nothing else, it's now blindingly obvious why such a single-minded manager as Nigel Pearson wasn't going to be able to hang around. I wouldn't mind betting that both Lowe AND NP were relieved to end it there and then over the summer, rather than go some way into a season at complete loggerheads.
  12. Well, chairmen popping into the dressing room clearly does happen at other clubs, but it seems that sometimes, when they do, their action suggests deeper problems. Today's Times on Dowie leaving because Briatore 'popped in' to choose the team is a case in point (and a warning for those who see Dowie as a replacement for JP, by the way) http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/football_league/article5034430.ece Of course, Briatore can at least claim to be pumping a few million into the club...
  13. I don't get it nick. He has 'input' into who plays but not where they play?
  14. I don't believe it for a second. Wildean spin.
  15. I get the impression from hints dropped by Morph that Leon and others are waiting to see how the results and attendances play out in the next few weeks - because neither trend adds up to a sustainable club, especially in the present climate. The alternative is to re-start some trench warfare among the three major shareholders, and I just don't see him wanting to do that. Just a guess.
  16. But there are two good reasons why it's not the brightest idea to go into the dressing room, as opposed to, say, at the end of the day on the training ground. One is it involves stepping on the toes of the coach/manager in what is very much his domain in the minutes before a crucial match. The message the players carry out onto the pitch has to be that of the manager's, otherwise what's the point of having one? Secondly, whatever Lowe said, it would have heightened the sense of crisis in the club. Lowe's perfectly within his rights to want to talk to the players. Doing it in the dressing just before the match shows poor judgement imo.
  17. Indupitably. Lowe is a lower-class oik.
  18. I agree, there's something of the 'dead man walking' about Jan. But I wonder if Wotte is too smart to accept such a poisoned chalice.
  19. This can only mean the 'RL' initialled tracksuits are going back on sale in the club shop.
  20. We fall out over the funniest things. Anyway, long story short, I think we've learned that Quisling is fine for those that wish to go there. "Wilde' is still a better insult for me but each to his own... And what DID happen to that Sundance fellow?
  21. You missed 'Bootboy', you insect. And the various epithets for Lawrie and Mary. Didn't tommac have some special words emanating from his Ed Wood-like mind as well?
  22. Too long. Fair and balanced, though.
  23. Et Tu? Despite its origins I also think 'Quisling' suffers as an insult from sounding a teensy bit quaint.
  24. Easy. Michael Wilde. That's bad enough surely.
  25. I think it's worse. Bringing Nazi references into arguments about a football club seems perverse - and something only Sundance used to stoop to. (Where is he, by the way?)
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