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Everything posted by W9Saint

  1. Great article. Sign up required but only takes 30seconds to view. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/sport/man-at-heart-of-the-dressing-room-who-came-out-to-southampton-side-jrbhqcmxx
  2. Interesting article. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/37680099
  3. Whilst I have not been subject to much in the way of abuse & grew up in a small village in Dorset I went to great efforts to hide being gay in order to avoid potential abuse. I think lots of gay people especially in rural communities go to similar lengths to avoid any hassle. A question, if your son or daughter came out as gay do you think they would be accepted whole heartedly within your network of family & friends. Would you worry about the reaction they may get?
  4. I think this is the point - some areas of the UK are much more accepting them others. - This only demonstrates we still have a way to go untl we reach a stage where no cares what your sexuality is.
  5. A couple of points from my viewpoint. I have rarely experienced any abuse but then I guess as a beer drinking, football watching guy I don't conform to the perceived "gay stereotype". Attitudes have certainly improved dramatical over the last few years however I still would not feel comfortable kissing my husband at St Mary's after a 93rd minute winning goal. Whether it is a rational or not a lot of fear still exists in the gay community which prevents a lot of people feeling 100% comfortable to be themselves in public. Physical abuse thankfully is very rare but s******ing, pointing or casual jibes are still commonplace if you were to walk down a provincial town holding hands. Hopefully a day will come soon when it will not be a monumental decision to come out, and something that you will not feel embarrassed or uncomfortable to do. And hopefully people will be able to refer to someone without the prefix of "gay" in front of it.
  6. Sorry about the typo (league) - I blame it on the post match beers! I agree with the who cares" but it is a brave guy(s) who pave the way. My fella is also a Saints man (born in Hythe) & as he's called Rich Lambert I guess it's appropriate.
  7. So according to the Mirror two premier league players are preparing to come out? If one of them was a Saints player will anyone care less and will fans rally around and be supportive? Also would you advise them to come out or stay in the closet? Intrigued to know general concensus as a gay guy myself.
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/25752833
  9. Great article gives a decent background to the goings on.. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/southampton/10573962/Cortese-resigning-Pochettinos-future-in-doubt.-Southampton-fans-must-be-asking-What-is-going-on.html
  10. anyone got any good live feeds for the match?
  11. I used to live in Richmond, Surrey and sold Marion Pahars house after he left Saints and Matt Oakley lived a couple of streets away.
  12. Emma Judd ‏@pn_Emma_Judd Just spoken to Gordon Taylor, chairman of @pfa, and will shortly be updating #pompey story to include his views. Phil Whyte ‏@TheFootyPoet Nice one @pn_Emma_Judd - quick one liner clue here? Emma Judd ‏@pn_Emma_Judd Um...@TheFootyPoet...I am upset. oh dear lol
  13. Cant even speak english!
  14. Anyone know how to contact Nigel Adkins, I want to write and thank him for everything he has done for our club. Shocked & disgusted by Cortese. :-(
  15. W9Saint


    A lot of gay couples do not care about gay marriage, what is important is having equal rights - this has been addressed by Civil Partnerships. David Cameron was crazy to bring the whole gay marriage issue up - now it is looking increasingly unlikely to happen it is going to cause a huge backlash. I am guessing even if gay marriage was legalised, civil partnerships will remain as not everyone wants to have the "marriage" tag.
  16. have you thought about investing in property, contrary to what is reported you can get some great buy-let mortgages and get some pretty healthy returns.
  17. Gutted, but thought if we had played anyone but Reading tonight we would of spanked them. If our performance stays like tonight's we'll go up, just not as champions.
  18. just called Stage Door not planning to show it but said they will put it on if you ask
  19. As you may of noticed most people on here couldn't care less if someone is gay or not, what is the big deal? Oh and am sure they'll get very offended by you labelling them gay! Lol
  20. Some strains of the Church of England take a much more accepting view of Homosexuality, I guess it is how you interrupt the bible.
  21. You can be gay and also be religious but personally if I were to get "married" I like lots of straight couples would opt for a non religious ceremony.
  22. I think where the Catholic argument falls down is that they are against Gay Marriage as it against the basic principle that marriage is for the procreation of children. That being the case then surely they should stop older couples getting married and couples that can't have children which of course is ridiculous. I am a gay guy who has had a civil partnership, my main question is will I get a free upgrade to marriage if this becomes legalised? :-)
  23. ancestry.com is brilliant, also try findmypast.co.uk, and familysearch.org.
  24. Cheers Steve, that's what I thought. Will try and check out the bus services.
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