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Everything posted by Bishop

  1. enjoy your trip to amsterdam tomorrow
  2. BWP hates QPR
  3. way out west
  4. This years home kit is the same as last seasons
  5. Saints on Tour 2009
  6. who will hit our free kicks into their wall now?
  7. Bishop

    Saints Aid

    How many players went?
  8. Pinnacle consortium enter exclusivity period for Southampton FC deal http://www.thisishampshire.net/sport/4406782.Saints_enter_exclusivity_with_bidder/
  9. chorley not
  10. Bring back the balloon fest
  11. I'd be a bit worried about my £253 if I had bought a 2 year ST last year
  12. its incredible... the shirt, its awsome
  13. Louis Quilter: What a ****in Dinlow.... Pompey slang aparently
  14. creator: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6875049758#/profile.php?id=1011849705&v=wall&viewas=639461711
  15. Bishop


  16. Its all coming out in the echo this week
  17. Bishop


    does this mean the home shirt will not change next year? I hope so, I only bought mine just before admin in the free ticket deal.
  18. The dogs coming out started it all off it seemed to me
  19. BWP hates positive songs
  20. i predict no score in Rome
  21. Wotte out chant on Saturday please
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