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Everything posted by Summers

  1. As I've mentioned in the Facebook group - If anyone's looking for a lift from Southampton, drop me a message on this thread and let me know, I've got to do a stop in Leeds on the way for a work meeting, but after that, its full steam ahead to Preston.
  2. Steve, are the pitches going to be ridiculously dry up there, or has it been the case where they've been nice to everyone and given them a cheeky water (thought I'd ask as after all they are uni pitches) Might need to look out for a cheap pair of moulded studs if they're going to be as dry as hell.
  3. P.s. Any preference on positions?
  4. Hi Steve, I've just texted Juddy and another mate (Adam), Will let you know what they say, as it looks like i'll be going up from Southampton on the Friday but gonna have to swing by Leeds on the way up for a work meeting, so i've told them they can jump in with me if needs be.
  5. "Two Snakebite's please?"
  6. not necessarily, you've read my post completely between the lines I've just alluded to the "sheep-like mentality" that some people follow "Ooooh, new kit, Its horrible, but I'll but it anyway, I have to fit in" Seriously, how many people do you know that ACTUALLY do this? I know I have in the past when I was a little younger, but I'm a saints fan, and I want to see my team in stripes. Some people don't have the mental strength to sway away from that mentality
  7. Would be brilliant if the fans boycott did this IMO, Bay a load from there at £17.99 so they were still in the "same" kit as the team on a match day. Then those who "buy a kit" to follow the sheep-like mentality of typical football fans can't complain and the club has shocking replica shirt sales Then something would be put in the pipeline to correct this season's hideousness. I only got the white kit last year because I liked it, and even this season, I'm seriously not bothered at all with the away kit. So I'll be keeping my £40 (oops typo, £50) to myself. Shocking price, for a shocking kit.
  8. Away Kit ISNT black and gold, From the latest picture I've seen, but actually predominently black with white in the same places as the home kit. Silver Logo and sponsor Shame, I'd have probably gone for it if black and gold, Will be £84 richer in the next few months.
  9. Does this mean I'm Gk'ing for this game? Or would Scott go in goal? (Not a joke, serious comment as I know Scott doesn't like missing out on these games) I'm sure someone can protect his knee by taking goal kicks?
  10. Well obviously its on the 8th June - I meant kick-off - #facepalm
  11. I think my kicking was more accurate than your passing THAT'S saying something! ;-)
  12. Thanks for the game guys, Enjoyed myself, shame my competitive streak ruined the rest of the day for me, I was in a right mood with the missus! Summers (GK Home)
  13. Great well thought out and constructed post, £25 a ticket in a 40,000 Stadium equates to £1m in revenue per match. Add in increases in food/drink/merchandise/programmes and you're looking to probably (and argubly) bring in close to double the original £640k per match, albeit that was only on tickets. A bigger capacity, gives you the chance to sell more into the masses that CAN'T buy it anywhere else. If I'm being completely honest, over the length of a season this would allow SFC to effectively buy a £6m player (based on £310k per match x 19) Swings and roundabouts, but FYI, I'd expect the prices to stay at around £30 a ticket therefore going to circa £1.2m in gate receipts per game. FWIW, When they had the visitor centre at the SMS site, they mentioned was that a 48,000 capacity could be done quite easily, but the foundations would hold 51,000, if required
  14. This.
  15. Hi Guys, Got another 4 auctions up at the moment, feel free to have a look England 08-10 Away - Large http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330857930270?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 England 04-06 Away - Large http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330857930770?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Saints Bench Jacket - Extra Large - Think its from 08/09 Season http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330858199529?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Just Dance - Wii Game - Selling for someone in the office at work! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/330858735764?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 England Shirts have just over 6 hours to go, Saints Bench jacked has just under 5 days and the wii game has just under 6 days to go Good luck if you're going to have a bid/two Chris
  16. Just get the words changed to something different, like an autocorrect, I remember (Might have been SF which was before TSF and SWF) c**t used to turn into budgie and something else turned into green salad, could we not change thise things to reflect on the posted typing it, i.e, "you're a f**king mong" goes to "you're a f**king *insert detrimental word towards the poster themself here*" to stop them using the terminology? Simples!
  17. Just a quick heads up that if you're one of the watchers, these are ending in the next 15 minutes to an hour or so, good luck if you're bidding Chris
  18. I see its turned into a "animated 11 so here's my team..
  19. I'm surprised too, the HP14 postcode has nothing and thats where i'm based as near as dammit!
  20. Hi All, Just giving this thread a little bump, Just incase you can't be arsed to click on the links, I've got the following items up for auction Saints Home 2010-11 - 125th anniversary shirt - size L Saints Away 2009-10 (navy/yellow) shirt - Size M GK Shirt 03/05 - Blue - Size L Saints Away 2001/02 (black/red) 34"-36" Saints Bench Jacket - Navy and flybe branded - think its 08-09 Size XL England wise I've got a home shirt from 2007-2009 (M) Away from 04-06 (L) and Away from 2008-10 (L) Chris
  21. Mickey and Minnie as CB's or CM's good understanding due to being siblings, bit like tweedle dum and tweedle dee
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