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Everything posted by Summers

  1. My old dear used to be assistant manager in the Saxon in West Totton, (by west totton centre) Les used to play in there a fair bit and also taught me how to throw my first arrows!
  2. Yup, she does indeed. Cardiff's at the weekend and the Brum's on a Thurs night, that could have summat to do with it!
  3. Just over an hour to go if anyone is interested
  4. Bungle makes a good point, but hold on, If we're gonna be looking at a striker who needs match fitness, we're not gonna be getting someone of a decent prem standard, we'd get an average to good CCC striker, who will need to learn the game... Difficult to see anyone that can step right in at the moment, Unless Danny Wellbeck or Scott Sinclair are available
  5. She paid for these ones! Gods honest, So have I!
  6. Who? Nah, My missus bought them and now needs to sell them!
  7. Cardiff 28/2/09 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2-x-KILLERS-STANDING-TICKETS-CARDIFF_W0QQitemZ170300675564QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Tickets_Tickets_LE?hash=item170300675564&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1688|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318 Birmingham 26/2/09 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2-x-KILLERS-STANDING-TICKETS-BIRMINGHAM_W0QQitemZ170300677989QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Tickets_Tickets_LE?hash=item170300677989&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1683|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318 Can't go to the gigs :-(
  8. Fantastic news for the boys! Well done fella's, know most of the lads personally having gone to college with them!
  9. A link to Chris Marsden's goal at Ipswich many moons ago, wanted to show a friend and couldn't find anything on Youtube
  10. Depends how bigger carrot is offered, If we were offerer £2.5-3M I can see Kelvin going. Sad to admit it, but thats half the rumoured overdraft. And IMO, Bartosz isn't too far off of Kelvin's standard ( i say too far, but we've only seen the lad play 15 or so games) and as Kelvin's proved, Form is temporary and class is permanent
  11. Meh, Sure we'd find you out and about if a game was taking place....!
  12. I'll go up front! I still remeber my hat trick at fleming park where my third included nutmegging a certain The9 in the opposition goal, happy days! ;-p I'll never let you ****ing forget that Scott! :-p
  13. You're always in when it involves drinking and possibly women...! lol
  14. I'd love to know who this proven manager was/is, mainly because it would enable us (the forum users) to decide whether or not he'd have been up to the job. Personally, I'd be inclined to believe that Leon would have spoken with the ''right'' man for the job, within circumstances..
  15. Well, wouldn't surprise me!
  16. Definitely, Can't disagree with that sentiment. I think a sign of a decent standard barman is if he knows your round (3-4 drinks) after the 2nd round, if you get that, and even help the poor sod who hasn't got a hope in remembering one becks, one tetley's, one guinness and one vodka lime and lemonade, esp as he's only ordering his drink! Service and chat improves the longer you're in a pub, mainly cos the punters always talk more sh*t after a few pints, and barmen are sometimes classed as the fountain of all wisdom, disrespectful of age! lol!
  17. Ahh, Work in a pub next to a Premier Inn, in Buckinghamshire ;-p But thats life, its only a uni job...!
  18. Damn straight, thats always worth ignoring someone for!
  19. I need to buy a new broken record, Pete's is boring me now...
  20. I'm in, and off from work already, Ming bats on the Friday night?
  21. Summers


    Understandable, but personally i'd say that, in jest, We don't want to see either club go to the wall. Lets hope your lot sort out your debts and stay in the prem this year and we sort out ours
  22. F*ck me, someone's actually realised its annoying for us barmen. Especially when the Guinness has to settle for 2 mins! "Refusing to put the money into the outstretched hand of the barman. What's that all about? Chucking your money on the bar makes you look stupid and rude. I noticed that the people who did it were the ones who were complained when I did it back to them" Fair play, I'll give the cash the the hand of an old boy who's dumped a handful of coins on the bar and says, take it from that, cos they've been in wars for us! If its businessman type in a rush, a good one to do is to accidentally drop a note, preferably in or close to a bin, especially if he is in a real hurry to leave the premesis, because then you have to search for it, it might by on the top, but he can't see that! ;-p Know what I mean?! End of the day, We're not your lackeys, so don't treat us like them! Oh, And on another point.. Closing time - We get fifteen mins in our company, past closing time to get everyone out. This just doesn't bode well for us on the bar if you and your mate are sitting there chatting at ten past when you should have been out ten minutes previously and when we make a suggestion its time to go, its "yeah yeah" and back to the conversation. And why do this type always insist on going to the toilet just before they go. W*nkers Rant over :-)
  23. we need a Pahars type player, pop up on the last day and score two ;-p
  24. damn, didn't think you'd find a picture of that!
  25. Rule one
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