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Everything posted by ooohTerryHurlock

  1. Why not just write something like , .. not really saints related, but all the best John... by writing the way he did docker just shows no compasion to the situation at all which I think goes out of its way to be contentious. Its not Saints related, but nor are loads of threads that come up on the main board. Just wish the man your best and applaud his will power, and courage. Thats all
  2. The main thing that was drawn from the Hillsborough tragedy was that the officials on the day, police, stewards everyone connected to the club fouled up - I stand by what I say - something was wrong yesterday with the volume of people trying to use the concourse - The club underestimated its staffing requirements or something, I am just using this forum to voice a concern. End of! Apologies to anyone that mentioning 'Hillsborough' as an example of where things went tragically wrong causes offence to - it is not meant in anyway to be contentious. regards
  3. Don't be such a ****! - I am 37 years of age and have been a lifelong Saints Fan. Both Home and a way. ST holding for probably 20+ years. I started the thread because it was particularly bad yesterday and is something that needs to be looked at. All it takes is for one person queing on a flight of stairs to be knocked or fall and you have a POTENTIAL problem with that volume of people confined in such an area. - its called in the trade a RISK ASSESSMENT! Anyone looking at yesterday situation that I found myself in would say that there were some risks that could be looked at! I put to you - have you attended a sporting event at a major american stadium or and NHL match? Do you notice the way they handle situation?? There were lessons to be learned from yesterday thats all.
  4. Happy to do so, I think if I spoke to one of them and explained that I had concerns that a hillsborough type incident could occur because of the congestion that occured at a football ground that they would actually thank me for taking the tome to raise it as a potential issue - please leave your personal grudges against me to one side - we very seldom agree but i don't think raising a sensible health and safety point is, as you say, utterly dispicable ?, also can you point out where I have been rambling on about not getting my usual seat?Think as usual you have me confused with someone else or in fact that you just haven't read what I have written. Anyway I expect little more from you. Happy new year
  5. I think my point was that there is the potential for a hillsborough type incident, I was n't comparing it to the event. All seater stadia where meant to deal with the problems of ground swells of people moving in different direction. I admit the mentioning of 'Hilsborough' maybe a slight over reaction, but I am happy that expressing a concern over the safety of families attending a football match does not make silly, a wind up or a moron! A bit of a drama queen granted but hey ho that goes with working in a health and safety obsessed industry. Obviously for those of you only concerned with Beer ,Football, Fighting, Songs and scratching your nuts - I'm sure that you will struggle with this concept and even with the concept of work in general! I think the club did n't have the staff on hand to deal with ques or the people - The O/S said that they were expecting 15000 so with a crowd of 18/19k they had underestimated by almost a third.The situation was n't helped with everyone from the itchen/chapel corner having to use the itchen concourse which probably over stretches the catering facitlity. By the way I am real and generally reside in the itchen block 10.
  6. Hence my comment that some things in the set up stillneed to be looked at - We have a top notch stadium, a side that is now heading in the right direction and a event management team that maybe is as fresh and at the races as it needs to be
  7. Thought he looked amazing, also has the makings of a great commentator - good luck to him and his family,I never thought I would say it but I find him an absolute inspiration ... Docker P - Have a good,long, hard lookat yourself!
  8. glad you find that funny!
  9. Hilllsborough occured because people in authority did not recognising a potential problem, and at half time today there was a potential for a crush to occur, there was a log jam of people and it had the potential to turn into something quite nasty if someone had slipped or fallen..... I do put the safety of the customer at a very high level unlike yourself who after reading your response to my post I put you down as moron type, unable to think outside of the box and wanting a return to the old days where people urinated in each others pockets on the terraces - SMS is a European Class A stadium designed to cater for 32 500 odd spectators,unfortunately we have a Blue Square Conference Customer Service manager!!! I will treat your finally comment that it deserves by simply ignoring it - MORON
  10. hmmm so if all season ticket holders have that attitude we would be in a right mess....and why are we now bothered about saving money?? The crowd today was not far off our average for the season so why not close one stand period then??? We have no mortgage on the gaff anymore so i guess the aim of the owner is to see the ground packed out with people enjoying the expience of football, being wedged in like a sardine in a hillsborough type situation is n't actually aiming to keep the paying customers happy.
  11. whichever,but pretty sure if our swiss leaders are listening it may be something they care to cast their expert eye over as the customer service side could do with a bit of a revamp as far as I can see
  12. so what are they?? or is it more mushroom syndrome??
  13. ...but it kills the atmosphere, what are hte exact economic benefits?? Personally why not just close the upper rows all the way round?? It said of wedging every one in three sides. The Itchen Concourse was unbearable today so they must have got something wrong somewhere. Also season ticket holders are then forced to be relocated.... ??
  14. ... so its meant to save money, but due to the pandemonium in the itchen concourse i would suggest that takings at the hatches were down just onthe pure numbers that could n't be ****ed to battle there way to the hatch??Surely there cannot be that much of a saving? does anyone know or is it another wall of silence question??
  15. Anything to do with football??
  16. But if you had any dignity as the organiser of a fundraising event would you not publicise the amount raised??
  17. but surely an account or total from the organisers would have been adequate? It would stop these repeated questions, surely they are duty or legally bound to report there total, as I guess this is something any kind of fundraising should do? Especially as it was encouraged/supported by the club?? You know where I stood on the issue at the time and I am sure nothing un toward has happened but the silence does raise suspicion.
  18. This is all very well Derry, but it is clarification that is needed - I had my own thread on the subject and still feeli9t is necessary for the organisers to show there accounts.......... the wall of silence is deafening but someone should just stop this from being an ongoing cause for debate by publishing the accounts. The continued silence would surely be something to continue to raise concern. So for one last time....can we have the final accounts please??
  19. I think you have missed the point entirely...... we do buy tickets in advance but due to the poor weather just held off expecting the club to use some noodle and just push the deadline for buying tickets for the game on monday to the boxing day when we were playing at home.... Its called using the loaf! -as I said even colchester were 'gobsmacked' that we did n't allow for purchases on boxing day in the light of the fact that the spare were being returned by coach? If formation was also ****e trying to ring colchester, after getting timed out on ten seperate occasions on there queing system (contradiction), we finally got throught o be told that tickets could n't be bought until the travelcoaches turned up thus hastening our journey to make sure we were n't left high and dry. I am not sure why people in the position to organise things a little better just don't get on and try to achieve that goal. happy new year everyone
  20. What was that all about? We stop selling them on christmas eve but the spares went up on the coach on monday, meaning tones of wasted calls and a lot of unneccesary confusion at CUFC on match day. Even Colchester admitted that they were gobsmacked that the tickets had n't been on sale on boxing day especially when we had a 30000 crowd. We held off because of the weather and then just witnessed a logistical **** up by the two clubs....... any comment from our customer service manager would be appreciated to explin the decision
  21. We flew out of the official car park and were back in soton by 7.45.... but we did do Carlisle to southampton in sub four hours so i guess we know what we are about in getting away quick..... TBF the pitch size was altered by lambert and I think they are then duty bound to stick with it.... bottom line is though we were just not at the races in the first half. our form against the top six is really great when you scrutinise it and I think we would be better with wotton in the side for games like that... but hey ho thats football.
  22. So why is it that to find anything out that you need to know you check the Saints Web because the OS is so ****e!!.... Also if you are expecting a 30 000 bumper crowd on boxing day, why would you send the fecking spare tickets back on christmas eve, leaving sensible people who have held off buying due to the poor weather forecast having to search high and low on the less than adequate OFFICIAL site???:mad: can mr luker's spy try to get some answers please
  23. It is nearly always the case that one team comes from no where tomake the playoffs - if you add the 10 points on we are one of the top six teams in the league after 23 games, but in effect it took 5or 6 games to get going as AP had to reshape the team. We play all the teams again and have leeds,Charlton, Huddersfield at home, along with the likes of Swindon. These are all six pointers and as long as we stay clear of injuries and suspensions we should easily make the play offs, we really should have more points in the bag by now but that was pre the new winning mentality that AP has installed into the lads - we just need tokeep winning or getting a result from the next game in front of us and as long as we are in the top ten with ten games to go we will breeze into the play offs
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