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Everything posted by ooohTerryHurlock

  1. Dont we just miss him;)
  2. Is that what you call winning ugly?
  3. I'm interested 07792615463
  4. Is hitting the bar not on targt then?
  5. And thank god we have men and women that are prepared to do that eh! .... (a little bit more religion for a sunday!)
  6. Obviously you don't live in Southampton - If you did you would know that we have the most inept bunch of ****s running the gaff that you could ever imagine - the councils response will be too little too late as per norm for all its actions Fair play to AP though nice touch - although I do feel the club were trying to catch up with public opinion - the overwhelming sense it that a minutes silence would have been a decent gesture considering the timing of the tragedy and the home game following, this 'All Saints Day' Idea is a bit of a cop out by the club.
  7. Just a big thank you to Richard, Lisa, Ian, Matt and Mike for a fantastic day yesterday and a great event - It was great to see Kevin and his family there and hopefully we can have another golf day next year to continue to support him and the 'White House' in curdridge. I believe Lisa said the event raised about 14k but I had had a few pints of the black stuff by then! But thanks again and Well Done!
  8. I used prayed in a figurative gramatical manner.... not surpprised you sort of missed the point though;) As you have manage to miss the point of the significance of the event - Fireman are probably our most important emergency service in my view as they do it all. I know a few lads who have/ and are in the service and think they are fantastic blokes worthy of the up most respect....... enough said really
  9. It is not a case of following blindy like sheep, but more a case of following the example of two clubs that see the importance of there roll in the local community. I bumped into my mate who is a fireman going into the ground today, I was worried sick about him the other day when the story broke - prayed that it was n't him but knew it would be some other poor family.these guys do a fantastic job 24/7.... despite losing two friends/workmates the guys would have been back on shift the nextday to answer whatever call came in with the same professionalism as the night before. 23000 people won't be able to get into SM church when the servive of rememberance is held and most of us will be hard pushed to get away form our day jobs then - the club could have allowed us to do this today by proxy Like I say the club really do need to start looking at how they deal with events like this...... wide of the mark again if not a minutes silence - black armbands at least.
  10. However by then Norwich could be champions so we all know they might be in the party mood and leeds could be up to - at the moment we need to keep winning and do the biz against BR on tuesday
  11. might be good if you apologised to arizona though....
  12. Some people just don't get it do they????..... FFS man... they died trying to save hundreds of people from a towering inferno... they were professional to the last, not giving a second thought to the dangers that lay ahead of them or the fact that they may never see their families again.... they were n't ******s sitting in the houses of parliament fiddling their expenses to pay for duck houses or porn flicks, but a couple of guys doing a ****ing dangerous job for not the greatest salary in the world. Putting others before themselves. Bloody heros in my book. I would have liked the opportunity to just observe a bit of quiet communial reflection for there brave action. The story was the focus of national attention and as you can hit there firestation with a stone from the football ground it would have been an incredible gesture by the club..... yet again sfc missed the point, or the necessary level of attention that needed to be paid to the issue. a 5cm2 mention in the programme and a half time announcement when we are all down stairs was n't really cutting the mustard for me
  13. are the club going to do a minutes silence on saturday?
  14. Wot! no football genius? are you seriousily saying that RS is better than wotton??...I think we should get them both in the side!
  15. They won't be able to afford it!
  16. Why you are in contact with them ask them if they have the final accounts for saints aid?? they must be due as it is the end of the financial year;)
  17. Good work - i love it!!! - he always seems to do it in front of where we are sitting and it really makes me laugh. He is a better player than some on here give him credit for!! I hope we keep him as he is fun to have around!!!
  18. lol.... now that has made him even more of a legend!!!
  19. .... and the grump of the day award goes to.......!!!!!!
  20. thank you
  21. a masterpiece of cinema!
  22. .... any one got a clue what it said? or who it was. Also the goal celebration - I love it,but any one know what its about? Great day by the way - hope everyone got back safe
  23. Was that article in the programme about you suewhistle? thought it was good but your cover could be blown!
  24. its on - 2 trips to wembley - defo!
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