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Everything posted by ooohTerryHurlock

  1. ..... Phoned the club today - spoke to LM and offered to Run it for them next year if no one else can be arsed (sorry - if resourses don't stretch to being able to oversee the fifteen shirts having the poppy put on them. He said he would welcome the help!(Thought he seamed an ok sort of guy - ) Anyway I'm trying to speak to the Premier league and football league about trying to get a better support for this event next year - not that i care more than anyone else but just because i feel it important ..... now you can draw your line MR FRY!
  2. ... I hate to write this, but my mate is a Pompey fan(I know, i know, I know) but a few years ago - not that many, i remember him going to Huddersfield on the final day of the season for a game they had to win to stay in the Championship - or whatever it was then. Anyway they won it and from there look where they have got to - A cup in the bag and in Europe! All I am saying (before the condemnation starts) is the fact that we are having some very bad times at the moment but it will come round for us - you can't stop believing or following the team just because it is beng run by a complete boc - get behind the lads and cheer them on - we have to stay in this division (how many times in the early ninetys did we think we were chasing a lost cause - but we managed to come through. Things conspired against us in four years ago but it does n't have to be that way now. ... as a post scrip my mate followed them through all the **** times when they were really crap - but upon having a second child last year did n't renew his season ticket for last season so therefore could n't get a ticket for the cup final! - I just think this is why I am so keen on the idea of introducing a loyalty card where you gain points for matches that you go to now so that when the good times come again (which they will) the fans that have stayed loyal and watched all of this don't get fu'cked over
  3. I think SISA Did at Coventry - They wereilde and 30 million in debt and don't even own the RICOH. The problem is with all the infighting between Lowe, Wilde and Crouch. It must be putting people off. Plus they are all holding out for top dollar prices - on there investments - hence the situation we find our selves.
  4. I'm a STH as well and i don't mind - we need to be getting the stayaways back (which I have been saying on here for ages). I'm just really surprised its taken- so long - and would have thought there are other games earlier which could have been used to try this out. Plymonth on a tuesday evening in November may have been a good one. Forest games are usually pretty well supported and the fact that it would be a real six pointer - should make it very watchable - if it was marketed right - but they crash in with the discount price now? I AM NOT MOANING , just wondering as to how they reach any kind of decision? I STILL suspect there is no logic just a gas panic. But we will SUCK IT AND SEE!
  5. You are a sad individual and obviously need other things in your life!
  6. I can't see how he gets blamed for that fateful season? Sturrock - the mess with Wigley - and then he Harry came in to try and save us but we were already ****ed! Only one man carry s the can ..... and guess what his hand is on the tillar again! I'm thinking about getting inthe lifeboat already as the Ice Bergs are looming!!
  7. What doe's betting you know more about the war than I do got to do with anything - you probably do - I always point out that there is always someone that knows more on a given subject than oneself - so It think you are missing the point some what - and with regard to your response to Totton Read - obviously you are right - my friend died not five weeks ago in a bike accident - and i have lost people to the terrible diseases you quote. My point is about the poppy - not the money! the act of sticking it on a shirt lets kids see their role models and thie idols showing their respect - not out drink driving, or nicking bags from night clubs - it then lets them think what its about - it make s them stop - I liked the touch by hearts where they embroidered the names of some of the players that played for the hearts team between 1914 - 1918 or 39 -45 how about that for some research! we come up with the excuse that 'we did n't have anyone to spare the time!' Do you not honestly think that is just a **** excuse? Think about it in the context of the event - oh yeah 90 anniverary - can't really be arsed actually! - It is just so apathetic - in keeping with everything else that is going on - we have nothing to be proud of at the moment - we have no pride - DO you remember that - standing there singing? when was the last time you heard the fans sing that about their club -WE ARE SOUTHAMPTON THE PRIDE OF SOUTH! - not that often eh. Sophies Gift was n't about the war - it was about a little girl who loved her football club and had a really bad car accident and do you know what our great Director of Football/ Chairman/Manager - he went back on the promise of the previous chairman to support the charity - That is what I am driving at! I don't mean to get personal with you and apologise for my language, which is choice at times. But I just don't like the bigger picture - I don't like it one bit. Perhaps it is an over reaction but if we stop the act then it was all for nothing....
  8. what? - what input do the club make to this financially? they don't - we do as fans. All they do is say we are having and auction and get sixteen shirts embroidered.... As I write this I am watching an article on the news about the yoof of today not having any knowledge or concept of the world wars - particuarly the 1st world war - its the 90 anniversary this year. Poppy's on a football shirt is a great way of promoting it. With regard to your examples -- the answer is simple - Blackburn and Arsenal remain principle football teams - whilst Man Utd and Chelsea are purely corporate giants that are followed by sheep! I would prefer that we tried to stick to the family values and traditions that made this club - not the principles that it has been run on in recent times. And finally if they (the club) want to stop genuine fans that care about this club laying into it - they should stop giving us opportunity by getting things right in the first place. To blame something like this on lack of people - (I'm pretty sure there are a couple sat in the ticket office not exactly rushed off there feet - Lukar being one as he has n't exactly been working overtime on filling the vast rows of empty seats now has he!). I am in the process of taking this up with the football league, the FA and the RBL - so will keep people notified - for those of you that have a memory big enough to cope with it!
  9. So I am a Dullard in believing that the act of rememberance is overlooked by the Idoits that run our once great club? I think you will find that the silence observed at the ground on Saturday was lumped together in a politically correct lets remember everyone - with peace and love! Yeah well like I've already stated that did n't cut it with me - Personally - regardless of the money side of things - it is the act of rememberance that is important - I have read your opinions on football, the club, and life before and think little of them - I am glad that I apply passion to this subject as I feel it remains important I still believe in certain principals that I was taught as a child and will contiue to stand by them - ENJOY THE FOOTBALL AS THAT IS OBVIOUSLY ALL YOU ARE CAPABLE OF - YOU MORON!
  10. The fact the FA or Football league dont make this compulsary is a disgrace - They are quick enough with 'Anti Racism campaign' and the ' Homophobic Campaign' but something like the poppy day appeal gets overlooked. Why did n't the Club ask for some help? - Thats all it took - Personally as I have already pointed out we had a bad enough image after the Sophies gift fiasco. So I do not feel I am being hard on the club as you put it. The bottom line is they diont give a f u c k - so thatgets my goat and makes them even more of a bunch of C U N T s than I thought they were already - I thought that was a hard thing to achieve but guess what they managed it - shame they were n't as good at running a business/football club as they are at f u c k in g it all up!
  11. .... But so many things don't occur to them? It did n't occur to them that the Ted Bates statue was so very important, it did n't occur to them that last week was half term and the kids were off school and the game against cov should have had a promotion running to get a few more bums on seats - It did n't occur to them to ask if someone could spare the time to run the auction -They have a WED SITE, A STADIUM SYSTEM, A RADIO STATION, A BLOKE THAT ANNOUNCES THE TEAMS ON THE PITCH, ACCESS TO THE ECHO PINK, LOCAL TV. has anyone got the time to organise this on a voluntry basis - THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE - and is stuff that goes on in local cricke t clubs and scout troops week in week out but a professionally run football club can't do it - STILL ******** in my book. I would like to see MW buy all the strips from todays game - get them embroidered and then run the auction in the next week or too - they could even do it for cash at the Wolves game next week - those at the crowd can bid and the club can collect the monies in the shop afterwards - HOW DIFFICULT IS THAT! - But if this is not being seen by those at the club this is where our problems lie - we need people with drive, vision and enthusiasm to breath life into this club - so far we have only come up with shutting four corners of the ground! -
  12. I've had enough of cutting the club some slack and listening to the same old bull**** - Its not the fact that not all the clubs are supporting the appeal - (but on that note i think it is something that should be organised from on high at the Premier League(The FA) and Football league (FL) head quarters - we watch the golf between the Players and the Fans growing wider - we watch the growing apathy for the game and it is things like this that can show that the FA and the Football Professionals are still in touch) what really annoyed me and got me mad is the fact that we get such a lame arse excuse - such an insensitive line - oh we can't spare anyone to do it! Perhaps the club could have got a soldier or an ex service man form the town to do it -or do you think that the RBL might have been able to have sorted it out for them. The thing is the club just does n't listen to the fan base anymore hence why the stadium is half empty - they are getting pretty much everything wrong with the way they handle the media image of the club and it stinks. I don't buy the calmer approach - we given the idiot and lunatic at the helm enough slack - I buy my season ticket season in season out regardless of league position or whatever style of football we play (I'm actually still behind the current team as they are playing a good brand of football) but I am fed up of just seeing this slapdash can't be ****ed attitude to the above sorts of things. That is why i am so hopping mad. I've bought my poppy and put my money in the tin -I'll rest easy in my bed to night but i suspect that RL, MW, LM and the rest of gutless wonders and yes man will have a few lumps under thier respective matresses!!!
  13. We come with nothing ... we go with nothing! get out there and go large my friend! I always liked the advert from Barclaycard .... Don't Put it OFF / PUT it on!!
  14. As the echo pointed out on thursday the lads are already paying for any shirts that they give away - I will be phoning the club on Monday to see if I can talk to LM or RL or MW - we cannot keep having situations and events being so badly mis handled. To me this is the third fiasco in quick time- 1. Ted bates Statue Cluster F U C K - DISGRACE 2 Sophies Gift - SHAMEFUL 3. Poppy Appeal - Excuse give Beyond Belief There are some things which we need to be seen buying into - and this is quite simply one of them - The whole point of rememberance is to take a little bit of time to remember the millions of people that have been caught up in these awful tragedies o that it might just stop it from happning again and we can't even, according to the club spend a couple of hours organising this. AND FOR THE HEAD OF RETAIL TO SAY HE IS NOT AWARE OF EBAY - amazing! We miss opportunity after opportunity and it goes from bad to worse - and we have to keep suffering it - surely there must be some solution
  15. AND QUITE ****ING RIGHTLY - THEY COULD STILL AUCTION THE SHIRTS FROM TODAYS GAME - but they wont because they are: 1 So far up their own arse 2 They have no respect for the fans or more importantly the CLub 3 THey are morons 4 They should all be fired and replaced with people who have passion, belief and proper moral values we didn't have time! ******** we could n't be ****ed! The Club ducked out of the Sophies gift charity gala and now this. And Wilde and Lowe are meant to be multi millionaire high profile business men that will lead us from the clutches of administration and drive us back to the premier league - but they can't even organise to auction 15 shirts - the writing is on the wall for this club. .... and why we are on the point of it anyone who reads the history of the club will know how many of our players went off to fight in the second world war so that we could write on walls and forums! Anyone who doesn't support the poppy appeal is quite simply a cun't.. end of. Take a walk around the graveyards of southampton and see how many war graves you can see of nippers not more that 19, 20 that gave there lives for the freedom of the modern world and tell me again that the poppy appeal has made enough money -THERE ARE SOME REAL **** SUCKERS on here that adds to my belief that the club will disappear up it own arse hole. - for me another nail in the coffin today!
  16. Do you want to share the reply with us???
  17. I've never had the pleasure of meeting the guy - but nice guy or not he needs to be letting us know why we are n't doing promotions and what the hell we are going to do to shift the tickets and get the ground and attendance back up. We need to get the stayaways back in - If his hands are being tied and he cares about the club then let him speak out and clear his name - if the direction for this is coming from laurel and hardy - (lets close the corners!) let him say so - It will be remembered come the revolution! For f u c k s ak e lets get some one in who knows about marketing - as it is quite obvious no one at the club could even sell cheese at a farmers market let alone anything on this scale!
  18. The first mistake with the new stadium was the poncy naming rights -simply calling it the New Dell - would have brought a massive link to the history of the past - The stands should have been - still could be named after great players - all discussed before - The problems that led to our previous relegation (first one for 28 ears or so?) were caused by a medling chairman that fire a manager without giving him a chance - destroing a pre season - then appointing a head coach - that would prepare the side whilst the chairman picked the side and bought the players - then leaving it too late to sack/replace head coach before getting a proven manager in - but not giving him enough time to get us out of the sticky stuff. Ring any bells - I think we are up to the point where by we leave it too late to get someone else in to help jp out! Some people just don't learn by their mistakes! Finally the debt on the stadium - with the money generated from the premiership, sky, gate revinue, cup runs, merchandise, player trading - how is the debt still so big? It only cost £32 million to build and we had at least £5million from the sale of the Dell? I think there are still a few questions that need answering!
  19. So our problems are caused by Scoussers! I can see RL trotting this one out!
  20. This is exactly the point of my post - how can they not come up with anything for a game like this? take the other guy - he would go with his nipper if there was some kind of deal - he pays full price and the kid goes for a quid. How easy is that - you have a better atmosphere - you sell more burgers and hotdogs, programmes and ****e from the shop. Am I right to hold up Luker as someone who needs the chop?
  21. .... I have actually thought that - the whole crowd registers as players and we pick a side from everyone that turns up - I reckon we could do as well as we are doing at the moment!!! .... I guess my point is that there is no one at the club or in the ticket office doing anthing to boost the gate! Its half term - they could be able to get a big crowd for the game with the kids being off school - I remember when I was little it was the biggest buzz going to watch a night game - everything was so much closer more sensual. But yet again Luker - and the ugly sisters (LOWE and WILDE) have come up with nothing!! And they say we are apathetic! - Instead of going for a bumper crowd we will probably post a new attendance Low(e) record. .... Shocking - and the chance that the can lead us out of this crisis?
  22. ... just wondered if the club are doing anything at all to entice people to the game on Tuesday? e.g Kids for a quid STH bring a friend for a fiver? anythig at all really? Does anyone know?..... If not why the **** Not?
  23. Thats the spirit! If we can see it needs something like that - what is going on within the club? All the great two have done is shut four corners!!
  24. .... I'm prepared to be wrong and to accept the consequences of my actions... and prepared to apologise... (start reading RL and MW - thats what principals are about!). .... althoughh not sure saga is 20 goal a season stuff!
  25. ... unfortunately I think we are somewhere near that level - the official line is that we have to get these players off the wage bill - so if we club together and pay for a players wages in the short term - isn't that the same thing. Take John for instance - he came as amake weight in the deal that took KJ to Sunderland - he is not my ideal player and i never though I would be writng a thread championing either he or Rasiak - or even to offer paying there wages (along with all the other STH) but if thats what it takes to give us some fire power - then i think it is worth doing -It would also show the bankers (I do mean bankers and not the current board of ******s!) that the fanbase care's enough to try to do something about it - huff and puff is ok - its direct action that matters.
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