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Everything posted by ooohTerryHurlock

  1. Why can't the city council gaurentee the loan on the stadium - I know they don't want to buy it or can't afford to but surely this premier sporting facility could is as important an asset as a celler full of pricelees works of art? The stadium is an integral part of the regeneration of that area. If it goes or fails it will be taken back over by pimps and toms. Also even with the reduced crowds, hundred of thousands of pounds must be generated through matchday festivities - jobs depend on the stadium being there. Its time the city council get involved and see how they can help. Why can't they loan the club money - surely its as good a home for our money than some dodgy icelandic bank!
  2. We thought enough of him to sign him did n't we - as far as I see it is like buying an international striker for £150 000. Its a gamble but the way I see it we are hardly bursting the onion bag. DM is starting to get stick from the crowd - there looking for a scape goat and he is in the firing line and needs someone to share the burden. SAGA gives us an option. We need to be more adventurous at home - stick with the total football away from home (system seams to work there) and go 3 - 5 - 2 at home. We are blest with wingers so lets use them but give them a couple of men to hit up front. Will Saga score? I don't know but I would rather get relegated knowing we gave it a good go than go down with out a fight. That has never been our way so why just give in now and accept it? Also i was wondering what Marian was doing - is he fit/playing. How good would it be to get him back! I just want the clowns at the top to show a bit of commitment and desire - we all know the score but if they were honest and did n't treat the paying custom with such contempt they may find the fan base were more willing to help! By the way if every season ticket holder chucked in a tenner we would be half way there to paying his fee's - how about Mr Lowe. John B can put in a bit as well!!
  3. The only chance we have of staying up is if we win home games - in order to do that we need to score more goals than our opposition - this I believe is the basic principle of football. There fore in order to score goals you need to have GOALSCORERS in the side! We had three 15 - 20 goal strikers in the squad and put them all out on loan (2 to sides in the same division!) His fee's are £150 000 until the end of the season - surely the board of multi millionaire and business men can cover this out of there own pockets - FOr those on the Board this can be in the form of a DIRECTORS LOAN! - IF not I'm sure we could rake this up between us - Golden Gamble, Lottery or even a ****ing bucket - I'm fed up of hearing that we don't have a pot to **** in but the directors don't seem to have chucked anything in to give us a fighting chance! LEsson in football and Business over - we will move on to more complex issues later MR LOWE (DOF)!!
  4. Some good ideas that concur with my own and rockandrollman2 and countless other people but who the Fu+k is listening from the club and what are they doing that is pro active about it!
  5. This says a lot about the state of things - even if you offer help they are oblivious to it. im pretty sure they must even keep an eye on what get says on here - and there are loads of good ideas but they just dont give a ****e . i think your prices are right and numbers would be up if people were only paying twelve quid a game - but what can you do! sorry what can WE DO!
  6. a combination of a mid life crisis, aging and the revolving door at southampton! sorry!
  7. It has the product it just has nt got a clue on how to sell it or how to price it. I was interested to see that Harlequins managed to sell close on 60000 tickets for its last rugby match because it priced it right - it cost thirty quid for a family of four to go to twickenham to watch the game - ten quid each for the adults and a fiver each for the kids - despite the crunch people still go out - they just want to see a bit of value - all we have at the moment is a stale marketing department and a crusty old board that are keeping the club afloat by keeping the price high and stinging the loyal fan base. Football itself is in the duldrums so we are not alone but we are just in the positio that we have a the most unpopular board ever that is so distanced from the fan base and the customers it it hard to imagine - I think Luker has his hand tied but we need people with drive and vision - I mean fancy discounting a game and then tying that one to the Man Utd game? Im no marketing or sales expert (geologist by qualification) but fu+K me I reckon I could out think some of these so called experts that are meant to lead us out of this mess. I still stand by the fact that the only big decision taken by tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber is to shut the corners???? Talk about will the last one to leave please turn off the lights!
  8. Surely the club should go down the Norwich route and offer renewals now - at a very early early bird price. This would get the cash in from the 'Ill go regardless brigade' and tempt the penny watchers with a knockout price. Alos they could have a good idea on potential numbers. Just an idea - but if they said renew now for£299 or £250 it would be tempting and fair to the masseNot sure why they are hanging on. I would be trying to get as many signed up as possible now - BUT AS I HAVe SAID BEFORE THERE IS NO VISION FROM WITHIN THE MARKETING DEPARTMENT - they should move over and let some fresh blood in that have some drive and enthusiasm and actually appear to have some ideas! Perhaps we should see if we can get a local chef on board as at least the Pies would improve!
  9. What above survival?
  10. We need not concern ourselves with the other two - Hanging on by the skin of out teeth would be more than enough of a miracle - the third division is a trip I personally do not want to take!
  11. Good post - I think a lot of your points are very valid. the only bit I'm starting to disagree with is the fact of un seating lowe at this present time - dont get me wrong I know as everyone else does that his day is done - he has lost the fan base (or not regained them depending on how you see it!) but now is the wrong time - our only chance to get out of this is to unite - i mean all the goings on at the AGM last week were just a farce - United we stand - divided we fall is the old saying - and is there a better example of that than what is going on at our club at the moment? The passion to un seat lowe drives more people than supporting the team or backing the club. When leeds were being ****ed over by the owners that took them to the third Division - they still hadgates of 30000 everyweek to support the club - that is where e are different I guess. As soon as we came out of the premiership people started disappearing up there own arse s cause we were nt watching load of portuguiese ponces flinging themselves around - but they will all come back for there game next week! I think something need to change to give us a chance and with little to no money available the only dice to roll is change the manager - or appoint a manager and just allow JP to coach. Maybe Tisdale is not the right man at the moment for that task but he is certainly one for the future!
  12. .... Its sad to say I would nt mind having a player like Moody in the squad right now (serious) - thats how bad things have got!
  13. ....... street!!!! (honest!)
  14. Lets not tred water that has been done but we were well doomed by the time Harry arrived - what is important is that those in charge of the club realise from the mistakes of that relegation season and do everything in there power to prevent it happening again - hence i guess this post. As far as i can see all we are doing is hurtling down the same path -making the same mistakes. In 2004 we stuck with wigley for too long. Lets not do the sme this time. The post is about Le Tiss and could he do a job for us - I for one think in our current situation there isnt probably a better candidate for working miracles for when everything seams lost! He knows the club and the fans - he knows the brand of football that we like, he could inspire the youth, and we can unite behind him and leave the board to get on with doing important director issues like putting up pictures of trains in the boardroom! He would need a capable number two - but it could work. I like Jan as a gentleman - and I think he has been shafted but unless we can start getting results at SMS we are ****ed - so alas we need to make the change.
  15. We need something to happen now - so if that is what it takes to give us a lift then lets do it - we have nothing to loose - we all admit we are in queer . with regard to Redknap ( I trust thats who you mean) he will always be a good manager and motivator - what happened here was down to one man and one man only - he is still here sadly. replaying his relegation game but with no changes to the programme!
  16. ... I think he could be good - He would create a buzz and a feel good factor that would get people back throught he gate - he has a good and natural way with the media and with a good number two it could work - and the biggest plus point is that he was one of the best set piece players in the game so i guess he might be able to get one of our present day proffessionals to get a ****ing corner beyond the first ****ing man!!!!
  17. Not sure why the club does nt say pay twenty quid for the membership but then get 10% off every time you use it - thats a couple of quid a game off. i think this would work for the cricket club as well. I was a full member at the hampshire but since the nipper has come along and with work just dont make the games so its hard to justify 140 quid a year - however a lesser membership with a discount on face would certainly put more names on the database. - just a thought!
  18. defo with mash!
  19. it did n't ****ing put a team together that won the cup - bring or persuade players - world class players - to join a less than fashionable club. Come very close to winning the league and deliver european football season after season. Not to mention the players he brought through the ranks. He, along with bates are solely responsible for putting the club - on the footballing map - the two knobs at the helm at the moment are trying to create armageddon should **** off to crew if they love trains that much and leave us and our club to get back to the roots and traditions that made this club..... and as for your opinion - well it is worth jack !
  20. This is quite right - I fully support every one on here who is saying it should reward STH and punish stay aways. But in real terms we need to use this as a leaver to get people back into the ground for xmas - Its one each for STH and Members and then anyone who doubles up with Sheff Wed gets a ticket. THen with the discount on Notts Forest - Reading in the holiday season and the Cup Game we should get the gate back up to mid twenties plus for three games and a full house for the cup shock of the season! Rewards can come later these four games could ensure that we don't need to sell any one in the window which could make the difference.
  21. A fiver says its a sell out - there are that many glory hunting fecking man utd fans in whitely and fareham and around they will make sure the ground is full. Not sure how they are going to feel when they have to walk home thinking about how Total Football is the way forward - once we have stuck it right up them!!
  22. Fantastic - best thing on here for ages - never saw Ron play - but I thnk clips like this show how good he was! loved the Backpasses as well!! and what about the scoreboard.... How good was our third goal! Thankyou once again for putting it up - made my night!
  23. No leave it to the Hockey playing,rugby watching, duck shooting Director of Football - most people in the ground have forgotton more about football than tht DOF knows - so for god sake don't give us a say!
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