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Everything posted by ooohTerryHurlock

  1. I'm not for crouchies argument entirely but lets just analyse the bank and what they do for us. Sir Fred Goodwin oversaw the huge losses at RBS and gets a £700000 pension for life - for what exactly. The country has massively bailed out the banks but they are still ****ing us over - so why not adopt the same principles? Sir Alan Stanford - Corrupt Madof - Corrupt AIG has been bailed out by the USA government - but they award themselves countless million in bonuses - Northern Rock - gets bailed out by us to stop it going to the wall for its mismanagement but is the fastest bank to repossess people's home? Is that right? I'm not sure it would n't have been easier for the banks to pay off all our mortgages and start again - that would have certainly given the economy in the shot in the arm it needed!
  2. Re - read the original post and looks like we will only find out when the teams have been decided - my nails can't take much more!
  3. I'm sure Steve will keep us informed when there's any news.... (see I've learnt my lesson form previousily!!!). Although I hope we find out soon so I can get my new boots tahar!
  4. It could just mean that most people have more patience than us:rolleyes:guess your as good as waiting as me!
  5. Steve Any idea when we will know the outcome of the process? thanks
  6. Know where you are coming from... not sure I'm having the best day at work!... But hey ho!
  7. Do you think you will ever organise another game - or has this one sent you round the bend? ...“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that...” Bill Shankly
  8. I've sent you about three now!! sorry -had drafted it the other night so was ready but you wanted some more details I guess - is it all in order now? cheers again!.... just a thought could you put the names on a smiths team sheet so we ket the full effect! That would be fab!
  9. This occured to me last night in bed ..... am I the only one who is a complete fat bastard. I think XL might be pretty snug on me !!! might have to do the old cut and shut! As to boots - does anyone know if they still do Puma Dalglish Silver - they were the ducks nuts of boots when I was a boy!!! Haven't had this gut wrenching feeling since middle school when the smiths crisp team sheet used to go and it used to be a race down the corridor to get to the board first to see if you made the team!-roll on eleven o'clock!!!
  10. .... Of course we would still have pearson, could be topof the championship and have crowds of twent five to thirty thousand each week as we march back to the promised land of the premiership? .... who knows what would have happened under crouch et al? as for sorting the finances out - well who knows what the actual state is.
  11. You might be right Mike but then again who would have thought that Pompey would win the cup - it does happen. The potential is still there as much as with any club - wejust need to sort things out off the park once and for all and then kick on - Don't stop believing though!
  12. Is it any good? Whats the ratio for the mix? Could be a good drink to have on the touch line energy + Iron!!!
  13. In the same glass?? **** me thats a new one or is that I am that old?
  14. ... did I upset you as well????? ........ :rolleyes:But you never know it could happen!!!
  15. I would just like to say a very well done to you both (sincerely) - The offer of the pint still stands by the way:) Sorry for the grieve - just very keen to get it off the ground..... but well done again!
  16. A Peter Kay Eleven???...... Thanks by the way:D
  17. It would have made more sense if Mr Luker had got the pricing structure right so that more people wanted to come through the gate! The object of any business is surely to sell the product - not close parts of it down!
  18. LOL!!! I noticed it that too!!! when we were in the prem they used to hurle up and sown the stairs and it was a real high profile event - now its just like they could n't be arsed - do you think that the apathy engulfing the club has now spread to steward training drills? Or is there a different level of stewarding in the CCC???
  19. Where have they gone? I kinda miss them guys?
  20. To be quite honest I don't really give a **** how you feel I am starting to come across - kid like or otherwise. If people cant take constructive critism then they should nt stick themselves up to get shot.- All i've pointed out is that I was willing to help - we want to get this game on! **** me Anneka Rice build Hospitals in third world countries in 48hrs - even Alan Titchmarsh can turn round a garden in three days and it has taken us ten days to organise a kick about when the Pitch, Dressing Rooms and Officials are being provided? With regard to the club - they do nothing ever to enhance my opinion that anyone working there or doing anything for it knows where their arsehole is so as for slating it ..... well that will probably stop when they actually get something right. Their track record stinks. Im eager for the game to go ahead -and have stuck a few posts up which probably rattled a few people. - but I have been sincere in my offer and my apology. But If people are too pigheaded or rude or stubborn to even acknowledge the offer or the apology by post or pm then I ask you who is indeed actually acting like a Kid. If they were stuck for someone sticking £1600 quid on a credit card to get it booked I am the type of bloke that could have facilitated something like that but hey ho we will just plod along (that would cover all my posts on communication!) I could write more but I wont - I said I would wait and see what monday/tuesday brings and I intend to do that but it just seems that these too guys have got bogged down with the finer detail with out getting the basics sorted... do they not watch the apprentice fffs. But anyway I will wait and pop my name forward (not holding out much hope of making the team by the way!) ... for whats its worth I am miles over weight, over the hill and pretty **** at football (although I can trap a ball and have a first touch ..... oh and I get fired up and am 100%committed to anything I do) but it is a burning ambition to play on that pitch and thought this would be a great opportunity for us all to have a laugh and a kick about. .... Oh by the way - thanks for your apology, I probably did take your post the wrong way it did cause offense but guess what - Im over it! But I accept it and no hard feelings! Ill even buy you steve and Baj a pint when the game gets off the ground!
  21. I did n't say he had done anything wrong, just that the communication had n't been great - You can find all the excuses you want - I would just like us to be further down the road than we are! If a fuller explanation had been offered to what was happening, or if there was a sticking point and we knew what it was maybe collectively we could sort it out. I've put in the offer to help and its fallen on deaf ears. Steve wanted to own this baby so there you go. Constructive critism or suggestions should n't be taken personally. But as I have said if you don't communicate you can't overcome little pitfuls. For what its worth I just thought this was a great opportunity for us to get together and have some fun - I want it to happen for all the right reason and as I have already stated I apologise to Steve and Baj if they have taken any offence from my posts. ...... I've waited ten days so a couple more won't hurt will it eh!
  22. 32 people x £50.00 deposit (non refundable) = £1600 (the deposit could be stuck on a credit card) - wheres the sticking point? Fix the date with the club - ask for defo with the deposit - job done. I said in one of my early posts on this that the club were a shambles and got pillared by someone for that, perhaps people are starting to realise that they(the club) could n't organise my dog getting ****ged when its in season!- . Yet again I will point out that the thread has been running since the 6 of March - Monday will be the 16th - and we are for some reason no nearer getting the game on - we will wait and see what Monday brings - hope springs eternal..... but honestly as too the comment about RL - he's a business man - they don't give a **** if they have to shake hands with the devil as long as the deal gets done - there are very few ethics in Business and even less in a football based business!
  23. Out of interest who is your management agent steve?
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