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Everything posted by ooohTerryHurlock

  1. .... The oxford-born youngster?... 23??? In football terms he is hardly a youngster?
  2. The hole gets deeper!
  3. I'm looking forward to you playing in the forum match next season!!! I could do with you playing this year as you could do my running for me action girl!!
  4. good post - although these may be our wilderness years we can come through them!
  5. Once I wrap my size eleven round it it will probably head out your way! - but there is no rhyme or reason as to where it may end up.!!! This could be an experience!
  6. Love WA you lucky bugger! Thought about Ice coffe - I could send you over a mask of my face - yu can then drink the iced coffee and film it and put it on you tub e and I can watch it !!!! ..... seriously if you are a big saints fan I can let you have a chair - I've got a few... We were very well orgainsed - we had a socket set so got the frame work!!!!
  7. Thats my Boy! - I'll be thumping over the top for you to run onto (that is if I get anywhere near the thing!)
  8. What the hell is that? .... STeve just checked my emails and have n't got one yet?
  9. I've got a spare seat from the Dell - could cost you a big box of Cherry Ripes - also you would have to have a masters iced coffee for me! .... now why did I go and write that won't be able to concentrate all day!
  10. Am I not on your team then!
  11. I thought this as well? A top notch restaurant - With the celeb chefs coming and doing a residence, James martin, Marco, jamie- or what about Kuti's St marys? The blue jays stadium in toronto has a planet hollywood housed in it -part of the ground could be turned into that? A pub in the dell bar/ cafe. Pool table/snooker tables. A bowling alley - there are so many things that could be done. But whether they look into it or not we may or may not know.
  12. Why don't we just throw in another tenner?
  13. What about the money Steve - when and how do you want it?
  14. Put my self down for 45 mins - probably last about ten before i'm blowing out of my arse!..... actually can i play the second half as some of the pace might have gone out of te game by then!!!!hehehehehe:rolleyes:
  15. Do you not think that supporting the club week in week out since I can remember - travelling thousands on miles and giving up hour after hour travelling too and from games. all the emotion I've poured into this passions counts as earning 45 minutes running around on the pitch where my heros have played??? not to mention the thousands of pounds ploughed into the club in tickets, kits, programmes? The games are hardly comparable to a senior cup final are they? Don't be such a kill joy and lighten up a bit - the worlds such a glum place as it is!
  16. Does the your attitude on this apply to golfers playing around on a championship golf course? or maybe even driving a lap round a motor racing circuit? Why should n't we fulfil our ambitions in life? or should we all sit in dark rooms writing narky little threads on internet message boards - get out and smell the air Alpine - and for christ sake try smiling at the world - you never know it might just smile back!
  17. I'm not letting lack of fitness stand in my way! - Live for today and let tomorrow take care of itself.... and why feel embarressed? Don't be shy sign up!
  18. What about a fat exchange - I give you some of my lard so we both look just lovely in our kits!!
  19. Mouth and trousers seem to go together! (no offence to the trousers on here mind!)
  20. ... YIPPEE! Right I'm in pre season training! - I've got about forty odd days to slim my way into an XL shirt!!! Made my day though granty! xxxx
  21. Guess you have never lost anyone close? You learn to cope and you learn to deal with the pain but you don't just get over it! I can't imagine anything worse for those two little boys to loose there mum - just awful. I pray that its a long time before you find out how painful that situation is. I did n't like the girl but she took her opportunity on car crash tv and played the media game - and she took her rewards. She was aware of her limitations but now everybody lets just let her be. R.I.P
  22. To be fair to RL - his first aim was Stoneham that would have been more sustainable as it had Business/retail associated - it also had an athletic track - but wth most things it was too complicated to get sorted and we ended with hobsons choice - Personally I would have liked us to redevelop the dell site - like West ham have done but alas it wasn't to be but SMS is ok when it is full - it does get going.
  23. .... But we generated a lot of money too!
  24. Why 31? - You can massage statistics all you want - Its not about what we done in the past its what WE CAN DO IN THE FUTURE THAT MATTERS! - starting today!
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