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Everything posted by ooohTerryHurlock

  1. I guess Darlington don't have our monstrous wage bill eh.Perhaps they don't owe money left right and centre? So why the **** are they in admin then? Are their pies **** or something?
  2. I spoke to Lawrie after the game as my idea was to try and get an insurance company to under right the risk - I then followed this up on friday by speaking to Lloyds of London - and a few brokers. My idea is that for a smaller premium we could try to insure for £600k and maybe a local business would pay the premium without being liable for the £600 k - LM thought it was a good idea. I spoke to equity and holmans who are brokers but they struggled to find someone - althought the chap at Lloyds said they would do it but only through a lloyds broker - He said it was an unusual request but not unheard of. The guy at Equity commercial in yeovil said it may be best to approach the clubs current insurers as they may be willing to under write as a gesture of goodwill against future business(he was an optimist) or go to the bank - In efect the risk is very slight - I am sure we can raise £500k from a legends v celebrity game. i did try and will continue to talk to people if someone can point me in the direction of the stadium insurers - It is not a n insurance but a financial gaurantee - anyway may phone the administratr tomorrow if I don't hear anything!..... Obviousily the administrator can then coun't this as good money as opposed to possible monies coming into the club and along with a bumper crowd on Saturday could keep the hounds baying!
  3. But still no clear indication as to how much we need to keep going? No updates on how much has been raised to date? - Surely pledges or deposits on season tickets could at least buy us some time? i would like to know how Darlington have been in admin since February and have just been given an extension to find a new buyer and we are being told we have 24 days and the FL are dicking about having an investigation which is really helping us out - but looking at the latest scores i think we are defo down now. We do need to act quick but we need Mr Fry to come out and make our exact position clear. Also does anyone know how we are doing on the ticket front for Saturday?
  4. Can we not use tis game as afundraiser for the club.... £5 a ticket - quid a kid and a barrel of laughs? what do you reckon?
  5. All grey for me too... I think granty is meant to be sending the squad numbers out..... but maybe no.9 knows more as he knew about the transfer... is he itk????:smt038:smt038
  6. We just thought we would tell you what we were wearing 'cause we are goin to be that quick on the day the game that it will all be like a blur to you.... hohohoho .... seriousily whats this social group thingy!
  7. Good idea chap - I have XXXL Saints away shirt - loose fit -yeahbaby! and Grey away socks - I am still awaiting short decision - they have some big pairs of grey shorts in the shop but no red ones - my shirt has fly be logo on it - which i don't think the others have but I can always stick some tape over it or something.
  8. So surely then Derry - as we only see ourselves as a fallback position we should be hammering out the B plan with Royston Smith et al - to see what we will need? Are we in contact with Mr Smith?
  9. .... So can we have decision then please? I don't mind what colour as long as we all look lovely and that they don't:- 1) Split 2) Fall Down!(unlikely considering the sizes left)
  10. i'm not knocking you as i really applaud what you are trying to do but how well publicised is the website and how easy is it for people to actually pledge? How are things going with the council? We need to try and get a positive spin going... and what people need to remember is that we are not trying to save the players but the very existance of the club that we all support. I'm not sure people appreciate the seriousness of the situation
  11. I think there were a few grey shorts left.... Do we have a manager yet? also why don't we just ask the club if they will chuck in a set of red ones... the season will be over by then and we can always donate a couple of quid... are we getting squad numbers today???
  12. Are we going to re brand in to a different sport then??? Footballers... only joking Seriousily the problem isn't necessarily with the lads - most of them just want to play football... the problem lies with thier agents and advisors. Perhaps we need to get back to the old principles of only dealing with the player and thier mum or dad. Would get rid of some of the rodents that make an immoral living by acting as agents... I actually have more respect for hookers you know as a t least they sell there own body!
  13. I suggested a 'everyone donate a days wages' Fans, Players, Staff everyone, but we need to know what we are working towards, this was clear from MC the other night -a lot of people are prepared to donate but you need a clear aim for this, a target or a goal, then you can really raise funds but at the moment we are caught by the football league investigation which i really believe is hampering us. Perhaps we would be better trying to strike a deal with the FL so that we do infact take the penalty this season as we are almost certainly doomed. This will then enable them to close the loophole and tighten regs and we can move on sharpish. I still fill that a viable bid from the council and the fans can be made to at least buy SMS - this would surely ensure our safety and give us a decent infrastructure to build from. Also what is the point in carping on about the playing staff wages -these were contract signed in the past, a line needs to be drawn under them and we should learn a lesson but using their wages as a constant lever or reason to not donate to save the club is pretty **** poor imo. ALso the confusion with pledging has n't hepled - one thread has about £750000 pledged and the other about £75K but the appeal need to be widen out to people who don't spend all day in dark rooms on internet forums:rolleyes:
  14. LOl... I love the wit on here sometimes.... The guy is obviousily in need of some kind of therapy! .... crown jewels..... ffs,,,,
  15. Can we use the showers? ... will they provide towels?... I've got the right socks griffo... so its just the shorts.
  16. Not sure about our team unity here???:rolleyes:There was sod all left in the shop yesterday - on the sock front... a handful of boys and a couple of pairs of mens? Are we having Team photos? group photos? ... I am playing in the away top but I have bought a larger than XL one to cover by body beautiful... It will be slightly different as I will be sponsered by Flybe whereas you lot won't but since the happy mondays I don't do skin tight! Oh any progress on squad numbers as i need to get me boots done!
  17. The Flying Finn.... but now I will leave the home side to contemplate!
  18. Surely there was an easier way than to cause this mess?
  19. But what I am saying is if we had sold in March as first planned the club would have had the funds to fulfill fixtures and also possibly avoid admin? I hate rehashing my conversation with DL but he said the club knew how bad things were in January and the article in the echo by him somewhat did n't give the fans the whole picture of how bad things are. But we only started running deals and the like after MW had written how well meetings had gone with the financial backers... and surely if it is Barclays that have pushed us to the wall over £100k why did n't they see what sells would have been like? Also if they had their finger on the pulse and the business manager had any nounce they would have suggested that RL took at very least a back seat due to his damaging media image?... DL said that they hold off deals due to the anger and unrest with STH over deals, but surely if they had written to STH in January and pointed out the extreme hardship and communicated better with the 'customers' some of the unrest from STH could have been quelled.....(I'm not having a pop David, as I know this will feed back to you but I do still feel that I am struggling to understand some of the decisions that were made) anyway....
  20. ... If we need £600k to stay afloat we simply just don't start selling season tickets for next season.... Evenif STs were set at £350 and we pre sold 7500 we would bring in £2,625,000... This would obviousily keep the wolf from the door. What is the reasoning behind not selling - Surely this is how clubs operate? I mean last season renewals were in March? and the money is in the bank so why not this year.... because the argument that they were holding off to see what division we were in in order to decide what price to set pales in to insignificance compared to the club going under? I just don't get it? can anyone explain?...
  21. At the talk last night it was clear that Channon et al are keen to; and will donate but they want to know where the cash is going and not to throw it into a black hole..... also this investigation by the Football league seems to be holding us up a bit.
  22. Is he on my team .... I hope so because that is striking the fear of god into me!
  23. Where is the away team social group?
  24. What about the forum match - may the 7th - get some advertising patches made up for the away shirts and home shirts - Saints Web - save our saints? can we not hi jack the game and use it as away or vehicle to advertise the save our saints campaigne?...... and what about 7?????
  25. 1) Can we get an advert/follow up in the Echo 2) Can the guy who did the give it to Ron stickers do the same thing? 3) Advert in Programme 4) Club needs to email everyone on database, or can we get access to this info 5) Matey with the plane and advert thing 6) Radio exposure from Wave and the rest 7)....Lucy Pinder exposure - oh yeah baby! ... I have pledged twice under the confusion - we do need to channel allthis enery behind one person to carry this forward - 4 seperate Save Our Saints campaigns only gives ammunition to those who question whether we can get ourselves organised to sort his out. i applaud Derry's graft and commitment and there is a very large drink to be bought for him ... but we need to have just one group. Got to dash as i am in Oxford and have got to get to SMS for the laurie and le tiss show!
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