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Everything posted by ooohTerryHurlock

  1. ..... Can the council not expedite the order?? It seems a shame for you guys as you have put in so much work....red tape eh! Have tickets gone on sale yet? IF not can you not push the date back a wee bit?
  2. he's also just had a young baby and got married? How old is he and how much do you think he earns?
  3. What happened in your dressing room...... Our Gaffer was insistant that known of that went on in our dressing room. I guess influenced was right when he said you had a dressing room of Shirtlifters. tuttuttut:rolleyes:
  4. This is also a result of the dissolution of the fabric of the club - now if you look down the club stats it is hard to find more than a couple of players that have played more than a 100 games for the club ... compared to only four or five years aago when you had numerous players who had clocked several hundred appearances for the club. The current crop of players or squad have very little connection to the clubs supporters. They are here today gone tomorrow and would be advised by there advisors not defer their wages. All of their money negotiations are handled by agent (pimps) - can you honestly see an agent advising his player to defer wages??? or the PFA???
  5. Football fan = Mug They have you by the heart strings! - its a passion and an emotion.
  6. ... A bit like how the OS liked to tell us how good the opposition thought we had been after taking three points of us..... Wolves think we are a good team so we won't get relegated!... March madness? or Management Madness? you decide??? .... You would like to think that some of the players would have done something to help the fundraising but not necessarily sure they should be critised for not deffering. I remember when Leicester were in queer street and I think i am right in saying that emil Heskey lumped in a load of cash to help save them?? Certainly showed his connection with his home town club. I think some of our former players would help (according to Channon) but they just wanted to know how the money would be used.... which I think is the problem a lot of people have had and hence the lack of £1000 donations.
  7. Cheers Steve/Baj... fantastic night and real good fun... gutted to lose but it was the true Saints experience!! Throw it away at the death. Thought Influenced was quality, despite the booking! .... left ankle is sore this morning, but despite rumours I am still considering the retirement option, so you better save me a seat next to you next year Hampster!(just in case). Well done to Preb for making the long trip from Norway (minus baggage!) and to Phil for his long trek. I think Silversaint came down form leeds and one of the other lads came from Birmingham so all in all a few miles were travelled. Nice to meet you all and put faces to Avitars!!! .... now will someone please buy the club and we can get on with getting out of League 1:) (upwards movement only!)
  8. I thought of a battle bus - that travels around the suburbs and schools - loaded with super saint and a couple of players and drums up business that way. It could have a couple of promotions girls and blow up goals and you could take penalties agains super saint and the like. You would also be able to buy tickets from the bus - It could play oh when the saints out of some ice cream horns.... Its a lovely vision!!! Also we should be doing some kind of tie in with the cricket club - acombined membership for footy and cricket.
  9. I would change the whole focus of the store - is it the case that you can still only buy shirts and stuff in the official shops or online? need to get back to try reclaiming fans from Basingstoke, Andover, and the outlining territorys.
  10. I met a luton fan recently who felt the club was getting a double punishment. - what still gets me as that the punishment of -30 only punishes one group of people.... Us... The Fans. The money men have ****ed off and we the honest paying football supporter then suffers watching a season where your chances of survival are so handicapped that it is like watching a slow death. I think there should be an agreed maximum penalty where by you can either suffer the deficet or suffer a double relegation. How ever Bournemouth and Rotherham have shown that it is possible to survive massive debts. But I do feel that there should be other ways to punish clubs rather than points deductions as it is just not fair on the fans.
  11. Are any of the local media covering the event? or even Radio Hampshire???
  12. I have made a sunday career out of rolling te pitch!!!
  13. No dramas if not but any update due?? ... 1 day to go...... 3 stone to lose!
  14. Surely the deal with Umbro still stands though?
  15. Whats one of those???? For what its worth I think Jo could do a job, and Telfer as well. Its as much about wanting to play for the club at the present time as much as anything!
  16. .... And what do you know about anything? .... Hang on a minute are you not that guy that looks like Zak Dingle????
  17. [ I think the picture above just shows that its probably not about the money for Woggy - more about the Love! Not everything is about money! Get him back in - Pehaps we can afford him now that we don't have to pay RL such a massive wage for destroying our club!
  18. Hmmm ... may have even overreached my own optimistic goals with that one... How about 30 000 members as an initial target! achievable with the fact that you get a icket with your membership.
  19. Did you get to te ground then???
  20. Surely the membership needs to be rebadged and jazzed up a bit. I would go for something like £30 quid to join - but you get one free match ticket for every membership. This would encourage a few people to sign up. Also get a significant discount on a future game. Plus the already associated benefits (whatever they are) So if you get 100 000 members - Brings in £3m - Obviously this will help get a few sell outs next season - They really do need to hit the ground running with a few good initiatives and marketing ideas - A new start means with regard to everything! Lots of Drive, Lots of enthusiasm. lots of passion.... as someone said Lets Have Fun in League One!!!
  21. Nick - everyone who knew anything about the club recognised him as a 'face'. He was a cheery fellow and it was a statement of Lowes return that he got axed. So it's a statement of the new owners that the club is refinding its roots and re appointing him! I'm not quite sure what his age has to do with anything?? He knows the club inside out and always has time for a chirpy word with the fans.... This club has to get back to being about the family club that TB tried and succeeded to create. That is where we found success - RL took us down the PLC route with everyone being a customer and the like and look where that has got us!!Get Woggy back in now.... I was hoping he would lay our kit out for us on THursday!!!
  22. Smith is world class ..... accordingly! HCDAJFA ..... Simon Cox (Swindon) but being scouted by Sheff Utd and Derby Eastwood (Coverntry) A good goal scorer but floundered at both Wolves and Coventry, would be more at home in Botley though!!
  23. Cuts both ways.... have you ever travelled with our sponsor!!!
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