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Everything posted by ooohTerryHurlock

  1. Leeds in the CCC at SMS - 3-0 up seventy minutes on the clock, 3 pts in the bag.............. oh! we lost 4-3!!!! or you could have Tranmere away in the cup replay 3-0 up at half time and cruising........ oh lost 4-3!!!! this is an inherent problem that needs fixing - we need to be able to grind out results in tight games - in this div more than most.
  2. cricky .... as many as 20 games!!!! thats the problem with football these days - everything has to be instant. Lawrie Mac took us down when he first arrived, but then brought us the success and glamour which put this club on the map. Managers need time - you don't see Man utd and Arsenal, or even the likes of Everton chopping and changing after twenty games!! Football is Cyclic - look at AF - he is now on his third or forth successful team at man utd - but IT TAKES TIME TO BUILD A FOOTBALL TEAM.... AP has a massive job here - not only does he have to build a football team but has to turn round the negativity and mental problems and hang ups of the team, the fans, the whole city/ region. We need to learn to hang onto one - nil wins, we need to be able to draw games we are losing. panicing 5 games into the season isn't going to help. No one can make a judgement after 5 games - look at Norwich - stuffed first game of the season - then a good win in the cup not four days later and the manager is sacked with a record of P2 W1 L1D0...... hmmmm give people time, thats what ~I say.
  3. hmmmm, gaffer, was that when the city council were busting their collective gonads to save this great club??? Helpeng Saints Aid by vetoing some of the red tape that prevented the communicative organisers( from using the pitch to host a never to be forgotton day of fun and music??? The same council that let the QE2 float off to some third world city at the end of her glittering career((home to fly by night shady football managers;).... the same council that still has n't sorted out an iconc way to attract visitors to the city and not just let them drift through it. The same council that keeps priceless works of art stuffed in some cellar, whilst loosing key sporting events to our neighbours. A council that fails to build ice rinks, and shuts swimming pools, a council that has no clear blue print to catipult this great city back to where it belongs.... It does n;t matter if it is tory, labour, SDP, liberal or whatever - they are all a clueless bunch of ****s that need shipping out and replacing with some dynamic new councilors that can lead us with a new vision for Southampton.
  4. ...... 48 years more like!!!
  5. spot on!!
  6. ..... and when he was dropped, did he ever let us down when he was brought back in??? - I'll answer it for you - A BIG FAT NO! only a no brain manager would leave out the only jewel in the side anyway!!
  7. Alan Ball? Paul Scholes? Its not about size.... its about heart!
  8. What does your shop sell?
  9. Accordin gto the swindon guys on my table - they defo raised there game and the tempo at which they played. Also the Atmosphere was well noted!!!
  10. The silence is broken....... Its been the stuff of nightmares ever since the event, why o why o why did n't the ageing centre half just lump it into the stands???:mad: He's made a sunday career out of just lumping it into the stands but on this one occasion the 'have it' skill deserted me..... sorry guys - still gutted after three months!
  11. They were the only one's that looked good. everything else is spot on.
  12. defensive coach needed - asap!
  13. No - that is not it. It is the manner of the performance which is the concern. Bad results can be stomached - performances like that cant. the team were booed of by a massive away following. 3000 people on a tuesday in league 1. The swindon mate I went with said the only other club to bring anywhere near that number and create that sort of atmosphere were leeds (but more hostile)- but the improved atmoshere. The lads looked really shocked to get booed off but they were cat. lallana especially concerns me as I really feel he isnt up to the task. 80 minutes without being able to make a change from the seven players he had on the bench?? when everyone knew a change was needed. that is worrying. we now focus on brentford but we needed to hit the ground running and that clearly has nt happened - so i feel that although it is not the end of the world - the way we have started in this league, in this new dawn is of a slight concern!!
  14. +1 .... lallana for a start - far too light weight. May have been better to try to flog him and kept surman. ..... food was ok in hospitality though!!!
  15. Do you live in my house???
  16. CB That is the biggest contradiction you have ever written!!!! Treat Yourself???? Sentance yourself more like! Living in sin is more fun! Also when you worry about people being reckless with there savings you are suggesting blowing circa 10k of giving a load of people you can hardly bare to be around (and thats family) a slap up feed and a decent knees up! If thats your suggestion for saving money well all i can ask is are you related to Sir Fred???..... **** me I would rather spunk my savings up the wall trying to save saints that save it for a fecking wedding!!!:smt081
  17. It was published on the Os that this event raised £10000 plus for the benefit - Saints Web organisers have just been silent (unless I've missed something - which I am pretty sure I have n't) - so just a simple thread or email with the final figures would be enough to satisfy everyone I am sure. To be fair the whole fundraising thing was a sham - there was a hell of a lot of goodwill and offers - but pretty much a stone wall from the club ..... it is all in the past now and hopefully we will never need to go those pityfull days ever again - but just felt that in supporting both the events here - it would be nice to know how they went.
  18. I guess its all about principals and morals - I don't really want to get into derrys argument, or disturb our ongoing peace - which I do appreciate; but in saying that this is the reason why I feel the organisers of this event (like any event which is geared to raising money) had a duty to at least say what the final outcome was. You know from our previous discussions that I was one of those that was willing to do whatever necessary to help where I could (pointless or not) but I have always felt that communication is always the key. Failure to outline the success or failures leads to the opportunity for criticism and suspicion - therefore to avoid this the accounts or outcomes need to be published - that is the reason behind this.
  19. Surely we have all learnt by now!!!! :smt081
  20. I just (whooops!) have oversized fingers!!! :smt081
  21. ...but if you do want to sell would be interested!! genuine.
  22. So it will be £8 for us as well then will it?? VG pricing
  23. Which mad mate? (are you back?)
  24. Who claimed that little fact then????
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