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Everything posted by ooohTerryHurlock

  1. Just watch the forum SMS match!!! I was a legend!! Yes I think AF has got Man Utd to where they are at by just telling the chaps that they did n't quite get to grips with how he wanted them to play. - and I am sure that WGS was rally placid in the dressing room after seeing the hole he kicked through the home dressing room door when the SBA did n't deliver. I know it is a fact of life in sport that you lose or draw more than you win - but I would like the stats to be a little greater than winning 1 of our last 17 or something. anyway get back to the sports psychology books!!!
  2. Everyone who booed will be there next time SUPPORTING the team - difference is next time they will know that they did n't quite hit the mustard where we concerned! Your way they will think a point at home against Yeovil will be ok!!!
  3. I disagree - If I got booed it would certainly make me just have a little bit extra zip!!! - I guess you would be one of those that would give joyriders - trackdays and ipods and were all for sending the 'bomber' home - harden up. I guess you could say the honeymoon is over and lets get down to business - I like the cut of AP's jib - but he needs to know that big crowds want to watch entertaining attacking fooball - we are hardly free scoring at the moment and the crowds are not going to keep coming if we serve up that sort of dull stuff as yesterday. I expect he is fuming that they got booed off and I would have painted the dresssing room walls blue yesterday if i had been him. Once the permits are through we will have competition for places which is needed but a little bit of booing at the end of 90 minutes just lets them know that we expect just a tad more - don't you agree
  4. So why did we still have four at the back??? surely there was a space somewhere???
  5. Yes lets love them all - and tell them how great they are!!! There soft as it - that is part of the problem. I hope one of the senior pro's gets hold of the dressing room - we need a leader on the park.
  6. And what did you want them to do intead??? Plank!
  7. Wrong - Yesterday was incomparible to the fixture last year where saints fans were fighting in the stands with each other and the stewards - thats when we hit rock bottom. I am eternally grateful to the new owners for saving the club. (for the record I was disgusted that we ourselves and our great council could n't have come to the fore before the 11th hour but we will let that rest!) However that does not take away our right to comment on the football we pay to watch and support. For the record i did n't hear MP getting booed off when he was substituted - i thought the change got a round of applause. The fact the whole team got booed at the end of the game was a reflection on the collective frustration felt by everyone in the ground. - it was a very unentertaining game. The most exciting thing to happen in the first half was the sending off!!! - I like AP, think he will do the job but I think walking into the training ground today? they will use the expressed disappointment to spur themselves on - I'm not expecting the rise to be vertical but would hope that some degree from the horizontal would be achievable?surely - I think there are quite a few clubs that have lucked achievement Man city, blackburn, chelsea, notts county, fulham. And as to winning every game??? **** me would we even bother supporting and loving the saints if that was the case - if we just wanted to watch winners we certainly would n't choose our great club. Finally don't sit in judgement of other supporters just because they saw a sloppy performance that did n't meet the standards that are required to stay in this division! People are entitled to there opinion - we have our club back and thank you for that ML, sincerely, - and thankyou for stopping all the political whinging but as to divided opinion on football lets not ever taki it away!
  8. I would just rather sprint away from the ****ty end of the table!!! We can use the marathon to build a team for next season.
  9. Not the players but the whole team - I think the whole team were booed(?) Just for the way they went about unpicking a ten man side...... Although MP was woeful - basics of being caught off side time and time again - ten years old know this. I thought Mills was shocking when he came on - the same for thomson, didn't like the way lallana just plodded over to take the corners, where was the drive??? or is that hyper critical ? (probably) james, thomas, even KD's urgency at times??? - Like i say not one but just the whole team really. I guess they just don't look hungry, just don't look like they really want it? does that make sense?? I am looking at the programme at the moment Kd has 133 appearances, the next capped is perry on 53 and james on 52 - I think that is the problem -they only associate saints with relegation and doom (our memories are thankfully longer if fading!) - also i don't think you get the same effort that you would get from Benali, MLT, marsden ---- we are missing a marsden big time!!
  10. Do you watch football?? or have you found this forum by accident?? If you are looking for hippylove.com head back to google! We still pay there wages- we support them and we love them.... but we have the right to say when they are not doing it - and they are not doing it at the moment. Football went wrong when Professional footballer Ego's could n't and should n't be knocked 'cause they might cry!! boo hoo. I don't agree to singleing out players which has happened to (wotton, telfer, wright) - I don't agree with booing during the game - but at the end of ninety minutes - if they don't do it I think people have a right to let them know. I think a manager can actually use that to encourage a team. **** me when I have my ******** chewed at work - it makes me get my head down and get the bit between the teeth. We should h ave won easy yesterday - we really should and we fluffed our lines - no one is calling for heads to roll but they now know that we are expecting a bit more. We are grateful they saved the club (very grateful) but we have shown our unquestionable love by the way we are backing the side. Season ticket sales up, fantastic away support, massive league cup support - but they need to back it by putting on a show. If you go to see a stand up and it ain't funny, and it ain't entertaining then you are entitled to express your opinion. Its the same with football!
  11. .... look - I like AP, and am certainly not suggesting we panic and get rid. It is a long journey we are embarking on and Rome was n't built in a day and all that.... BUT (you knew it was coming!) If you asked AP where he tought we would be after the first month of the season I would expect in all honesty he would not say - oh still 11 points a drift of safety. We have given away six games and made no indent into reducing the arrears left to us by mr Lowe (as a nice little leaving present). - sitting there clapping like a seal at yet more dropped points at home really was n't going to happen. They were due a booing after the shambles at Swindon... but they were let off that one, yesterday there was no excuses for that result. You can say its bad luck, you can say our performances are improving, you can say what you want but the bottom line is football is a results driven industry and althought starting with three draws at home is the worst situation ever you need to be banking points in youir home games and my god have we let 6 points go slipping out of our hand at home (millwall, brentford, colchester) - Lets just get winning!!! COYR!
  12. Any fecking weel would be good!!
  13. Why the **** have a target man up front, on his tod, with no one playing off him?? lallana is too small and light weight (as he prooved yesterday) to be up front. Nice flicks and touches but probably not what this team needs in all honesty, but if you need to give him a free roll, if we can afford to. As has been said before take the pressure of him. I would like to see us go 3-5-2, we now have the cb's - and haveing five in midfield would allow us to be more creative (hopefully)..... so my team is Davis Thomas - Jaidi - Trotman James - Morgan - Hammond - Harding Lalla Lambert - Papa Subs bart perry(experienced cover) holmes (if fit) gillett saga(if he wants to play) ..... and then two of the yoofs trying to get through
  14. Six games into a season and seeing genuine improvement - or did noone notice our defence yesterday, the most solid it has been for years?? Fans are entitled to express any opinion. But all that the expectation is doing is creating anxiety in the beholder. And when this translates to the pitch we go direct... der... **** me we could have played without a defence yesterday... It would have been a better question to ask whether anyone noticed the opposition attack yesterday?? Apart from nearly getting undone deep at the end of the first half. To be fair most of the fans are encouraging the players not to go direct??? So not quite sure how that translates to the pitch with us going direct???? Surely as a Pro you should be able to switch off from the fans and follow instructions from the gaffer???? Going direct is not the way ..... it is pace and width that scares people. James, thomson, llallana and Mills all want ****ging for not getting past their man and getting to the line..... the one time we did it, it caused mayhem but no one was gambling and running in. I know we are building a new era but detaching ourselves from reality and clapping them off and cheering a boring nil - nil draw against a side playing with ten men for fifty odd minutes, will do nothing but allow them to have their ego's dusted - Let them go away this week knowing that what they dished up yesterday was ****e and prove us all wrong from now on!!! We did n't create enough chances ands we were certainly very poor at converting any we created. We have been here before with wrapping the yoof up and all knowing we are going to "wallop someteam soon" - well I can't remember us walloping anyone for a couple of seasons and am fed up with hearing about it - stop talking about and get out there and ****ing 2wallop charlton"... and then lets "****ing Wallop Yeovil"..... get it!
  15. Thats the Ticket!!!!!:rolleyes:
  16. Knee jerk! When will people learn that you need to give people a certain amount of time - .... and I feel that 9 league games is hardly enough.
  17. We will not make the play off's this season - wake up and smell the coffee we are going to need to get ontop of our game to even avoid being in another relegation dog fight. 6 games in and we have made no indent to the 10 point penalty - infact we are actually losing ground on other teams - regardless of our 10 point penalty our form puts us 3rd from bottom. I know AP has a massive job on his hands but if we can't put away a side playing with 10 men for 50 odd minutes then - we have major problems. Making four or five chances, at home, and taking pot shots from thirty/forty yards out against 10 men is a great improvement. It think we are lacking a lot more than just finishing - hence the need for them to drag their collective sorry arses into staplewood tomorrow at 07.00hrs to keep trying to gel as a unit.
  18. What????? what game were you watching - call me critical but Mills was having an absolute shocker - back in the reserves for me. Al is just to light weight - and playing him up front against a big lump of a CB isn't the bag for him!
  19. We are in one already!!! I hope they are all back in for extra training tomorrow at 07.00hrs!!! They need a right kick up the arsehole... no urgency no effort no vision no cohesion no idea no leadership and most importantly NO ****ING WIDTH! it needs sorting asap!
  20. ditto
  21. Like they don't employ Merson - who had drink, drug and Gambling Addictions - Merson has now turned into quite a good role model as he has got himself turned round!!! .... Of course then there was David Pleat who got knabbed Kerb Crawling... oh sorry - he is actually on Radio five Live! Brucey... oh actually on Hells Kitchen and came across as a decent guy and now does a tongue in cheek ad for a book makers..... .... Get in the real world my friend!!!! - These things are generally only five minute wonders. Add to the list - Lee Hughes Graham Rix ****ana and every one else on the planet......
  22. Underhand goings on have and will always occur FACT
  23. It was obviousily a stupid bet in the first place for the bookies to set up - I guess from the pro's and x pro's that i have spoken to most were in on it - who ever won the toss hoofs the ball into touch and the game stats in earnest from the touchline as opposed to the centre circle! Probably all of the senior pro's on the park have a few quid in the pension fund and the bookies, who are such decent and upstanding people - never known to work an angle, get taken for a few quid??? As fans we have n't been let down, the outcome of the match has n't been affected - get over yourselves...... At least the guy is honest enough to stick it in his book. If the chairmen at the time had rewarded the mans unquestionable loyalty with the correct salary perhaps he may not have to have got involved in the first place.... all I can say is the churches and confession boxes of southampton must be packed out with all the do gooders on here.... **** me its not like he said he had a 10k a week coke habit, or turned up for the game smashed out of his nut, he was n't caught sleeping with underaged girls or kerb crawling. This is at worst a very slight mis judgement - more over a light hearted tale for the book and the afterdinner circuit --- MLT - ALWAYS A LEGEND!
  24. sorry first two lines of my first post were reference to the OP asking if we ever felt safe after 70 minutes? - my oint was that, drawing on leeds and tranmere as examples it is never the case with saints that you can be 100% confident that the points are in the bag. The inherent problem line goes to the fact we seem unable to close out a game - examples of the are numerous. Take this season for example - we have now had three 1-0 leeds that we have been unable to convert to three points. We should potentially be 6pts better off already which would put us on -1, and very much in touch with the pack. All managers have suffered this inability to close out games - I know it affects all teams but I feel it is a particular problem with us that need fixing. *If tramere was a once off never to be repeated, how do you explain Leeds then Up and Away?
  25. This is a one sentanace article??
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