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Everything posted by ooohTerryHurlock

  1. agreed .... could n't belive it! disgrace
  2. That helpthemselves?? So Serving Armed Service personel can buy a discounted ticket and then this money is donated to help for hero's?? Should n't it have been something like as they have put their lives on the line they can get in free and the rest of us can chuck some money to the charity?? I spoke to DL about getting the poppy on the shirt this year (after last years disgrace) and I spoke to the British legion to try to encourage them to ask the club to mark the rememberance day celebration (which were pledges I made last year) and I was disappointed by there response or lackof it??? But this fudge isn't really a great solution. Help for heros rolled into somekind of family fun day - I am surprised that our peace loving owners would not be keen to mark themost peaceful celebration of the year. Come on David, as you have prooved already this season, we can do more than this. After all we are the Saints - The most well supported club in the south of England.... FACT!
  3. ....Soit is totally out of the question that in todays society peoples circumstances may change which means they may/may not be able to make a fixture??? And where would you put out an open genuine request, other than the biggest and best Saints Forum??? TBF I really feel there are much greater topics to get worked up over and rant over.Your opinons about the guy not be bothered really do appear to come from the left field as it was clearly explained in the op that the guys work commitments have now change so why the need for this random rant??? Take the pill man and have a little sit down in a soft lit room!!! Have a good weekend!
  4. The Facts are Saints won the football match.... thats all we should be talking about! you need to grow up son and go to football for the enjoyment and love of the game. All this childish drival regarding being goaded and such forth. Go to Football for the love of the game - not for the afters. I think i would find it easier to excuse the antics if they had been carried out by some mis lead youth but I would though one of them was certainly old enough to know a lot better - we need these people to be banned for a minimum of three years if not longer. We need theclub to be strong on this issue as we are only storing up trouble for the future.
  5. Have you ever picked a dwarf up?? Surprisingly heavy!
  6. Paperboy???
  7. I agreethat Southampton is a pretty poor state but at least in our fair city there is still hope...... Birmingham has gone man..... It just needs flattening and starting again the place is cack.... you can't even find a decent cafe to get a full monty!!
  8. Where does 'up north' start and therefore defining where the country disappears into a **** hole??? I would suggest Didcot as that is where I have been working for the last three years and that is one hel lof a dump!I am currently in Dudley which re defines the ass hole of the world!... and take it from me I have seen some ****e places. I lived in Stoke for three years....and yes it is pretty near the rim! ... Althought I thought Carlisle was probably somewhere near the rids.
  9. Give Up!!!!lololol......did you do maths at school!!!
  10. Fantastic!!! That little exchange made it worth while coming on here tonight!! ...I'm glad i'm not the only one that makes myself look a complete tool fromtime to time!!lol
  11. Where is he now??? Le Tiss not Dia..... what ever happened to him?? .....seriousily where is Dia now ....does anyone know??
  12. Please look at Post 29 on this thread to see why its not a good point! thanks
  13. But that was on the back of being pony at carlisle - and against colchester..... not at the races for me at the moment!
  14. He has never had a problem with playing/encouraging attacking goal blessed football...... We are going to need to blast our way out from where we are so I think anyone who can remember that fooball is a dish best served littered with goals should be dragged aboard. He hads connection with the club, is one of those names that still causes a big draw and probably was n't as bad a manager as people make himout to be. Not great with pressure but then again we are n't exactly expecting him to deliver the Champions league are we??
  15. Yes ....sorry I thought my original post did n't read right - My customers officer friend went on the driving course and told me about it....He was n't the Carlisle Flyer!!!... He is another good friend. As to the sentance in this case!Thirty two months - He's a young boy who made a mistake and will live with the fact that someone died as a result of his mis judgement for the rest of his life. He was fiddling with his ipod - I feelsorry for the family but also feel sorry for JR. I don't think that there are too many people that are able to sit in judgement. We all do thing wrong or against the law from time to time. I think the cross section of people that attended the recent driving awareness course - highlighted this too me. The bottom line here is that this was an accident!! They do still happen you know. I felt very sorry for the girl in southampton who got four years for knocking down and killing a cyclist who had broken a red light!She got four years had she had had a text earlier in the journey - I don'tsee how she was anymore to blame in that instance than the cyclist but someone has to be seen to carry the can! Anyway just be clear that hte customs officer and the carlisle flyer are too seperate people. Thanks
  16. Would give the club a massive boost in the PR stakes.... has good contacts and never had a team that lacks goals!
  17. You cannot build a team in ten games - we were pretty much starting from scratch - we are playing quite well and just need a bit more cutting edge - it will come given time.... only one thing, if it is a five year plan why has AP signed a three year contract??? can't work that one out?
  18. Were you at those games??
  19. Surely that is the post match reaction thread??? Threads always go off topic anyway.
  20. It was micky adams.... that was the game I was on about that took about six hours to get back from!!! & not 3Hrs 53 mins;)
  21. The motorway was n't busy at nine o'clock on saturday....... my friend has done the police course (he is a customs officer) and said the message was it is ok to drive fast as long as you do it safely. We did it safely, the conditions where good and it is an environmentally and mechanically advanced vehicle.
  22. Yeah right!!!! I was a recent driver awareness course - after getting done on a camera for doing 36 in a thirty - the course was good but basically taught you to observe the 30 and 40 in built up areas - they did n't really seem to much concerned about high speeds when people are travelling in the same direction. It was more about country roads and single lane traffic. kids who have just passed their tests and have zip all experience but to be honest the driver has over 25 years experience drives in a new car with a good braking system and does circa 30000miles a year. The conditions on saturday were absolutely perfect with fantastic visability so can't really see what the problem is. I do 40000 motorway miles a year - and the problem lies with people who are totally unable to understand how the motorway works - people should drive on the inside land and not dwaddle along in the middle lane at sixty!! The speed limits on motorways were set back int he sixtys when people used to live in the dark ages technology has moved on and so has people's abilities.
  23. Just out of interest were you the lady in the red top in the rugby club??
  24. do you not feel sick on saturday??? I think you do!!
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