887 -
Everything posted by ooohTerryHurlock
Is that because the fecking ball went nowhere near him?? for the second game on the trot we seam to have decided that DC is the target man.... footballers are really stupid!
The Official "I'm going to Hartlepool on a Tuesday" thread
ooohTerryHurlock replied to bungle's topic in The Saints
me and the carlisle flyer are going, overnight in 'pool, then back to london for the specials on the wednesday..... nutty! any numbers yet? -
But what did we do??? ... exactly?
How much did we make for Help for hero's?? no mention in the OMP or on website that I can see? Did n't hear it cop a mention at the match or did n't see any bucket collections or anything..... anybody know the booby moore?
I predict we will lose no more than four more league games this season..... we are on fire!
Your back!!!!! missed you babe x
That was my take on it too.... Like I say they may take a different stance if they view it as a PR exercise... but as corporate fundraising there was definately a 15K licence fee to be paid to reproduce the emblem AND it had to be from an approved supplier/embroiderer(?)..... I guess they have to earn mega bucks to pay the wages of professional fundraisers... I guess this is why the club took the stance it did but would like the clarification for DL as I still believe this is all a fudge and just so b adly organised.... can't see why this could n't be sorted out at the FA/FL level with a clear set of guide lines as how the event will be marked/honoured....look I'm just a joe blogs who was very let down by the clubs complete apathy last year.... this year they have come out with there help for heros (where in affect the hero's are helping each other) whilst boosting the bar/coffee/programme/ takings of the club. Also hopefully helping to fill some of the 10k empty seats in the stadium. I know it was an effort by the club but feel they could be doing more but would like for DL to give us their side of how they decided on this coures of action. I know it looks like its anything to have a pop at the club but I was left pretty raw and niggled at the insensitivity of the "no-one had time"excuse last year and just expeted the club to really make amends this year. Sadly imho they have sort of had a great chance and are lined up to hit the bar!!!
the wisdom of age..... a lot can be learned people take note!
And that is what makes you the special kind of leader that the exile can only ever hope to be!!!!
The lady I spoke to said that it alicence fee of 15K to have the poppy on the shirt if it is done through the corporare fund raising department of the RBL... if it is done throught he PR department it may not attach a fee???.. sHe said selling the shirts did n't raise enough money??? as it only raised a few thousand??? Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the object was just to raise money and obviousily awareness so found it incomprehensible to hear of the licence fee but am not sure if this had a bearing on our decision to have a family fun day or whatever it is........ still waiting for DL's comments!
.... Even David Haye wore one last night so hell the hell can it be that football is jumping on the bandwagon??? .... Everyone should wear one.... you expect the scousers and the mancs to be the only two premiership clubs not to support the fact that poppies should be worn on shirts... Liverpool a city that thrives on death and mourning as long as it is only something that affects someone from the merseyside area and Manchester United who are totally incapable of changing their shirt so that the poppy doesn't clash with it.... but it is ok to change it when they were getting regularly stuffed at the dell!!!! ... the black are band was a nice gesture but to be fair I was even struggling with the fact that we wore black arm bands and bristol rovers were n't..... WHY NOT JUST DO THE SIMPLE THING AND PUT THE POPPY ON THE SHIRT???? I have asked the question about ten times and am still waiting for Mr Ls reply to the reasoning behing the decision....... will his forum informer please give him a nudge and let him know that I am on his case again!!!
agreed.... saw him at Forest Green in the resies recently and he did n't shine.. althought the lad did feel poorly before the game...jury is still out for me.
Good shout hammy!!!! How's the calf by the way??? Kev was a great servant, always loyal, solid and committed. will help and support anything that is organised. Best wishes to him and his family.
Great Idea!!!! Gets my vote!
As I said I don't want to repeat our argument from last year ...obviousily you find in impossible to do that, not every team in the country is happening to play on the 11/11. Last year the SPL signed up en masse to support the scottish legion. I do find it incredulous that the same can't be said of the FA and the FL. TO be fair what happened under Lawrie mac has absolutely nothing todo with this debate and I really do feel that you are grasping at straws a little my friend in dredging up a period when we did n't even have colour TV as a main stay in your defence of why the team need not bother to partake in wearing the poppy. Also as I said last year I don't care more than anyone else... I just care!!I have never met you but would like to one day, but my image is of a leftie social worker in hush puppies and one of those jackets with the patches on the arm. I like a bit of tradition and just believe that the club are found wanting some times on issues such as this.
Yes we will be unique in the fact that we don't mark the occasion!!! Everyone should wear a poppy in order to make sure that we never forget - I'm glad millions gave up there life for people to have such little care and respect. To forget will mean what price was paid was in vain. The 11/11 is the day, so why cant the club have just looked and thought well actually as we are playing a match on the very day it would be a thoughtful gesture to wear the poppy and do it with pride, but guess what we try to do something a little different. I am not knocking help for heros but I am sure we could have supported both events. The club remains a focal point for the local community and in a town where so many lives were laid down, even former players, why cant the club just do the decent thing?..... by the way you obviousily need reminding as much as possible as you had completed overlooked the fact that our fixture coincided with RD!!!!! I always find sarcasm works better when you are sure what you are talking about!
A very poor attitude!...... especially from an ex serviceman (if that was indeed the point you were trying to make) As i said this kind of family hash up this year did nt really cut the mustard with e. I am still waiting for DL to either follow up his text or address the questions raised on here.... some kind of justification for the decision would n't be too much to ask for, unless this issue will be swept under the carpet next to the Saints Aid final accounts, although that is one hell of a bump in the rug!!! Yes we are still waiting for that too. I think the club have come out with a little PR soundbite but it is sadly lacking in much substance. If you are trying to raise money for the cause will there be bucket collections? a raffle? will the shirts be embroidered and auctioned??? raising a few extra thousand for this most worthwile cause??? or will they just rely on service men buying tickets to donate that money back?? Answers please Mr Luker.
The club failed miserably last year, with a very lame excuse and IMO are coming up way short this year with a fudge!... I always donate to the Poppy Day appeal, with out fail and I too have helped with the appeal on more than one occassion. I can't really respond to the rest of your post as quite frankly it made no sense.
FFs, are you dim, I said its not about the auctuion of the shirts, how many times do I have to write that it is not about auctioning the shirts, I really am surprised that you have the capability to log on to the forum when you obviousily have zip all understanding or comprehension of very little!! ... once again for the slow amongst IT IS NOT ABOUT THE AUCTIONING OF THE SHIRTS (that is a by product of the event) IT IS ABOUT THE ACT OF REMEMBERANCE!
But that 15k goes to the RBL anyway so it would n't lose money. Cant see how they can put a price onit though!
... but they did nt wear names on the back of there shirts either, it was nt done by anyone back then, some traditions can evolve and I just don't think its a bad thing to do. especially as we are playing on the 11/11 .... on TV as well. Its all ab out exposure and carying on the tradition. By wearing the it on the shirts it helps to keep it in the spotlite.
I think you would have recieved a feather years ago!!! I don't want to tread the same ground as last year... or cause damage to our fragile peace but I won't shut up about it!! A have bought my poppy(as always..... and no not cause it means more to me!) ... I don't quite see how the club is really helping help for hero's?? the hero's will be helping themselves!! Anyway Like I say I don't want this to be poppy saga part two - But as has been pointed out we will actually be playing a game, live on SKY on the 11th of the 11th so we will actually slightly more than 90 seconds of coverage and it will probably be viewed by a TV audience of several hundred thousand so I did nt want the club to be found wanting again but hey guess what....... they should be doing the poppy day thing and they should be doing help for heros as well...end of!
....I'll direct you to last years protracted debate.... the money is a side issue.the poppy is the celebration for the lives laid down in order for people like us to sit at our laptops and while away the hours in free and open debate.... and everyone should sign upto supporting it. Self gratifiation does n't come in to it, size of donation does n't come into it - it is purely and simply a matter of DOING THE RIGHT THING!
I spoke to David Luker about it and he,or they, came up with the Help for Hero's - in conjunction with a family activity day??? not sure really.... I would of thought if we were going for this we could maybbe have got the old RAF dog display team and the red devils or something but hey ho!!!.... anyway spoke to corporate fundraising at the british legion (I was trying to encourage the BL to contact the club in a bid to get the poppy on the shirts) but they said they wanted a staggering £15000 to reproduce the poppy on the shirts.... she said the PR branch may sanction this and no fee is payable but it seems to be a bit of a mess really. THe SPL had a blanket deal with the Scotish British legion ( a totally seperate organisation to the British Legion) last season and can't see why the FA and FL could n't just sign up wholeheartedly to this cause. I willphone the Football league and FA tomorrow to see what there stance is but not sure why the club are so keen to decide not to do the poppy shirts unless it due to the 15K.... answers please Mr Luker (I know you read this or you will hear of this post!!)
Sorry did n't see yours! not sure what to do now! but would like DL to have another look (Please) Even Mr Brown changed his mind over the Gurkha's!!! You stillhave time to get this right!