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Everything posted by thornhill_saints

  1. Yep as we were monitoring him....
  2. Cork should of played - Wanyama not match fit!!
  3. Cant see that mate - they only signed him in the summer?
  4. I don't know if this is photo shop job??? https://path.com/p/3uziJF
  5. but 16-1 isn't bad just to go...
  6. Glasgow trying to PM you but your box is full up
  7. I put a bet on Clyne making the world cup at 16-1 back in October
  8. Take it and run - Shaw cannot cross a decent ball
  9. If a player has to move out of the way of a ball once it's kicked - surely that's interfering with play????
  10. Chapel Area - Southampton
  11. I would be amazed if we get anywhere near how many fans went that day
  12. Lampard and Ivanovic out http://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/sport/football/english-football/lampard-and-ivanovic-out-of-chelsea-s-trip-to-southampton-1.170835
  13. I have been saying this to the other half all season so far, didn't want to mention it just in case I get slated!, his crosses are shi* his shooting is shi*
  14. http://www.streamoftheday.com/player.php?stream=1&type=veetle
  15. one I believe not last weekend the weekend before
  16. So Lambert hasn't been defended at all then? I'm sure he was down defending when I watched it?
  17. http://www.wiziwig.tv/competition.php?&discipline=football&part=sports&allowedDays=7&competitionid=&archive=no&sel_comp=no&p=2
  18. I have just dug it out to check the size it is XL
  19. Anyone Interested PM or email me bullyb@btinternet.com
  20. Jeff - you best start posting them then, so we all can get money off the bookies :-)
  21. Done this one today also - PANTS!
  22. So near Cov & Cheltenham let you down! Closest I have been for ages! Thanks Glasgow!
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